
Meeting Starlight and Hughie

Jayr POV - The Boys Universe, Earth, New York - 2022

I start to comb the city for all the Supes using the super cop as a base for my search and soon I identify a few of them that feel similar and focusing my senses on one of them, more specifically a male one, I instantly sense the presence of something alien mixed within his blood, coursing through his body constantly empowering it, and I instantly realize that it is the Compound V, and at the same time, feeling how it enhances the Supe's body a theory forms in my mind, 'Wait if I remove the Compound V presence from the body or even simply neutralize would that turn a Supe back into a normal human? I have to test it later... Hell, if this theory of mine is true then I can also create a "cure" for it...'

While thinking that, I continue to search for one of the Supes near the Boys, and after a few seconds of combing through all the Supes living in New York, I pick up what can clearly only be Anne January aka Starlight's presence as it is constantly absorbing small amounts of electricity from her surroundings.

I don't immediately teleport by her side, for a very simple reason, at the moment, she is too occupied with getting intimate with someone, most probably Hughie, if something didn't change from the situation of the second season, after all, more than a year passed and anything can happen in the Boys Universe, like Butcher flipping out and killing Hughie for one reason or another as he isn't the most stable of the people from what I have seen in the show.

And so while I wait for her and her partner to finish, I continue to comb through the Supes living in this city and try to find Kimiko, but it is truly hard to differentiate her from all the others, as her powers are more subtle compared to Starlight ones, so if she isn't actually healing, I can't recognize her from the other Supes as they all have an enhanced physique as base power making them stronger, faster, and harder then the usual humans to various degree plus their unique ability that can be more or less conspicuous, like the winged degenerate flying in the air nearby, that seems like he is jerking off while flying beside a plane, something which makes me lose faith in the humanity of this Universe as I start to think, 'Maybe I should just destroy this whole Universe and get done with it...'

But soon I stop those kinds of thoughts, remembering the fact that no matter how corrupted and evil the people of this Universe can be, there are still as many good and innocent people living in it, even among the Supes, the only problem is that most of those with influence and power can be barely considered neutral at the best and pure shitstain at worst.

Meanwhile, after 15 minutes where my mind continued to wander thinking about various other topics, I perceived that Starlight and her partner weren't busy anymore, so, I gave her the time needed to recompose, have a shower, and start making breakfast, before I decide to go there.

But just as I'm about to teleport, in what is probably their apartment by what I can sense, I stop and mutter, "Wait... Teleporting inside someone's home is way too rude. Sure I want to quickly end this Random Battle and go back to the girls, but I can't be that much rude, after all, Shaina's wedding is still a month or so away, and Tio's due date is a couple of months away... I still have enough time, so there isn't a need to rush yet... of course, if after a month there isn't progress, I blow up this planet and get done with it but until then I have to restrain my impulses!"

Reaching that conclusion, I take a deep breath to calm the anxiety in my heart and focus my senses more on the area around Starlight and then, I teleport in front of the door of the apartment she is currently in.

Appearing in front of the door, I do not hesitate and quickly push the button next to the door three times to ring the bell and wait for someone to answer.

After a few seconds, a caucasican young man opens the door, he is 1.86 meters tall, cleanly shaved, with brown hair and blue eyes, he is surprisingly wearing a business suit, probably getting ready to start his day at work, he looks very similar to the actor portraying him, Jack Quaid, making it easy to identify him as Hugh "Hughie" Campbell Jr.

(Image Here - Hughie)

It seems that he is still Starlight's boyfriend and wasn't killed, by Butcher, Homlander, or his new boss Miss Head Popper whose name I actually forgot as I didn't think she was important until the second season finale, 'What actually was her name? Victoria... Secret? Nope... Howlett? Neither... Saruman? Feels close but no... it isn't that... Oh well, I'll ask him later...'

Hughie looks at me confused and a little intimidated by my height as despite being still only 17 I'm close to 2 meters in height, about 20 cm taller than him so he greets me and asks, "Good morning... W-who are you?"

I lightly smile and introduce myself with a polite tone, "Good morning, Mr. Campbell. My name is Jayr Pucci. Sorry for suddenly disturbing you at such an early hour, but I have something really important to discuss with you and Miss January."

Then without waiting for his reply I gently push Hughie out of the way and walk inside making him shout, "H-Hey, wait! Where are you going!?"

Hughie's shout clearly alarms Starlight, who rushes over yelling, "Hughie! What's wrong!?"

Soon after she appears in front of me, a Caucasian young woman in her mid-20s, around 1.65 meters tall, with mid-length blonde hair and brown eyes, wearing a dark green sweater with ripped jeans, just like Hughie, she looks very similar to the actress portraying her in the TV shown, Erin Moriarty, of course, she is Anne January aka Starlight of the Seven.

