Growing up and living a mundane life, Kaleb wakes up from a nightmare, only to find himself late for work, he rushes out decides to take a shortcut through a narrow alley, only for the ground to collapse beneath him. His life us thrown upside down when he wakes up in a strange bizarre landscape. As he navigates his way through it he stumbles upon a village in ruins, he is then dragged into a cart and left wondering what is happening in the world around him.
As the outline became clearer, another flash of lightning split the night, momentarily illuminating the hill in a blaze of white.
It was brief, but in that short instance, Kaleb caught a clear glimpse of the figures. Several hulking forms barreling down the slope of the hill, dark and menacing, their enormous shapes moving with terrifying speed. They pursued the fleeing figures relentlessly, the ground almost vibrating beneath their weight.
The people around murmured, debating what that shadow could be; one said it could be magic beasts, but someone challenged them, saying it couldn't be, but it was clear in his voice that even he didn't believe his words.