
Be an Idol!!

Me? became an idol? Hahaha!! You must be joking, right? ...no?

puding_ · realistisch
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6 Chs

What the plan?

"Cut! that the last shot for today!"

As the director shouts, the crew, along with the actors, clap their's hands.

"Good work for today, everyone!"

Everyone was smiling as they all encouraged and praised each other for their's hard work.

The crew started packing up theirs stuff. While the stylish and manager run to theirs own respective actors.

Some stylish could be seen giving a jacket to theirs actor, while some were giving a water bottle or even a little touch-up on the actors face.

Despite the end of the shot for today, the set is still busy with each individual task.

The bustling noise from the set was so loud that even if someone raised their voice, no one would be able to hear it.

And even if they do, they wouldn't care because everyone is busy and can't afford to spare theirs time.

And that is exactly what happened in one of the rooms on the set.

A tall guy with a furious face, stand still with his arm crossed. Standing in front of a guy, who in his early 30s with his head down.

"The drama is almost finished, and it's already been announced to the press last week about the official release date.And now you are saying that he killed*d himself?"

The man sighed before continuing to speak.

"Look, i do feel sorry for your loss, but how can I not be mad hearing this news?"

The man speaks as he scratches his head aggressively.

"He may be an unknown extra, but if the media hear about this, what would happen to this drama? Do you realise how much this drama costs the company?"

He stared at the man and waited for explanation, but the man stayed silent, thus making him more furious.

"Is your company that poor that you can't even afford a nessesery support for your artist?"

He insulted the man, but the man still had no reaction and stayed silent.

"Tch, make sure the media won't catch a glimpse about this news. If the news gets leaks out, i would make sure that no one in the industry hired any of your artists ever again! NOW GET LOST!"

He raised his voice as he threw the contract towards the man that hit his head, making him flinch.

The man clenching his mouth before he finally looks up.

His eyes were red and swollen as if he had been crying for a long time. He had a big eyebag showing the lack of sleep, and he had messy, oily black hair. His beards were unmanaged.

Making him look messy and dirty, others might even say that he is a homeless person.

"I want to apologise again,on behalf of my agency, for this inconvenience that was cause by one of our actors."

As he opens his mouth, it reeks alcohol.

The director was the same height as the man. Therefore, the smell hit right into his face, making him pinch his nose to cover the smell.


He groans annoyingly.

Right after he finished his sentence, he bowed 90 degrees.

The director didn't reply to anything and just quickly left the room, leaving the man on his own.

The moment the door was closed,he slumped into the floor.


The man muttered while crying.


"So, how was the first day?"

Kim TaeHyun asked them as they were walking.

"It's great," YeJun replied.

"It's fun! I'm meeting new friends!!" SeongHo replied enthusiastically.

Kim TaeHyun chuckled, seeing his son reaction.

He pat both YeJun and SeongHo head gently.

"That sounds like your guys' first day is great. Now, how about we celebrate it by eating at Grandma GyeongSuk restaurant?"

Seongho jumped excitedly, while YeJun just smiled happily.

Or he tried to.

'My day is ruined'

I thought nothing would happen, but it turns out something was waiting for me at the end of the day.

I don't have any appetite.

Not only did they gather lots of attention, but the teacher park reported the incident to our homeroom teacher.

We didn't get scolded, of course, since it's just a small argument, but the teacher had put us in the same group.

Turns out she wanted to make a group of students by choosing randomly, so the students would get along quickly while being in the group.

That way, no one is being left out.

But because of the incidents, I also get put in the same group as them, since i also involved.

Of course, it was nice since i could make friends, I don't mind staying with HyunWoo since he looks like a smart kid.

But HyunJin...he too loud, I feel like he will attract problem.

Not to mention his hero complex, he seems like the type that is always optimistic and will not stand still if someone broke the law or sum sh*t.

He may be a kid, and his movement is still limited due to his small body and strength.

But his mouth is not.

What if he ran his mouth saying some stuff that would get us in trouble?

