

Alayah wants to be a chef, and she also wants to learn Japanese cuisine so she may open her restaurant. She is hired to serve as Mr. Aaron's personal chef even though she has never met him. Due to a series of coincidences, Aaron and Alayah become close and open the door for unexpected love. However, there are several obstacles, some of these strengthen their bond, while others merely break it.

Maryam_Mayo · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
45 Chs



"Harry, drink it, it is in chocolate flavor," Mrs. Grendel said to Harry while sitting at the table, they were having breakfast but Harry was not interested in eating or drinking anything.

"Harry," Alayah called him soon after entering the room.

"Alayah", Harry shouted with excitement, she came close and hugged him.

"Alayah I was missing you so much, even though I saw you in my dream, we lost in the forest", Harry said.

"Oh, come on Harry, you cannot get lost if I am around," Alayah said.

"If you want such action movies before going to sleep, naturally you will see such dreams", Mrs. Grendel said.

"Harry I asked you not to watch action movies at night otherwise you will have nightmares," Alayah said.

"But Alayah, we were fighting with lions and…" he was saying but from a distance, he saw Denzel who was coming towards them.

"Uncle Denzel, see Alayah is here, she came here to meet me," Harry said with excitement.

"Good Morning all", Denzel said.

"Good Morning", Mrs. Grendel said.

"If you guys informed us before coming we would have prepared something good," Grendel said.

"There is no need, I am not a guest", Denzel replied.

"Yes, my dear you are not, you can come any time", Mrs. Grendel said, "I am going to get ready", she said and left. Grendel got a phone call so he left as well.

"Alayah, after two days it is my birthday," Harry said in a low voice.

"Oh, that is great, it is really big news", Alayah said.

"We will order a cake the biggest one", Denzel said.

"I will eat it, the whole cake in one bite", Harry exaggerated.

"And I will eat you", Denzel said and bite his cheek.

"Denzel, eat his belly, it will be creamier", Alayah said, and staring tickling him.


Aaron entered the room, where his mother was laying on the hospital bed, she was looking at the ceiling, and Aaron sat on the chair nearby.

"Mom I want you to come home, but I think you love to live here, you are not taking medicines, and how would you get better if you kept on behaving like this?" Aaron said.

"Why should I take medicine? I don't want to live, I want to die, I lost my daughter, I am left with nothing," Mrs. Lincoln said and started weeping, "I want to see Harry, bring him", she added.

"I can't bring him here," Aaron said.

"Now it is another punishment?" Mrs. Lincoln said.

"Punishment? What do you mean by this?" he asked.

"I lost you fifteen years ago, you became so harsh with me, and now I lost my daughter too, you are punishing me for the last fifteen years", she said.

"I said nothing to you, you cheated my father, I was just a kid at that time and you did not care at all, I never said anything but I don't want to talk to you", Aaron said.

"Aaron, I was young, there was a huge age gap between your father and me, he kept busy working and never give me time", she said.

"Mom, if he didn't give you the time you should have left him Instead of cheating on him", Aaron said. And Mr. Lincoln didn't reply.

"Should I give you the answer? You didn't leave my father because he was rich", Aaron said with hate.

"Aaron, I know I did a mistake", she said while weeping.

"Mistake? You call it a mistake? No mom you did wrong, listen to the doctors, and take your medicine regularly so that you could come and see Harry, have a good day," Aaron said and left the room immediately.


Mr. and Mrs. Grendel entered the office and walked toward the meeting room.

"I want you to bring all the files and I want to check them", Mr. Grendel ordered Mrs. George.

"Why should I bring any file without asking Mr. Aaron and MR. Erik?" she replied.

"Because you are my servant, do want I say?" Grendel ordered.

"I am sorry but I don't know where all the files are", Mrs. George replied. Grendel stood up came close to Mrs. George, smelled her, and said, "You smell like a lair, I said go and bring the file", Grendel shouted.

"I cannot", she replied.

"We are Harry's guardians so…" Mrs. Grendel was saying but was soon interrupted by Aaron, who entered and said, "Temporary guardians".

"If you talk like this to any of my people, I will not allow you to enter my office again, have I made it clear?" Aaron said in a calm voice.

"As per the court orders we can come and do whatever we want", Grendel said.

"Do sit in my meeting room for as long as you want, but keep your hands and eyes away from any document," Aaron said.

"Just wait for that day when you will ask my permission to enter this office and in his meeting room," Grendel said proudly.

"Have a good day", Aaron said and headed towards his room.

Grendel received a call, he walked towards a corridor and picked the phone up, Mrs. Grendel looked at him and then started walking towards Aaron's room, Mrs. George saw her and tried to stop her but she entered the room, "your assistant tried to stop me by saying that you are busy but you are not busy at all", she said and sat on the sofa.

"What do you want now?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing, I just want to talk about the past", she said.

"There is nothing to talk about", Aaron said.

"There is a lot to talk about, cannot you remember that this used to be your father's office, and he used to give us little work", she said.

"Yes, she always wanted us to feel productive, and we also used to feel like we are useful", he replied.

"And don't you remember," she said and stood up, came close to Aaron, and sat on the table near Aaron, "that we used to be a family", she said while looking at Aaron.

"Yes but then you fall in love with Grendel and broke that family", Aaron said and stood up and he didn't want her to come close.

"I fell in love because you lost interest in me", she replied.

"I never lost my interest, but you thought that Grendel is richer than me and you choose him, you were selfish, stubborn and still you are," Aaron said.

"Stop blaming me for everything", she said.

"I will blame you. Your father got a heart attack and you were the reason, but you never came back to apologize and he died," Aaron said with hate.

"You think I killed my father?" Mrs. Grendel shouted.

"Oh just get out", Aaron said and didn't lose his temper, Mr. Grendel entered, "My love, is everything alright? Why you came here?" he asked.

"Nothing, let's go", she said and left the room.


Alayah was working in the kitchen, she prepared the meal and put it in the oven, and Aaron entered the kitchen.

"Welcome Mr. Aaron, the meal is ready if you want I can serve you right now", she said.

"No, I just came to get an important paper, I will leave", he said.

"But why you came here, I mean you could ask someone", she said.

"Alayah honestly, after Harry's incident I don't trust anyone", Aaron said.

"I can understand," she said in a low voice.

"Mr. Aaron today I went to see Harry, he misses you so much, I want you to go and meet him", she said.

"I will never go in that house", Aaron said.

"I think you should think about Harry instead of your personal argues, he misses you and it is important," Alayah said.

"I will manage to meet him somewhere else, but not at that place", he said.

"It's Harry's birthday after two days and he is waiting for a surprise," Alayah said.

"I will do something", he said.

"Okay I am leaving now", she said, took her bag, and left the house.