(Image Here - Starlight)

As soon as her eyes lay on me, they start to glow together with her hands that she now points at me menacingly as she asks, "Who are you!? What are you doing here?"

I simply smirk and say, "Sorry for being so rude, but I don't want to talk about that kind of topic in front of your door."

At the same time, I use my telekinesis to gently close the entrance door behind a still stunned Hughie, surprising them and making both of them shout out, ""A Supe!?"" while also making Anne reflexively shoot out from her hand a blast of intensely bright light at me.

Of course, I easily block such a weak blast with my naked hand, and at the same time, I say in a calm tone, "Please do not compare me with those drugged nazi wet dreams, no offense Anne, but what you see is the result of tons of hellish deadly training and hard work mixed with well balanced and sometimes deadly nutrition with some amount of fortuitous and at time very deadly coincidences. Anyway, I mean no harm to you and Hughie."

Stunned by the fact that her blast was easily blocked, Anne opens her eyes wide and after a few seconds of silence, she asks, "What do you mean with you are different? Who are you? And what do really you want?"

Meanwhile, Hughie mutters, "Are we seriously gonna ignore the fact that he said deadly three times like it was nothing?"

I continue to calmly smile, trying my best to project the fact that I intend no harm to them as I reply, "As I said to your boyfriend, my name is Jayr Pucci and I only want to talk with you guys about some things and ask a few questions about any notable events that happened since the nazi Stromfront thing, and I have no problem at telling you everything you want to know about me... But can we talk about it over a glass of water, coffee, or fruit juice? Anything is fine, I have no preference. Just it is uncomfortable to talk at the entrance."

It seems that my tone helps as Hughie calms down a little and says, "S-sure, we can talk in the kitchen, I'll lead you..."

At the same time, Anne also lowers her hands which stop glowing together with her eyes, but she still seems very wary of me probably because her energy blast had no effect at all, even though it had enough power to punch a hole into the wall, but well so could have my piss if I carefully control the intensity, hell, I can even cut through metal with it if I truly derise to do so.

Anyway, Hughie leads me further inside into what I now learned is his apartment with Anne following behind, 'A big improvement from the sewer-like place the Boys hid in the second season.'

Once in the kitchen, I calmly sit on the couch lying in front of the window while he offers me a glass of peach juice, then I thank him and take a sip, after that, I say, "Well, let me introduce myself once more, like I said before my name is Jayr Pucci, with both Italian and Greek nationality as my father is Italian, while my mother is Greek. I'm 17 years old-"

But at this point, both interrupt me and shout, ""17!?"" I take a look at both and ask, "Something wrong?" making Hughie mutter, "You are just a kid..." while Anne adds, "Now that I take a good look at him... his face still has some trace of immaturity and he isn't growing a bread yet, only he is so tall and buff, and his attitude is so mature that it is misleading..."

Hearing that, I chose to ignore them and continue with my introduction, "Anyway, as I was saying, I'm 17 years old handsome young man who just came to this world from a totally different Universe and with enough power to wipe out this planet from existence with a flick of his fingers."

Following that, the couple exclaims in perfect sync once again, ""Another world!?"" followed by the questions, ""What are you smoking!?/ Do you think you are funny?""

I calmly take another sip from the glass of peach juice and reply, "Is it really this difficult for you to accept? After all, Miss Anne January here can glow like a Christmas tree and shoot energy blasts... and let's not talk about all kinds of strange powers you can gain with a dose of Compound V. Moreover, I think that the Multiverse theory also exists in your world, right?"

It seems that Anne is about to ask another question, but before she can do so Hughie asks, "Are you talking about the theory that suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. Instead, there may be an infinite number of entirely different universes, distantly separated from ours, all with their own laws of physics, their own collections of stars and galaxies, and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations?"

I smile and say, "10 points for Ravenclaw! Wait are there Harry Potter movies and books present in this Universe?" but looking at their confused face already tells me everything I need to know and so I let out a defeated sigh and say, "What a sad world... the only media and entertainment around is basically the Vough's propaganda..."

Then I shake my head and look back at Hughie and say, "Anyway, yes Mr. Campbell, that is the correct answer. In simple words, there are an infinite number of possible universes out there, and I come from one of these universes, one very different from this one."

Hearing that Hughie smiles, then he adds, "Please stop with Mr. Campbell, you can call me Hughie like all the others..."

At this point, Anne nods saying that I can also simply call her Anne or Starlight if there are other people present, then she asks, "Even if what you say, as much as improbable it seems, is true, how do you know about us? And why are you here?"

