

I was on a beach surrounded by dense tree's. laying on the mat under a tree. I fell the sun sparked on my body. The wind on my face. Enjoying by the sound of the see wave.

The peoples on the beach were playing with their loved once . Some of them are playing volleyball in the see. Others by splashing water on each other. The children are playing by sand by built a sand house.

I was laying on the mat carrying a coconut juice in my left hand

Then suddenly the people start screaming and running around. I was confuses until i see a big Tsunami came towards to the beach.

I stand from my mat and start running but i was to late and the tsunami was so fast and it was already behind me. I start drowning.

I screamed for help but no one listened . I fell that i became short of breath.

God i was dyeing like this no i don't want to die like this.

I screamed.

Then when i open my eyes i realized that i was in the class.

OMG i can't believe it was all in my dream. Every one in the class were stating at me like i was some kind of criminal. I was so ashamed by my self.

Then i heard a voice. saying

     " MSS Miller are you alright? " gush it was the professor.

i don't know what to say to him i was frozen until the professor asked me again. And i said

     " I... I am fine... sorry " I was so nervous.

     " But you don't look fine " The professor asked me . with the questioning face.

    "No I'm fine "the professor looked confused. But then he go back to his lesson. Without asking further question. I was relief.

Then my best friend Mave pull me to seat down. I was forget that i was still standing until she pull me. The i seat beside her.

Oh what was happening to me today.

  " Rudy are you alright? What happened" Mave ask me with a questioning look.

  " I... I was dreaming that i was drowning in the sea" I was still nervous.

  " Are you kidding me you are dreaming in the middle of the day" she start laughing.

    " It's not funny " i said to mave i was angered by the way she reacted.

And then i head a laugh in my back and i turned to see who was laughing.

Gush they are Elyn and liam. They were laughing at me. They always love make me angry.

Thanks to God but the the ball ring and the class is over. Still i fill ashamed. The students start leaving the class by talking about me.

Then i graped my things and i went to leave the class but then Elyan and liam came to me and they blocked my way.

   " What do you won't " i said with angered voice.

    " Oh... our little princess was angry " It was Elayn he was trying to making fun of me.

     " Are you angry... " liam asked with annoying voice.

   "Ok guys it's enough, don't make her angry. Let's go and graped some coffee instead. I fell exhausted." Mave said

We went to her car and when i opened the front door to seat Elyan came out of nowhere and he pushed me from the door and he seat on the front seat then he told me to seat at the back.

God i really wanted to Punch him in the face. But then i seat at the back with liam.

Me, Mave, liam and Elyan were friend since we were kids. We are neighborhood. Elyan house is bedside my hous and Mave's house is infront of my house.

Mave and Liam are twins. They booth have brown eyes that match with their hair color. Mave is the crazy, funny But liam is annoying, crazy and player boy. Almost All the girls in the school have a crush on him. Because of his good looking.

And Elyan he was the very annoying  and trouble maker person in this world. When we were a child we always be in trouble because of him. But he also have a good looking, he is tall, his eyes are blue like summer sky, he have also a sexsy body .

When we arrived to the coffee shop. We seat on the corner. That we are always seat. And Elyan bring us four cold coffee. And then we start drinking, chatting and laughing. After a while we went to our house's.

When i arrived home. I smell a delicious. Cake that came out from the kitchen. And i went to the kitchen. My mom was there and she was baking my favorite cake.

I got to her and i kissed her on her cheek and she hugged me.

" Oh honey you are home " she smile " Wait for me in the living room, I will came when i finished this"

  " Ok mom" i kissed her again and i went to my room to change my cloth.

When i start take off my shirt i saw Elyan starting at me from his Window his room is infront of my room. And i went to the Window and when i am closing the curtain. He winked at me.

I can't believe how i reacted. I almost bluish. But i close the  curtain and i start changing.

Whence i finished i went to the living room. I saw mom sitting on the sofa and she was watching our favorite serious. I went to her and i seat beside her. And she gave me a peace of cake.

" How was your day" she asked me with a smile face. And i told her every thing that happened.

  She start laughing.

   " MOM it's not funny " i said.

When we were laughing. Dad came home and he joined us.

  "What are you two laughing at" he asked

" we are talking about Rudy's day" she said with smile.

" what is so funny about " dad said and he kissed mom on her Lip's and he kiss my forehead.

Mom told him about my day and they start laughing.

Then Mom and dad start preparing the food. And i start preparing the dining table.