
Chapter 2: Joe Chill

(This chapter ended up being longer than chapter one, but it is much more action oriented and I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 2 Joe Chill

The sun slowly rose over Gotham, the bright sky illuminating the dark and chaotic city. Bruce Wayne made his way through Wayne Manor as he adjusted his tie before walking into the kitchen of the Manor where Alfred sat reading a newspaper. "Attack on City Hall stopped, multiple men and women injured, police working to stop both Batman and Black Mask." Alfred read quietly as he set the paper down, Bruce looking over at him for a moment as he then glanced at the newspaper. "Alfred, you should know by now they'll write anything that sells papers," Bruce said quietly as he walked past Alfred gently patting the butler on the back. "Besides, the people I saved don't think that." He said as he fixed his collar for a moment before looking at Alfred. "I'll be back after work, you just take the day off and worry about yourself for today Alfred," Bruce said quietly as Alfred sighed before slowly nodding. "I'll try Master Bruce." He said for a moment as Bruce walked outside slowly entering a limo as he was driven towards Wayne Industries.

The limo pulled up outside of Wayne Industries as Bruce stepped outside closing the door and heading into Wayne Industries. "Good Morning Mr. Wayne." The lady at the front said as Bruce smiled heading into the elevator and up to his office as he made his way through the hallway. "Good Morning Mr. Wayne." Said a female voice as Bruce turned to look at his secretary with a smile. "Good morning Caroline," Bruce said as he looked at her, she had red hairs and wore a green outfit with glasses. "Do you have my to-do list for the day?" Bruce asked as Caroline slowly handed him a clipboard. "Yes sir, I also emailed it to you." She said as Bruce nodded before entering his office. "Don't forget about the meeting with Mr. Sionis at ten!" She yelled out as Bruce nodded before entering his office as he shut the door behind him before approaching his desk as he slowly set down. "Right then, now it's about time I get to work." He said quietly as he slowly opened his laptop signing into it. "Just a few papers and that's all before the meeting." He said quietly as he began his work for the day.

The sound of a phone ringing slowly filled Bruce's office as he tapped a button answering the call. "Mr. Wayne, Mr. Sionis is here, would you like me to send him in?" His secretary asked as Bruce slowly closed his laptop before standing up as he smiled. "Yes, please send him in, you can go and head to get lunch as well," Bruce said before hanging up as he approached the front of his desk slowly leaning against it as he adjusted his suit, the door to his office slowly opening as a man wearing a dark blue suit walked in, his hair was combed neatly and was a dark brown, his eyes were also brown. "Thanks for having me here Mr. Wayne, I needed to discuss something urgently with you." The man said as Bruce looked at him before gesturing for the man to take his seat as he quickly did.

"What is it that you need Roman?" Bruce slowly asked as he approached a large bottle of wine as he slowly poured two glasses as he approached Roman handing him the glass as he took it, his hands clenching the glass tightly as he quickly downed it. "Look, I really hate to ask you this Bruce, but I need money again, I'm still working on paying you back, but Janus Cosmetics is losing money fast, I'm trying to fix it though I swear," Roman said as Bruce looked at him for a moment as he sighed. "This is the third time this year, I wanna help Roman, I really do but I can't keep loaning you money to save your company," Bruce said quietly as Roman slowly clenched his fist before slamming it on the nearby table. "Damnit, Bruce!! I just need a little more time!!" He yelled out causing Bruce to slowly curl his hand into a fist. "Look, Roman, the only other option I have is to buy your company, but if I do that you can't stay as the president of Janus Cosmetics." He said quietly as Roman slowly looked up at him as he quickly lifted himself up. "JANUS COSMETICS IS MY FAMILIES COMPANY!! THEY PUT EVERYTHING INTO IT!! I'm not going to step down or sell my company, my family has worked too hard on it just for you Wayne's to come and fuck everything up, then again maybe that's what all you Wayne's are good for." Roman said as he quickly stood up and began to walk out of Bruce's office, a small sigh escaping his lips as he watched the man leave.

Once Roman was gone Bruce slowly approached his chair again as he slowly went to sit down before his phone quickly began to ring, his eyes looking at the number to see a call from Jim Gordon as he slowly answered it. "Something wrong Jim?" Bruce slowly asked into the phone as he heard Jim slowly sigh, the sigh giving Bruce a feeling that things weren't all right. "One of my friends at Blackgate called me today, he said that Joe Chill wanted to talk," Jim said quietly as he slowly held his phone a bit tighter. "He wants to talk with you, Bruce," Jim said quietly as Bruce slowly stood up, his heart slowly pounding as he gripped his phone tightly in one hand. "I'll head to Blackgate during my lunch break, I would like to speak with him alone," Bruce said quietly before hanging up as he slowly made his way out of Wayne Industries and towards a red Mustang as he slowly got inside. "Not one of my fanciest cars, but it will do for now," Bruce said quietly as he made his drive towards the prison that held some of the most dangerous criminals, Blackgate Penitentiary.

The gates of the Penitentiary slowly opened as Bruce drove inside, his car stopping at the front of the building as he slowly stepped out. "Never thought I would come here." He said quietly for a moment as he slowly approached the doors to the prison, multiple guards patrolled the outside of the building as two guards slowly opened the front doors as Bruce walked inside and slowly made his way through security. "Where is Joe Chill waiting to meet at exactly?" Bruce asked a guard as the guard looked at him. "He's in the medical Ward, he's alone right now thankfully so it will just be you and him." The guard said quietly before pointing down the hall towards the location as Bruce nodded before making his way down the Halls of the penitentiary, his mind starting to think back to the night that his parents were killed.

-Twenty Years Ago-

The streets of Gotham were quiet, multiple cars passed a movie theater as the street was filled with the bright lights of the street lamps nearby. "So, what'd you think of the movie?" A tall slender Man asked, the man's hair was black and he had a black mustache, his family standing behind him, his son was about eight and had black hair, and his wife had short dark hair. "It was amazing!" The young boy yelled out with excitement as he jumped up and down, a small laugh escaping the father's lips. "Martha, Bruce, come on." He said quietly as Martha smiled taking Bruce's hand as they slowly crossed the street. "Dad, when we get home can I tell Alfred about the movie?" Bruce asked as his father nodded. "Of course you can Bruce." His father said as he smiled, the family slowly walking into an alleyway.

The alleyway was mostly quiet, it was also usually empty of any crime, the alleyway allowed them to walk to their car easily and avoid any paparazzi. "I wanna be just like The Gray Ghost one day!" Bruce said happily as he thought back to the movie, it was about a hero who had risen due to the bad events in his life, Martha and Thomas smiling as they watched him and slowly made their way through the alleyway, the family walking further into it as a man slowly came out from the shadows, the man's clothes were dirty, and he had long brown hair that was mostly covered by a brown cap. "Hands up!" The man said as he slowly pulled out a small revolver, his finger on the hammer as he cocked it back, the gun being aimed at Thomas. "Money, wallet, jewelry, all of it. NOW!" The man ordered as Thomas slowly put his arm in front of Bruce pushing him back some. "All right, just put the gun down, you don't need to do anything bad," Thomas said as he slowly reached for his wallet as Martha tried stepping back before the man turned the gun on him and Thomas moved forward to get in front of him, the mugger's finger pulling the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot filled the alleyway followed by a flash, the young boys' world seeming to freeze as the man turned to aim the gun at Martha. "N-No, P-Please n-" before she could finish, the man's finger pulled the hammer back once more and his finger squeezed the trigger as Martha slowly fell back a little before the bullet hit her in the chest. "B-Bruce." Martha slowly said as she hit the ground and looked up at her son, the mugger slowly turning and aiming the gun at Bruce, his finger on the hammer as he prepared to cock it back before stopping. "Shit." He said quietly as he heard screams followed by sirens as he began to run past the young boy and made his way out of the alleyway, the boy falling to his knees as he screamed, and tears began to flow down his eyes, blood staining his face and clothing as he waited for what felt like an eternity for someone to come and help, and that night, in that moment, Batman was created.

-Present Day-

Bruce slowly shook the memory out of his head as he walked towards the main doors that lead into the medical room. "I'll be alone with him, for who knows how long," Bruce said quietly to himself as he grabbed the door handle, he wanted to hurt the man, maybe even do worse, but he couldn't, not here and not with his code. "Stay calm Bruce." He said quietly under his breath before gripping the door handle a bit tighter as he slowly opened it to reveal a small room, the sound of a heart monitor filling Bruce's ears as he stepped inside slowly, the only light in the room is that from the small reinforced window and the muted tv. "H-hey kid, y-you look different without the mask." A small weak and raspy voice said as Bruce slowly approached a small metal chair in the room as he sat down. "What do you want Chill?" The man slowly asked as he looked down to stare at the mugger that had killed his parents twenty years ago.

The man wore a blue hospital gown, his hair was long and messy and reached all the way down to his shoulders, a bucket lay next to his bed that he used to throw up or cough into. "Why did you call me here, why now?" Bruce asked as he leaned closer as Chill looked at him for a moment. "I'm dying kid, maybe it's what I deserve, maybe this is justice for what I did that night," Joe said as he let out a cough and slowly pulled himself up to look at Bruce's face. "Every night since I pulled that trigger, I've seen you, it's like a reoccurring nightmare, so I quit, until last year when I learned about the cancer." He said for a moment as he slowly turned to look towards Bruce again as he let out a small cough. "And then we met and I learned what I had created." Chill said for a moment as Bruce and Chill both thought back to the night four months ago where Bruce had found Chill.

-Four Months Ago-

The Dark Knight had been around in Gotham for two months, he had been taking out small mob bosses and thugs and stopping drug deals, most people believed he was a myth or a legend and not real, but he had been growing in popularity from news reports and sightings of The Bat. Tonight however Bruce sat quietly inside the Batcave, the cave was large but mostly empty except for a few gadgets and an empty stand for a suit. "Joe Chill," Bruce said quietly as he watched a computer monitor, the monitor showed video of a man entering a small warehouse, the man held a revolver in his hands, the same revolver that was used to kill Bruce's parents. "Tonight is the night, tonight is when I finally get justice," Bruce said quietly as he slowly stood up and picked up his helmet to put it on as he slowly turned and approached the Batmobile, Alfred coming down the elevator as he looked at Bruce. "Sir, you finally found him?" Alfred slowly asked as Bruce nodded and stood next to the Batmobile, the car's lights turned on as he opened the door.

"And what will you do when you find him?" Alfred slowly asked, worry and fear in his voice as Bruce held the door for a moment, he wasn't sure how to answer, he had thought about the question for almost twenty years but still was not sure. "Sir, please, be careful," Alfred said quietly as Bruce slowly got inside of the Batmobile as he would quickly slam on the gas pedal and speed out of the Batcave. "Alfred, send the info I have about Chill to Gordon and Bullock, tell them to be at the warehouse as well," Bruce said quietly as he drove faster and through Gotham, he would swerve and drive past cars in the road wanting to make sure that he didn't let Chill get away, he would make the man pay for his crimes.

The Batmobile would slowly arrive as Bruce parked it at the front gates before getting out, his eyes scanning the building as he would crouch down and sneak along the wall towards the back entrance. "Sir, I want you to be careful, I know how important this is to you, I don't want you to do something you'll regret," Alfred said quietly as Bruce tapped his earpiece turning off his communicator. "I'll do what has to be done." He said quietly before making his way inside and hiding behind a van.

Three men stood at the door, Joe Chill standing in front of them with two men behind him. "Two boxes of weapons and ammo, no serial numbers on any of the guns." Chill said quietly as the two men unloaded the large crates of weapons that were in a truck and approached the van as they loaded them inside. "Nice doing business with you Chill." The man said quietly as he slowly handed him a briefcase of money, Chill opening it to check it before closing it. "You too." Chill said quietly as he slowly turned to leave before a scream could be heard as a batarang flew into the shoulders of one of the men as a grappling hook grabbed onto him pulling him back and into the darkness, the four remaining men and Chill all pulling out their guns, Chill holding the same revolver that he had used to kill Bruce's parents.

"Come out and surrender!!" One of the men yelled as they opened fire and Bruce rolled to the side and hid behind the front of the van. "I don't think you know who you're dealing with," Bruce said quietly as he threw a smoke pellet in between them as smoke filled the room and The Dark Knight ran out of cover quickly grabbing one of the men and slamming his head into the back of the van, before quickly kicking another in the leg and sweeping him off his feet before sending his elbow slamming into his head before he hit the ground. "I'm only after one man tonight!" Bruce said quietly as he threw two batarangs each into the last two men, one in their shoulders, and another in their knees before he grabbed them and slammed them both into the ground as Chill stepped back and tried to run.

