
Chapter 3: CONTRACT

I could not even sleep on the bed.....it was to big and high, so I had to sleep on the floor ,which was very comfortable for me cause I am use to my small bed.I got dressed ...today is new day for me so I don't want to mess anything so I would not get sacked.

I got downstairs....I was like OH MY GOD, have never seen foods like this in my entire life ...it looks very tasty ....so I asked the Butler ....

"Are you the one who cooked the dishes" I asked amazed

He smiled and said yes ...I was about to explode ...how would a man cook like this ...

"Please sit and eat your food " he said

I could not refuse him because it looked very tasty and am sure it is going to be as delicious as it looks , I sat down without thinking anyone was watching me .....so I grabbed like four plates in front of me and i was rushing the food ...this food is so tasty....

" Is the food okay?" He asked

"Yes .... it's so tasty .... I replied with food in my mouth .

The next thing I heard was....Good morning sir, My heart skip a beat ....I slowly put my head up and really feeling embarrassed....I saw him starring at me ...with a straight face ....am sure he was not happy at all. Then I stood and swallowed my food slowly .

Then he replied ....

"Good morning ,Mr Philip" he said

I was so embarrassed to even talk or greet ...I just stood there like a statue...

"Miss Pever ..... don't just stand there ....serve me " he said .

I swore I was about to collapse ....I just had to get a grib of myself .....then I walked towards him and I was serving him his food ...he spoke again

"Mr Philip .....you can take two weeks off " he said

I choked hearing him....

""Is something wrong? " he asked me

"No.... Nothing" I replied anxiously

Yes ! Something is wrong ....I don't know how to cook....

"Thank you so much "the Butler replied excitedly

"You can start packing" he said

"Okay" he replied

Then he left .....it was only him and me the dinning table ....then I ran upstairs ....I could hear him smirk as I ran .

I finally reached my room.....I shut the door behind me . Why does this man as to be like this I can not cook at all ....all my life ...my aunty cooks for me and the family and anytime she was cooking I would either be in my room or pressing my phone , I never paid attention . What should I do ?

I will call Alex and see what she can do about it ...

It was ringing then she finally picked

"Hi " she said

"Hi ...am having a problem right now" I said

"What the problem" she asked worried ..... then I explained everything to her ......

" There is no problem .....just check YouTube and search "she said

"I knew I could count on you .... Thanks" I said relived.

"Okay ....bye" she said

I hanged up.

Then I heard a knock on door , I went to check it was the Butler ...

"Miss Pever ....Mr Xavier sent for you ....

Ohhh ...so that the grumpy man name ...

Okay , I will be right there.

So I went downstairs and saw Mr Xavier wearing a blue suit with a with white shirt and blue trousers also ,so am thinking he is having visitors or he is going out. Damn....he is so handsome and cute .

Then he spoke....

" Do you have any other clothes expect from these? ( he pointed towards my clothes)" he asked.

"I have" I fought my tears

I looked so upset because of the way he looked down at me ...

"And also don't pack your hair " he said

I forgot tell .....I have a very long hair and I got it from my mum.

" Okay " I replied unhappy

He just gazed at me and I left.

So I went to my room and trying not to let myself down ... thanks to Alex .....she got me a lot of new dress and heels .

So I decided to wear a black dress and black heels to. The dress was revealing my chest so I had to wear a black scarf to .

Then I went downstairs and saw Xanvier looking at me ,it really felt akward, he looked like he saw a new person.

So I finally got down from the stairs .....then he started moving close to me ...Oh My God,that feeling again ...I could not move this time.... I just stood like I was in a coma for some minute ...he got to me and he was moving this hand toward my neck .....I wanted to moved but I don't know ,I could not .... then he dragged the scarf from my neck...I was about to faint ,I was so uncomfortable .....he looked at me and I felt he was not comfortable doing it to ....so he turned and I was shocked then he handed me a paper and pen....I collected it and saw it was a contract....then I read it ....it says I will be his fake girlfriend for 9 months until he can get rid of his so called girlfriend .....

"Sign it " he said

Then i used my hair to cover my shoulder before I could go in front of him....

"What is this ? Why would you tell me to sign it " I asked annoyed

"I will give more money , I will pay you lots of money , just sign it" he said.

I had no choice to sign cause I really needed money ....then I signed the papers and said..

" It will not be more than 9 months" I said

Then he just nodded then I went to his back and stood there ....why on Earth have I been standing this long ..is he expecting some visitors...

I heard a car drove in ...the next thing I saw a woman with a blonde hair and wearing very expensive clothes and a very expensive bag , my chin almost dropped .....then the next thing I heard was BABY I had to look back cause their was no baby in this house . Then she moved close to Xanvier ....I released she was talking to him .

"Missed me?" She asked

He did not even say a word ....then she looked at me and asked

"Who is she ?"

Finally I was visible ....I said to myself .....then he dragged me and held my waist ....it was like I wanted to curse, who does he think he is then he left me . The looked furious at me ..then he finally spoke ....

"She is my girlfriend" he said.

"Your girlfriend? I am your finance " She said anxious

"You were my Dad's choice not mine .... And I never proposed to you and I never told you I like you" he said

"I am the one right for you...not this firlty girl ....it is so obvious she not from a rich one ...I looked like she is from a low case home" she said angrily

I was so hurt hearing that statement ....I did not know when tears dropped from my eyes ....I was so hurt and disgraced ... Then Xanvier looked at me and he looked upset hearing that ...

"She is so much better than you ....(he moved closer to her) and much more beautiful " he said in a calm angry voice.

Then ...she left angry.

I was so hurt...then he came to me saying ...

"Don't allow anything get you" he said calmly.

He left. Those word actually got to me .