I don't nessesery need to be his buddy, but the thought of me hanging out with him and in the same group is equally risky.

If one of us does something bad, all of our reputation will get hit.

Am i overthinking?

Are those scenarios too much?

I don't think so.

He may be just a kid, but the problem that one could cause is infinity.

That is why I prefer HyunWoo over HyunJin, since he is quieter.

Although it's true that I can't guarantee that HyunWoo won't make trouble, the risk is a lot lower than HyunJin.

"I'm can't wait to eat Grandma GyeongSuk Jajangmyeon."

SeongHo voice, snap YeJun out of his thoughts.

"That's right, let's order take out for Ari and SeongHun."

Kim TaeHyun suggested, while SeongHo nodded excitedly.

"Speaking of food, YeJun, what's your favourite food?"

Both SeongHo and Kim TaeHyun look at him, waiting for an answer.

"My favourite food?"

I don't have one.

But I have to answer it, it doesn't make sense if I don't have one.

I wonder what i like...

It is useless. I can't remember it.

Now, what does something that I would like...

I could only think of one food.


The words slipped out of his mouth, unintentional.

Kim TaeHyun eyes widened in shock. He was speechless.

"Ch-chimaek?" He exclaimed.

"Huh? What's that? Is it delicious?"

SeongHo ask curiously. Making Kim TaeHyun became frustrated.

"No, it's not delicious, and YeJun, where have you heard about Chimaek?"

Right after he denies SeongHo words,he quickly looks at YeJun with a confused expression.

"Uh, I saw that on the poster!"

He says as he points at the restaurant banner behind Kim TaeHyun.

Seeing the picture behind him and the menu names, Kim TaeHyun sighs in relief.

'So it's the chicken...'

"Oh, so you mean fried chicken?"

YeJun quickly nodded his head.

Kim TaeHyun found that the situation was funny. Making him laugh a little.

SeongHo was standing quietly with a sour face silently while looking at both of them.

He was confused.

And he hates it.

He doesn't care what they mean.

But he hate how close they seem like.

'It's just been 2 weeks since he moved in, and they are already so close...'

YeJun, who is unaware of SeongHo, just put up a clueless smile, pretending to be innocent.

'The words just came out of my mouth, I need to be really careful. This could put me in trouble '

A few minutes later, they arrived in front of a small restaurant in a small alley.

The restaurant doesn't have any banner, and the restaurant itself doesn't look like one.

Regardless of that, both kim TaeHyun and SeongHo don't show any sign of uncomfortable.

It's clear that they must be regular customer.

Not only that, they also must be really close with the owner. Seeing how SeongHo addresses her.

I wonder what kind of food they served. I don't know about my past life, but...i think i like kimchi pancakes.

It could be that kim TaeHyun is a great cook, but the taste is still lingering in my mouth.

As YeJun was thinking about the kimchi pancakes he had previously had at lunch. He couldn't help but had his mouth watering.

He shook his head.

No, i need to focus. It might be tasty, but i have a lot of stuff to think about.

Meanwhile, SeongHo was so excited that he couldn't contain his excitement.

Without waiting for a second, SeongHo ran towards the door and slid it open.



SeongHo ran towards an old lady who was cleaning up the table.

Surprised by the sudden visit, she was a bit embarrassed by her untidy appearance.

The old lady put down the napkin on the table while sneakily brushing off the dust from her hand with her apron.

She smiled shyly while greeted them.

"Aigoo, so you guys have come?"

"Yes, grandma, I just picked them up from school and decided to bring those kids here," Kim TaeHyun replied.

"Oh,I just remember.Today, SeongHo first day of school, right?"

She asks as she turns to SeongHo and gently pat his head.

"That's right! I met a lot of new friends!"

SeongHo excitedly answers.

Kim TaeHyun then introduced YeJun, who has been standing by his side silently.

"Grandma, I want to introduce you to our new family members."

"This is YeJun and YeJun. This is Grandma GyeongSuk,"

"Hello Grandma GyeongSuk, my name is Han YeJun. Nice to meet you,"

YeJun bowed as he introduced himself.

