

Alayah wants to be a chef, and she also wants to learn Japanese cuisine so she may open her restaurant. She is hired to serve as Mr. Aaron's personal chef even though she has never met him. Due to a series of coincidences, Aaron and Alayah become close and open the door for unexpected love. However, there are several obstacles, some of these strengthen their bond, while others merely break it.

Maryam_Mayo · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
45 Chs


She was still in the background and was searching for the kitten, suddenly she heard a sound, she looked back and saw that the door of the room was closed.

"What? No, no, no", she ran towards the door but it was locked.

"What kind of doors this mansion has?" she shouted, and ran towards the back door of the kitchen, she tried to open it but it was locked too.

"I cannot ring the bell, Harry will wake up, how could I be so silly, just for the sake of a cat I am in hell now, how could I go inside now, what the hell", she said and stand in front of the door, and her face was facing the backyard while the back was touching the door, this room was not hers, she was just standing on a random closed door, suddenly the door opened, she could not balance herself and fell behind where Aaron was there to hold her, he was shirtless, and was holding her, "Mr. Aaron?" Alayah was shocked.

"Did you hear the cat's sound?" all she could remember was the cat, she forgot that she is in Aaron's arms.

"No", Aaron said while looking into her eyes.

"There is a cat in your garden", Alayah said and her eyes were shining.

"Really?" Aaron asked with love.

"Yes", Alayah said with shiny eyes, and suddenly realized that she is in Aaron's arms, she quickly stood up quickly.

"What are you doing here?" Alayah asked.

"I heard the voices, not of cats but of yours, so just came to see", Aaron said.

"Oh, I see, okay I am going now, but if you see the cat, kindly feed her, I think she is hungry", Alayah said.

Alayah went into the room, took a shower, changed her clothes, and went into the kitchen to make breakfast, where Aaron was preparing the coffee.

"Did you find the cat?" Aaron asked.

"Not yet", she replied.

"Should I prepare breakfast for you?" Alayah asked.

"No, there is no need", Aaron replied.

"No, I mean I can prepare it, I don't have any problem", Alayah said.

"Ms. Alayah, I have done my breakfast, but there is one thing I am sorry about", Aaron said.

"What?" Alayah asked.

"I think I was a bit harsh yesterday", Aaron said.

"No, I was fine, I should not take a kid to the police station", Alayah said.

"I am not talking about that incident, whatever I did was right", Aaron said.

"Then?" she asked.

"Harry met with Mrs. Grendel, which is not good for him, they have filed a case to get Harry's custody, so whenever Harry does out, I became worried", Aaron said.

"Can they get Harry's custody?" Alayah asked.

"Grendel wants it", Aaron said.

"Look, Mr. Aaron, Mrs. Grendel is so good with Harry, she is her aunt, and she loves her, so just because you don't like Mr. and Mrs. Grendel you can't stop Harry from meeting her aunt", Alayah said.

"Alayah, people are not that innocent, if you found her sweet and lovely, it doesn't mean she is sweet, people are masters in pretending, so she did", Aaron said and walked towards the park where Erik was waiting for him for jogging.

"Aaron, I have bad news for you", Erik said.

"What happened?" Aaron asked.

"We will not able to win the case, the court says that a single man can not take Harry's custody, due to his trauma he wants a family atmosphere", Erik said.

"What? Ok, I will ask the court that Harry will live with his grandmother", Aaron said.

"I am sorry Aaron, but the court says Harry can't live with her mentally ill grandmother", Erik said.

"I can see the failure", Aaron said with disappointment.

"Man, where is that document?" Erik asked.

"It… I don't remember", Aaron tried to think.

"You are being so careless Aaron, you left that document at the workplace, I took it and it is in my car, I'll drive to your house in the evening to return it and we'll also discuss the case", Erik said.

"Thank you, Erik, I really can't put into words how I would be without your presence in my life. I feel really great to have you. In my life, people come and go; some remain and some depart. But you have always been there for me", Aaron said in an emotional tone.

"Come on man, in a friendship the time does not matter, the duration of a friendship is not something that counts. It all depends on someone who entered your life, made the commitment to be there for you, and then did so, and I will always be there, we will go through this together, I promise", Erik said, and Aaron hugged him.


Denzel was composing the songs when his phone rang.

"Yes, sister?" Denzel said soon after picking the phone up.

"Denzel, I want to meet Harry", Mrs. Grendel said.

"But I told you it will take time, Aaron can't see you with Harry, you need to do all the things patiently", Denzel said.

"Why should I wait to meet my own nephew?" she asked.

"Sister, try to understand", Denzel said.

"No, I don't want to, I just can't stop myself from meeting Harry", she said and disconnected the call.


Alayah was working in the kitchen when Luna entered and said "Surprise".

"What? What are you doing here?" Alayah asked.

"The guard at the gate didn't see me", Luna said and laughed.

"There is nothing to laugh at! Why you came here?" Alayah asked again.

"Sister, I missed you, I haven't seen you for days, I was missing you badly", Luna said and hugged her sister.

"Luna, please don't mess with anything", Alayah said and pour the juice into a glass and served it to Luna.

Luna walked towards the living room, where Harry was playing games on his tablet, he saw Luna and took the tablet in front of his face as he didn't want any new person to see him.

"Hey", Luna said and Harry ignored her.

"Aww, you little baby, look at your face it seems like you will start crying soon", Luna teased him.

"Don't disturb me, I will call my uncle, he will break your face", Harry said.

"Huh", Luna said.

The security guard came and told Alayah, "Mrs. Grendel is outside, she wants to see her nephew".

"Please don't let her in", Alayah said and saw Mrs. Grendel who was coming from the gate.

"Hello there", Mrs. Grendel said and tried to enter the living room.

"Excuse me, Ma'am you can't go inside please", Alayah said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Ma'am Mr. Aaron is not at home and he forbade me to let you in", Alayah said, Luna stood near the window, she was impressed by Mrs. Grendel's personality, and she started listening to the conversation between Alayah and Mrs. Grendel.

"I am her aunt and you cannot stop from meeting him", she said.

"Try to understand", Alayah said.

"You should understand, look now your boss is Aaron, maybe after a few days I took Harry's custody and call you to work with me, so you should be kind to your future boss, right?" Mrs. Grendel said and entered the living room. Luna immediately sat on the sofa.

"Hello there", Mrs. Grendel said and walked towards Harry.

"Aunt", Harry shouted.

"Yes, my love, look what your aunt brought for you", she said and gave Harry a present.

"What is this?" Harry asked.

"Open it", Mrs. Grendel said with love.

"A boomerang! Wao, let's play", Harry shouted with excitement.

Alayah was in the kitchen, Luna joined her.

"Sister, she is Harry's aunt?" Luna whispered.

"None of your business", Alayah replied.

"You are so stupid, just look at the lady, how cool she is, just imagine her as your new boos, she will give you a lot of money and will ask you to be the way she herself is, I can't imagine how her mansion will be", Luna said.

"What the hell are you talking about, you told you all this stuff?" Alayah scolded her.

"Sister, open your eyes, your luck is sitting in the living room and you are just so ignorant", Luna said.

"Luna just shut your mouth and don't bother me anymore", Alayah said.

Harry sat in the garden, he was throwing the boomerang and Luna was playing with him, Mrs. Grendel was just sitting there, she was looking at Harry with love.

"It is a very great game, in my small town we don't have many activities to do, you know small places with limited activities, and I sometimes feel like running away, a person like me who has a big dream, a small city can be very suffocated", Luna said and grabbed Mrs. Grendel's attention.