Joe Chill ran through the back exit of the warehouse, his heart pounding as he pulled the hammer back on his revolver, he almost exited through the back before the Batmobile drove forward and blocked his exit. "Goddamnit, what do you want with me!!" The man asked turning around, his eyes scanning the darkness around him as Chill kept his gun aimed forward, the hammer cocked back as he slowly stepped forward and began opening fire. "Just leave me alone!" He yelled out as he fired at least two bullets before he turned to see the vigilante gliding down at him, and before he had a chance to shoot him, the man had kicked him and landed. "I'll kill you!" Chill yelled out quickly getting up and aiming the gun at him, the caped hero quickly grabbed his wrist and threw him through the warehouse window, the gun falling out of Chill's hands as he landed and laying a few feet away from him as Batman slowly followed him into the building.

"Joe Chill." The name came out of the vigilante's mouth, disgust, hatred, and anger obvious in his tone as the thug slowly got up and stepped back. "W-What do you want with me?!" Chill asked as Batman walked towards him. "You were the low life criminal that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne," Bruce said quietly as he took two more steps towards him as Chill took another step back before tripping over his own gun and falling to the ground. "T-That w-was a lifetime ago!" Chill yelled out as he tried to move back as Bruce approached him stepping over the gun and glaring down at him. "Yes, my lifetime," Bruce said quietly as he took another step towards him, Chill being backed into the nearby wall with no place to go. "You took them without mercy or regret, you shot them dead in cold blood in front of a little boy!!!" Batman yelled out, hatred growing in his voice as Chill became frightened. "H-how do you know this?!" He slowly asked as Bruce moved his hands upwards towards his mask. "I know because I watched it happen! I know because I am that little boy that stood in the alleyway and watched his parents die! I know because I am Bruce Wayne!!" He yelled out as his hands removed his mask and he tossed it to the side. "O-oh g-god, h-holy fuck, I-I c-created Batman." Chill said with horror in his voice as he tried to get up before Bruce grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. "I-I'M S-SORRY!! I-I didn't m-mean to kill them, I-I d-didn't want to kill them!!" Chill said As Bruce quickly punched him in the nose, his fist hitting him hard as Bruce threw him to the ground. "I WILL GET REVENGE FOR THEIR DEATHS CHILL!!!" Bruce yelled out as he began to hit Chill repeatedly in the face, blood coming from the man's nose as blood started to cover his gauntlet's.

The beating felt like it lasted for hours, however mere minutes had passed, Bruce's punches were hard and fast, Bruce was fueled with rage and almost in a trance until the sound of sirens caused Bruce to snap out of it. "I-I'm s-sorry..." Chill said quietly, bruises and blood covered his face, his nose was broken and possibly some other bones. "I-I w-won't t-tell anyone your secret, please just let me l-live w-with what little time I have left," Chill begged as Bruce slowly got up and approached Chill's gun as he slowly picked it up for a moment, he would check the chamber to see one bullet left as he closed it and cocked the hammer on the gun back before slowly aiming it at Chill. "F-fine, k-kill me, I-I deserve it." Chill slowly said as Bruce kept the gun aimed at him, his finger on the trigger as his hand trembled slightly. "I-I wasn't supposed to kill them, I-I've regretted it every day of my miserable life!" Chill said as Bruce placed his finger on the trigger and held it there for a moment before slowly tossing the revolver out of the window. "No, I won't kill, if I kill I'm no different from you," Bruce said quietly as he walked forward and grabbed his mask before pulling it on as he grabbed Chill and lifted him up and looked him in the eyes. "If you tell anyone who I am, they'll kill you because you created me, and if they don't, I'll make you wish you were dead," Bruce said quietly before letting go of Chill as he walked out of the warehouse and to the Batmobile, he slowly turned to see Chill's gun gone as he noticed a man nearby wearing what looked like some kind of fancy suit, the man seemed to be talking to himself, and from what Bruce could hear trying to come up with a few jokes, Bruce considered taking the gun to make sure that the man wouldn't do anything with it but noticed the last bullet on the ground as if the man had emptied the chamber. "I hope that gun isn't going to be used in any crimes," Bruce said quietly as he slowly got into the Batmobile and drove away back to the Batcave before the police arrived,

-Present Day-

Bruce looked down towards Chill for a moment, the man slowly grabbing the railing on his bed as he lifted himself up some. "T-The reason I wanted to talk to you is because of Falcone, I need to tell you the truth, now that he may no longer to be able to kill me, but I'm dying anyway so it doesn't matter anymore.." Chill said weakly as Bruce slowly stood up and looked down at him for a second before turning back to the TV where the news was playing. "What about him?" Bruce slowly asked as he stared down at Chill waiting for the man to talk. "F-Falcone hired me, he wanted me to scare Thomas and Martha into working for him, I-I was just supposed to rob and scare them, tell them to work for Falcone, and then I panicked and pulled the trigger." Chill said quietly as Bruce looked down at him, his hands clenching as he looked down at Chill. "Don't worry, Falcone will be locked up," Bruce said quietly as he turned and walked towards the exit as he grabbed the door handle for a moment before stopping as Chill slowly began to talk again. "Do you forgive me for what I did?" Chill slowly asked as Bruce glanced back at him, he wasn't sure how to answer, and he slowly opened the door before walking out of the room, and slowly making his way out of the building leaving Chill with no answer.

Once Bruce exited the building, he slowly opened the door to his car as he got inside and took out his phone to call Alfred. "Alfred, I'm on my way to the cave," Bruce said quietly as he started the car and began to drive away from Blackgate, his eyes watching the road as he drove carefully to the manor. "Did you learn anything interesting from Chill?" Alfred slowly asked as Bruce hesitated on how to answer for a moment, his hands gripping the steering wheel as he drove a bit faster. "Falcone hired Chill, he wanted Chill to scare them but Chill panicked and pulled the trigger," Bruce said with sadness in his voice as he continued driving towards the manor as Alfred let out a small sigh. "And you have to save Falcone from Black Mask, this can't be easy for you Bruce, but I know you'll do the right thing," Alfred said quietly as Bruce drove up to the manor and got outside of the car as he walked inside and put his phone away. "Alfred, I'm heading down to the cave, I'm going to try and find where they took Falcone," Bruce said as the butler slowly nodded. "All right, I'll be down in a minute," Alfred said quietly as Bruce slowly opened the entrance to head into the elevator as he went down into the Batcave to continue his work of tracking down Black Mask and finding Carmine Falcone.

Not so far from Wayne Manor sat the Gotham City Police Department building, the building was fairly large with multiple floors and such inside. In the building sat Detective Jim Gordon, who was surrounded by multiple other officers as they looked down at a large map of Gotham. "All right, so everybody we have one goal, we are to transport these weapons and drugs to the warehouse near the police department, from there me and a few others will handle everything else that needs to be done." Commissioner Loeb said as he looked down at the map showing the transport route. "Jim, you and Harvey follow behind the transport truck, officer Montoya and officer Sawyer will follow from the left side, then Detective Flass and I will follow in our car from the right. If this transport goes wrong we shoot to kill, the department is on high alert after Falcone's kidnapping and the Batman showing up at City Hall, so we can't afford Black Mask and his men or Batman to show up and ruin this transport." Loeb said as everyone slowly nodded and headed out to their cars.

The drive was long, but they slowly arrived on the other side of Gotham at the docks as they loaded the crates and everything into the transport truck. "Everybody have your radios ready, we can't have any casualties here tonight," Loeb said as they shut the back of the truck and everybody loaded into their cars. "You know, sometimes I just wish that this city wasn't so god damn shit that we wouldn't have to listen to Loeb," Harvey said as he got into Jim's car, the detective slowly nodding. "Well, maybe if Dent becomes Mayor we won't have to worry about Loeb or Hill anymore," Jim said quietly as he got inside and quickly buckled up. "Yeah, well the chances of that are low, as much as I want that to happen I feel like it won't.." He slowly said as Jim nodded for a moment and began to follow behind the truck as they drove through Gotham heading to the warehouse where they would hide the guns, and drugs, until Falcone was back where there would more than likely then be some kind of mess up in the transport and Falcone would get everything back.

