
Chapter 1- Logging in

In roblox your allowed to be whoever you wanted to be. You can fight zombies, run a school. Starting with a login, password, and Tapping that sign.

Glimpse woke up from her town of Vamp Camp, she brushed her teeth with her pet dragon Toast. Glimpse put on her choker with a silver heart.Glimpse served herself breakfast, and waited for the bus to murder mystery. She soon saw it and noticed others on it, Kou and scarlet were on it, "Pretend ya dont here em, and they'll go away" glimpse said to herself. Soon the bus stopped and glimpse got on.

Hey Gg! Kou joked around nudging her, Glimpse put her headphones on played her music, Scarlet sat beside her and took one of the buds out of her ear, and put it in hers. Glimpse gave a her look, but allowed it. Scarlet saw the stop, and they got off which Kou paid the fare, "Thx for making me pay!" the two laughed at him as he put his hands in his pockets. Scarlet was taller then both of them, which she wrapped her arms around the both em, and walked into the entrance.

On the other side of Robloxia was Sunnyside Park, Which Other players who had family's and enjoyed normal life. Una who was geling his hair, and talking to his sister Galaxy, He brushed past her yelling "WERE GONNA BE LATE!", Galaxy grabbed her bag and flew out the door almost missing the bus to Robloxian highschool. "Phew" Una brushed his hair aside, and saw Potato with Sparkle arguing at the back at the bus. Sparkle lashed out harsh words while potato rolled her eyes, Una walked toward them, "You two are gonna kicked off" he said with a stern look. Sparkle calmed down and sat beside galaxy, while una tried to calm down potato, Soon the bus stopped and they all watched the bus stop, Una was about to pay the fair when..