Hearing her question, I let out a sigh, and once more I start to explain, "Well, infinite universes mean infinite possibilities, this means that a book, a fairy tale, or even a movie could in fact describe the events that happened or will happen in those infinite possibilities..."

Anne seems confused by my answer, but Hughie who was drinking some water, instantly spits it out and exclaims with a pale face as he understands what I mean, "Are you saying that...!?"

I look at him and nod then I continue, "I saw before a TV show named The Boys that narrates the events of a group of vigilantes living in a world full of caricature of superheroes called Supes fighting against a corrupt conglomerate whose only objective is raking more money and power over the world no matter the human cost."

Anne finally realizes the truth and mutters in shock and horror of such a possibility, "No way... all my life... a TV show..."

I give them a few minutes to digest the news before I continue, "It isn't as bad as you think. You aren't fake and your will and decision can easily change the "planned" story. Moreover, not everything you ever did or said was shown and more importantly it isn't 100% accurate, after all, the TV show I have seen started with Robin's death and ended with the events of the last year a total of 2 seasons of 8 episode each, do you think that your whole life would be represented? I don't know how many times you and Hughie did it, don't know what is your favorite restaurant or movie."

This seems to calm her a little but then she declares, "But you did see some unsavory things, right? I work for the Vought International, I know how the show business works."

I do not hide and say, "Yes, I did see what the producer of the show thought was important, entertaining, or that gave enough impact."

And before she could react, I also gave them some information that would surely distract them from the shock of this revelation, "But this also gave me some very important information, like the fact that Homelander killed the mayor of Baltimora or was the cause for the tragedy of the Flight 37, or even how he basically created the Super Terrorist to justify the inclusion of Supes in the military... or the fact that Hughie's boss is the head popper Supes and that it seems that there is a connection between her and the Vought International."

As expected, the bombs I dropped make them almost forget about their existential crisis as Anne yells, "He did what!?" while Hughie exclaims in disbelief, "My boss!? Victoria Neuman!!? She is the Head Popper? And works with the Vought International!?"

At this point, they both sit on the nearby chairs in silence thinking over all the information they just learned, but soon, the silence is broken by the sound of Hughie's phone which shocks both of them awake.

Hughie picks up the phone and says, "It's my dad." he then leaves for another room to answer, meanwhile, Anne looks at me and says, "You still didn't tell us the real reason for meeting us. I don't it is only to learn what you missed from the "TV show", right?"

Hearing that, a smirk forms on my face as I reply, "That's right. The true reason is that I'm going to bring down the Vought International and all the shitstain Supes that call themselves heroes, and I need you to warn Butcher and the others, if they are still alive, to stay still and enjoy the spectacle."

At this moment, Hughie returns and asks, "Can you really do it!?" but Anne quickly says, "No! It's too dangerous! You are too young to go through such danger! And Homelander is-"

But this time I interrupt her and say, "Homelander is a weak inconsequential psycho with a god complex. And despite my young age, I have fought people much stronger than him." then think about Kiki and his mastery of the 7th Sense that is getting closer to a Gold Saint level, I add, "In fact, I know an 11 years old kid that can easily destroy him."

Hearing that Anne quickly exclaims, "Weak!? Homelander is the strongest being on Earth! No one can beat him we already tried that and failed!"

I shake my head with a smile, then I correct her, "You are wrong, he may be the strongest being on THIS Earth! The omniverse is full of infinite possibilities, and in the great scheme of things, he is basically a powerless ant."

Then I raise my palm and use my Spiral Cosmo to generate a projection of my memories to show them the images of some truly powerful individual as I tell them, "You see, I personally know many humans with enough power to easily blow up a planet."

Just for laughs, I create and project the image of Yamcha blowing up the moon with a Kamehameha shocking the couple at the same time, I explain, "This guy here is named Yamcha, he is a human martial artist living on a different version of Earth, in fact, he is one of the most pathetic martial artist that you will find in his version of Earth..."

And of course, I can't show Yamcha's image without paying homage to his most iconic scene, where he is so sure of his victory over a weak Saibamen that he turns his back on it, giving it the chance to leach on him and self-detonate, creating Yamcha most iconic pose which is even more famous than Kamina's one.

Then I continue, "Moreover, the humans of that Universe are really close to the bottom of the food chain as there are many alien species way stronger than them" while showing them images of the Namekian, Saiyan transforming into their Oozaru Form, and of course the scene of Frieza blowing up planet Vegeta with an evil smirk on his face..."

At this point, Hughie mutters, "That's crazy... And I thought that Homelander was invincible..." Anne unconsciously nods as she agrees with her boyfriend.