On one side of Gotham close to Arkham Asylum, sat an old run down warehouse in the Narrows, the Narrows was the place with the most crime in the city, and where the poorest of Gotham's citizens lived. Behind the warehouse sat multiple cars, trucks, and vans as multiple men readied their guns before starting the cars, soon a black car slowly pulled up as the door opened and Black Mask stepped out wearing a white suit as he fixed his tie before looking at all of his men. "Is Falcone almost ready to talk?" Black Mask asked as he approached the entrance, one of his men nodding and handing their boss a large wrench as the crime boss held it in his hands with a smile and swung it around. "Mr. Falcone! It's nice to see you again!!" He said as he entered the building, the crime lord was tied to a chair and had blood mostly covering him, his face and body bruised. "Go to hell." Falcone managed to spit out as Black Mask chuckled for a moment and swung the wrench around once more. "You know, I heard that you were a reasonable man Mr. Falcone, and I was hoping that those rumors were true, but so far you've been anything but fucking reasonable." He said as he approached him and swung the wrench around a few more times in his hands before setting it down on a small cart. "What do you want from me?!?!" Falcone yelled out with anger as Black Mask looked down at him for a moment with a small chuckle. "You see, you have something that could be of value to me, those weapons and drugs of your's, I want to know where they're being transported to." Black Mask slowly said as Falcone slowly looked him in the eyes with a small chuckle of his own. "Go to hell," Falcone replied as Black Mask sighed quickly grabbing the bottom of his chair and flipping it over as he then grabbed a bag and put it over Falcone's head. "I want you to know, I'm in no mood for games!!" Black Mask yelled out as he grabbed a canister of water and began to slowly pour it onto Falcone's head as the man struggled in the chair for a bit before Black Mask slowly stopped and pulled his chair back up and removed the bag from his head as Falcone struggled to regain his breath.

"So, do you want to talk now?" Black Mask asked as he leaned forward, his face right next to Falcone's as the man quickly headbutted him, his mask cracking some as the villain stepped back. "I won't tell you anything, you insane psychotic piece of-" before Falcone could finish, Black Mask had grabbed the wrench off of the table and swung it at Falcone's knee, the large object slamming into it as the sound of his leg breaking and Falcone's scream filled the warehouse. "THEY'RE TRANSPORTING IT TO A WAREHOUSE NEAR THE GCPD THAT'S ALL I KNOW!!!!" Falcone yelled out as Black Mask chuckled for a moment and patted his cheek. "Now, now, there's the reasonable man I heard so much about, just for that I may not kill you." Black Mask said as he looked him in the eyes. "But, as for letting you go and not torturing you anymore, that's a no." He said as he quickly took out his gun and put it against Falcone's shoulder. "If you're lying Mr. Falcone or setting me up, I will make your death slow and painful." Black Mask warned as Falcone slowly gulped before the masked man turned and holstered his gun as he walked outside. "LOAD UP BOYS!! WE GOT A TRANSPORT TO STOP!!!" Black Mask yelled out as his goons cheered as they all loaded up and drove towards the transport to put a stop to it.

Back inside the Batcave, Bruce watched the monitor closely as he noticed the tracker he had set the day before when he was at the docks start to go off. "They're moving the weapons and drugs," Bruce said quietly as he slowly stood up and pulled up footage from the cameras around Gotham to see the police transport. "Well, I have a bad feeling about this transport job sir," Alfred said quietly as he looked at Bruce for a moment. "You're right, Black Mask kidnapped Falcone, it's likely him and his men will attack the transport and take the guns and drugs, after all, if he sells that he could easily make almost a billion dollars," Bruce said quietly, that dock was where Falcone held all of his stock after all. "What's your plan exactly sir?" Alfred slowly asked as Bruce thought for a moment, there were a lot of ways this could go wrong. "If I manage to let Black Mask take everything, I could use the tracker to find his base and where he's hiding Falcone," Bruce said quietly as Alfred looked over at him. "So, should I alert Gordon and tell him your idea?" Alfred slowly asked as Bruce looked up at him for a moment. "Patch me into their radio channel, I need Loeb and every officer transporting the supplies to hear me," Bruce said quietly as Alfred nodded and quickly began typing on the Batcomputer keyboard getting them into the correct radio channel as Bruce pulled on his suit and cowl and got into the Batmobile as he began to drive to meet up with the transport.

Bruce would quickly speed through the streets of Gotham, his eyes watching the road in front of him as he activated his communicator to talk with Gordon. "Gordon, I'm on my way to help with the transportation, Black Mask and his men more than likely will be there," Bruce said quietly, he knew Loeb and the other cops wouldn't like him showing up, but he had to make sure everything worked. "All right, do you have any plan at all?" Gordon slowly asked, the cop hoped that just maybe he could finish off Black Mask and his group once and for all tonight, however it took a moment before his reply. "My best plan is that you all let Black Mask take the supplies, from there I can track him down and rescue Falcone and put a stop to them," Bruce said quietly as he drove faster, he knew not everyone would be on board for the plan. "Hell no! I'm not risking them stealing these and possibly capture them, just so you can go and play hero and die! We will deal with this transport ourselves, and if you show up you will be shot on sight!!" Loeb yelled into his radio as Bruce turned his communicator off and began to drive faster, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he drove.

