
03: Stabbed in the back

The day of the counseling is here. The lecturer asks Rumi to take on the first session whereas Drusilla would take on the next session on the next day. Rumi starts the session, she counsels the youths on how to abstain from drugs and the dangers of abusing the drugs. Upon ending the session, the youths appreciate Rumi for her kind gesture and wonderful counseling, they also shower her with gifts, this makes Jace like Rumi even more but Drusilla becomes envious. On the next session of the next day,Drusilla gives her counselling but the youths are not pleased with her. They start booing her,asking the lecturer the whereabouts of Rumi. The lecturer tells them Rumi had other work to do that's why she couldn't come. The youths leave in anger. This makes Drusilla mad at Rumi. She goes to the bathroom and starts complaining, " why is everything all about Rumi, Rumi this,Rumi that am so tired of her I just hate her. I'll embarrass her just like I got embarrassed today"

Drusilla hires a man and woman to act up in an obscene video in which the woman's face is edited with Rumi's face. She pays them to keep quiet and not tell the truth to anyone. She buys a phone, in which she uploads the video to the college WhatsApp group. Everyone around college comes across the video and Rumi gets humiliated. When she comes back to college, everyone starts to point fingers at her but she is confused as she doesn't know what is going on. The college principal calls Rumi to his office and scolds her alongside her lecturer, " we are so disappointed in you, you asked us to grant you permission so you could do such a shameful thing!"

Rumi tries to explain to the principal she doesn't know what they are talking about. The lecturer hands over his phone to Rumi and shows her the video. As she is watching the video she is shocked, tears fall from her eyes. When she finishes watching the video, she pleads with the principal, " Sir? please believe me when I tell you that I didn't do this,I don't know why my face is in the video but am innocent believe me "

The principal tells her she will expel her from college and orders her out of his office in anger. When she gets back to the dormitory,Rumi starts to cry, Drusilla starts to comfort Rumi, " its okay sweetheart, I know you didn't do, you're innocent, I trust you"

Rumi thanks Drusilla for trusting her and standing by her. Just then, the principal walks in and gives Rumi her expulsion later, Drusilla begs the principal not to give her the letter,as she is innocent. The principal however doesn't listen to Drusilla. He gives Rumi two days to vacate the college and leaves. Rumi starts to cry and this makes Drusilla extremely happy and overjoyed.