After that, I stop the projection while thinking, 'Better if I stop here. I wanted to show them also some image of Supermen, but seeing a glimpse of what Homelander could have been if he was at the very least a decent human being isn't a good idea.'

Then I look back at the couple and say, "Anyway, if one of you could kindly contact Butcher and the others and tell them to stay calm and safe for a couple of days as I gather all the material needed to start a shitstorm of biblical proportion that will turn the Vought International and most of the Supes into the public enemy number one it would be appreciated."

Hughie nods and says, "I'll do it..." but then he starts to panic a little and asks, "B-But what should I do about Victoria? Oh god! How do I act in front of her now that I know that she is the Head Popping Supe? If she notices that something is wrong my head will pop!!"

I quickly reply, "It's very simple, you simply act like you always do. Talk with her with the same tone and posture, treat it like a normal day at work with a serial killer boss that never harmed you until now."

Then as also, Anne gives him some suggestions using her personal experience of working in a truly toxic environment, I also add, "If you are so nervous about the fact she could pop your head like a balloon, I can put an invisible barrier on you to protect you against her possible attack so that you don't have to be afraid of screwing up."

Hughie looks at me with a hopeful gaze and asks, "Can you really do something like that!?"

I don't answer but simply raise my hand and send a trance of pure golden Spiral Cosmo towards his body that upon impact spreads all over his body covering it in a pure golden membrane before fading away showing a confused Hughie while a worried Anne asks, "Did it work?"

I simply smirk and reply, "Try yourself... Hit him with one of your blasts, or simply stomp on his foot with all your strength, or even slap him on the butt... You won't be able to harm him and he won't feel anything..."

Anne seems unsure for a few seconds then she moves her hand and slaps Hughie's butt, and as expected he doesn't react to it and even the sound of the impact is a muffled one something that surprises them both.

Then Hughie asks curious, "How much can this barrier endure? And what are the limits?" to which I instantly reply, "Well, this barrier can resist as much damage as I desire it. A nuke could fall on top of your head and explode and you would still be fine. And the only limit is that you have to be within the range of my perception so that I'm aware of your situation and can make sure that you are safe."

At this point, Hughie asks, "Okay... so, what is my limit? How far can I get from you and still be under this barrier's protection?"

I simply shrug my shoulder and show off by saying, "More or less anywhere in this universe, because I'm simply that awesome!"

After that, I give them a brief summary of my plan and tell them my next actions.

Finally, the couple is ready and we all start to get out of the apartment to go on with our day, Hughie is to the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs (FBSA), while Anne is going to the Vought Tower the headquarters of both Vought International and the Seven.

But just before we are about to step outside, I remember something and say, "Hughie, wait! I forgot to tell you to warn Butcher to control himself and not act like a murderous asshole, especially now that I'm here to fix this mess of a world." which he nods while looking a little uneasy then we all leave Hughie's apartment.

Then, once on the street, I walk beside Anne and follow her as she leads me toward Vought International's headquarters.

Seeing me calmly walking beside her, she asks, "You know that I can't help you pass through the metal detectors and all the other checks, right? So how do you plan to enter?"

Hearing her question and seeing the worry in her eyes, I simply smirk and reply with an unconcerned tone, "Well, there are a lot of options... I can simply teleport to any needed location, turn invisible, put everyone to sleep, stop time and walk around undeterred, knock out anyone standing in my way, brainwash everyone, and move at the speed of light too fast for anyone to truly react... the possibilities are almost limitless, so I'll use my most favorite one, I'll walk around like a normal person."

My answer stuns her, and she starts to mutter, "Teleport... stop time... brainwash... light speed..."

Then she asks equally shocked and curious, "Wait you can really do all of that!? Just how strong you are!?"

I look at her with a mischievous grin and reply, "Before coming to this Universe, I had a fight with a godly being the size of a galaxy, and while fighting me it grabbed and threw literal galaxies like shuriken... Just imagine someone that grabs the milky way with its hand and throws it like a fucking shuriken... And that was my opponent playing around... Moreover, even that absurd almost incomprehensible level of power still isn't a the top of the food chain in the Omniverse... Are you still worried about a mere Homelander?"

Hearing that, Anne stops in place as she mutters in disbelief, "Impossible... such kind of power is already at the level of a God! It just isn't possible!"

I put my hand on her shoulder and explain, "Anne, infinite possibilities, remember? That means that a Universe where the Gods walk among the men truly exists. My own home Universe is one like that, in fact, I trained since the young age of 5 to be a Saint, a warrior fighting in the name of the Goddess Athena to protect the world and humanity from the whims of the other Gods."

50 Stones Bonus!


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts