
Be happy with sports

A person who lived the life to the maximum even being a person with paralysis, always played his favorite sport basketball, even if alone, follow the story of Jake Smith to be happy with a second chance. Jake who suffered a lot in his life, was unable to use his legs, lost his mother, was even more optimistic, before his death he received help from the fate that will be his system when he returns to age of 10, now that Jake can do it all over again, he will become a pro at basketball, and give a better life to his mother, and do everything he can to be happy Image by Varun Kulkarni from Pixabay To keep myself able to concentrate on writing, I'm doing lives on twitch, if you can follow me there and if you can and have a prime of amazon, subscribe, my name there is goodlionbr, https://www.twitch.tv/goodlionbr

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Busy Holiday 10

On August 1, 1997, the 6th World Championships in Athletics officially started, Jake was not as excited here as he was at the Olympics, it was a great and incredible event, but something the Olympics lacked.

Jake wasn't as nervous as he was in the Olympics anymore because he knew he was the favorite to win the marathon, Jake just wanted to follow the finals that he knew the United States would win a gold medal and also the 10,000 meters and the 5,000-meter test.

He would like to see the events that the United States would win and also the events he would play after a few years, as soon as the World Championships in Athletics began the days passed quickly.

Zhang Yi can accompany the United States by winning some gold medals, he followed the proof that Maurice Greene won his first gold medal in international competitions in the 100 meters and also saw the 400 meters proof that Michael Johnson won the gold medal.