
Beast Lord in Demon Slayer

After dying at the hands of people he was supposed to be loved by our MC finds himself a chance to be reborn in the Demon Slayer world. Now he must try his best to enjoy his life, discover the secrets of the world, protect his friends and try his best to defeat the isekaid Miachel Jackson's army of demons.

ASHARA · Anime und Comics
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105 Chs

[Not a chapter] Explanation

Uh hello. Yeah, I'm still alive, I think at least.

To explain what went awry in the last like 5 months would need a 20K word thesis just to document the bare necessities of context and I think everyone would rather have me write 20K words worth of chapters so here's a brief summary:

Mental health issues, yeah I have those. Anxiety is a bitch and a half, and I'll rather not go into the other ones.

Academia, yeah I'm a student still and not an exceptional one so it takes considerable effort for me to maintain a grade high enough for me to apply for my preferred Undergraduate course. It's not really an excuse I just need a lot more hours and can't really do anything about it, doesn't help that I'm preparing for a National examination.

Financial and housing troubles, some of the oldest readers or those that put particular thought into the Author's Notes might know that I was gathering money for buying a laptop, good news is that I have a laptop bad news is that I'm too tired from sleeping on the floor to really utilize it a lot except for studies.

There are other familial troubles but I would rather not divulge and bore everyone with those.

I understand I could have done better with informing everyone of the situation and nothing can excuse that but I sincerely apologize for it all the same. I thank you for all the support.

I can't commit and say that the posting schedule will be picturesque now, I can't even say that I'll be able to find time to write on most days; I collapse on the floor by the time I'm done most days. What I can say is that I'll do my best to upload and write as much as I can.

I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy hearing from all of you, I hope to do my best to provide enjoyable stories at the very least.

Again apologies. Chapters will be up in a bit.