
Battle of Xiapi – Part 5

Chapter 385 – Battle of Xiapi – Part 5

The rain of arrows crippled Yan Liang's footmen. Two thousand men behind the shield bearers were killed by the volley while 300 shieldsmen succumbed to the raining projectiles.

Han Dang gathered two battalions to form a 2,000-man infantry army. They took out swords and shields, getting ready for melee combat.

Yan Liang's remaining 6,600 men, injured or well-conditioned, rushed at the defensive array of 2,000 Han Dang's swordsmen.


Han Dang's swordsmen clashed at against 2,500 shield-bearers on the front. They used their shields to bash against plank shields, pushing back the front soldiers.

Yan Liang's soldiers planted on the ground to stop Han Dang Army's advance. Afterward, they took out their short swords to fend off the attackers.