"Oh, so you are YeJun. I keep hearing things about you from your uncle. You really are a bright child, aren't you? "

She then pat YeJun on his head gently.

Right at the moment, the door opens, and a drunk man enters the restaurant.

Being unable to balance himself, he bumped Kim TaeHyun on the shoulder and walked off with no apologise.

"Then should we sit?' Kim TaeHyun speaks as he ignores the incident.

"Grandma, i want the regular!" Shout SeongHo.

"Same with me," he stopped briefly begore glancing towards Yejun, "which one would you like?"

Kim TaeHyun asked while passing the menu to YeJun.

'Which one should i order...' as he flipped the menu.



A cellphone ringtone interrupted them. As they all sync, turning around towards the source of the noise.

The owner of the cellphone, sleep peacefully ignoring the noise.

Grandma GyeongSuk then walked up to that man and kindly told him the problem.

As a response, the man nodded and turned off his cellphone and continued to sleep.

"I'm sorry about that," Grandma GyeongSuk apologised as she came back.

"No, that alright, at least he didn't cause a scene,"

"It's tough these days for him," Grandma GyeongSuk speaks further.

"I heard that one of the artists he managed kill*d himself," she whispered.

"Oh dear, they must have been really close with each other, i assumed." Kim TaeHyun replied.

"Yes infact they're like a brother."

Grandma GyeongSuk shook her head and smiled towards Yejun, who was sitting silently while looking at the menu.

"Have you chosen which one you would like to have?"

"I get the same like the other," he responds.

"Oh? Why?"

"I don't know which one to choose from."

"Okey, then i will cook your meal after I take that young man order" as she spoke, she walked past them.

While waiting for their's food, YeJun was deep in thought .

Planning his next move.


I need to be trained immediately.

I can't waste any more time, this childhood moment for me I need to use it wisely.

First, I need to find money, but how?

No one would ever want an 8 years old as a worker.

Wait- I think I know a few jobs that would accept it.

A child model.


Yeah, no, that not going to work for me.

I may look great for a kid but, me being a child model is impossible.

I can't go out on my own to search for a model agency. I need a guardian to do that for me.

And that is a problem for me.

As someone who just reborn in this world for no more than 2 weeks, the only adults I knew were Kim TaeHyun and Grandma GyeongSuk.

But still, I don't know if me asking Kim TaeHyun to send myself to a model agency will be a great idea, considering we just met not long ago.

And me living rent free in his basement.

The other way is that I could get Scout by the agency. But the chance are so low, and if i waited for them to find me, it would take ages before then.

I could wait for the allowance, but at the same time, it would take a while for me to save it all up to afford myself a class.

Traine by myself is also an option. The only problem is I don't have a cellphone or a computer or even Internet access.

I can't possibly ask Kim SeongHun to borrow his computer or a cellphone.


PC bang.

I could use the computer over there.

Not to mention the fees are also cheap.

Not only that, but it also doesn't have age restrictions.

How can I not think about it sooner?

Then that finall, PC bang it is.


While YeJun was busy in thought.

Grandma GyeongSuk walked to the kitchen to prepare jjajangmyeon for each of them and a gimbap.

After a few minutes she arrived with their's food.

They eat leisurely.

Before leaving, Kim TaeHyun took a takeout for both kim Ari and Kim SeongHun.

Yejun was smiling happily and enjoying the meal they just had.

'The food was not bad, i should come here again later this'

As he was humming a melody happily.

yeah sorry for the long delay, been busy solving world problem nah jk. Just busy with life and some problem, there's an error with all my chapter (stockpile) that i have to fix all of them but end up...deleting them all. So i had to write again and its gonna take a while again for me to upload another chapter again, with my pack schedule in the way. Yeah. I might reduce the words from 2k to 1.5k words, and as usual i won't be able to upload regulary.Like it ? Add to library!Like it ? Add to library!

puding_creators' thoughts