
Battle of Ages Zero

LOGIN_HERO · Fantasie
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3 Chs


The next day

Jay|filo wake up

Filo|five more minutes

Jay|but your teacher here

Filo|WHAT (fall out bed)

¿|its almost noon

Filo|so what


Filo| what do do you want

Jay| yeah you said you were filo teacher but I never seen you

Filo|he became my teacher yesterday

Jay| oh well I'm off so see ya

Filo see ya

¿| anyway now that you wasted time let's go we gotta get to training

Sometime later

Filo|did we have to go so far

¿|of course do you wanna blow up the town

Filo| my fire isn't even cable of that

¿|after my training it well

Filo|*him saying that scares me*

¿|im not joking around

Filo|what did you read my mind

?|maybe maybe not