

In a tall story building, a window on its last floor was open, and sited on this window, basking under the crescent moon that hung up in the sky and enjoying the cool wind that fluttered her light red hair was a beautiful and exotic woman

Though the woman made for a pleasant and exciting image, were one to come close to her they would be suffused in an atmosphere of sadness and occasional anger.

The woman had in her hand an old and rusted chain with carried with it a thick circular glass as its jewel, making it a rather cheap necklace but this beautiful woman didn't seem to mind.

The woman rubbed the chain for a few seconds her eyes filled with care, not minding the stark contrast the necklace had with her elegant self.

A few minutes later a black spot appeared on the ground beside the woman, this black spot rapidly expanding till it became an over 1 diameter circle, and from this circle, darkness bubbled.