The police transport truck drove through the streets, which were mostly empty due to the transportation. "Commissioner, we got a problem up ahead." The driver slowly said into his radio as he looked into the distance to see a large truck blocking the road, the truck seemed to be empty with nobody inside of it. "Well, we will take a turn to the right and go around," Loeb said as the driver slowly continued before coming to a stop as he noticed two cars blocking the two areas he could turn. "Sir, the roads are blocked off." He said into the radio as he looked forward seeing multiple vans and cars coming towards them, as he slowly glanced into his side mirror to see more cars coming up behind them. "Shit, we're surrounded!!" The driver said as all the cars came to a stop and multiple men got out including Black Mask as they all began to open fire, Gordon and all the officers getting out and taking cover behind their cars as the driver of the truck was shot through the windshield and killed.

The loud sound of gunshots filled the Gotham Streets, Gordon and the other officers holding their guns tightly as they took cover behind the cars. "Batman, we're surrounded!! We need backup!!" Gordon yelled into his radio as he gripped it tightly, they were outnumbered and outgunned. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!!" Black Mask slowly yelled out his men stopped shooting for a moment, the masked man approaching them as he chuckled. "I'm giving you all one chance, stand down and let me have the truck, and you all get out of here with your lives, or keep trying to fight and die!!" He yelled out as he held his pistol tightly in his hands, his eyes watching the officers, Gordon glancing out for a moment as he looked back at his radio. "Loeb, Gordon, I need both of you and everyone else to stand down, I can track Black Mask to his hideout and take him down from there." Bruce slowly replied, Loeb letting out an angry grunt as he slowly stood up and tossed his gun forward as he held his hands up, Gordon, Bullock, and everyone else following his lead and surrendering as Black Mask's men slowly got into the truck throwing the drivers body out as him and the rest of the men began to drive away and head back to their base.

Bruce arrived at the scene, the Batmobile coming to a screeching stop as ambulances and multiple other officers were now at the scene, the door slowly opened as Batman stepped out and approached Gordon, multiple officers watching him, some aiming their guns at him, and others preparing to take their guns out. "Don't shoot him!" Loeb slowly yelled out as his officers lowered their weapons and looked back at the commissioner. "For today, and today only Batman is on our side, once we get Falcone and stop Black Mask and recover those weapons, then we take him down," Loeb said as he stared down Bruce for a moment, the vigilante staring back at him. "Gordon, I'll tell you when I find their base and take them down." Bruce slowly said as Gordon looked up at the masked man for a moment. "All right, just be careful Batman." He slowly said as Bruce nodded and turned around and approached the Batmobile, his head turning to look back at all the officers as he slowly got inside and sped forward, his eyes looking at the touchscreen on the Batmobile as he noticed the tracker slowly come to a stop in the Narrows. "Alfred, send Gordon the location, tell him to bring as many men as possible," Bruce said quietly as he sped up and drove faster, his hands gripping the wheel as he made his way towards the warehouse, the sun slowly starting to set over the city.

Black Mask drove the van into the warehouse, his men following behind him as Black Mask slowly stepped out. "I want people guarding outside, if Batman or any cop shows up, shoot on sight!!" Black Mask ordered, his men nodding as several of them went outside planning to keep watch and make sure that no one showed up. "The rest of you, get those crates unloaded and check them, I'm going to go speak with Falcone!" He said quietly as he slowly turned to look at the man, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he slowly approached him, his gun in hand as he looked down at him. "You've been such a great help, Mr. Falcone, I'm glad that you cooperated." He said quietly as Falcone glared at him, anger on his face as Black Mask looked down at him and into his eyes. "You know, I admire you, everything you've done, you led a successful criminal empire but sadly, your time is up old man it's time for the next generation to take over." Black Mask said as he looked down at Falcone for a moment with a small chuckle. "That's why I'm going to let you go, and then you're going to retire and move to Metropolis, Star City, or anywhere you want and live a new life." Black Mask said as Falcone stayed quite and the masked man laughed slowly looking down at him. "I'll release you once we have everything ready." Black Mask said quietly as he slowly walked away before hearing Falcone cough. "I-I'll make sure you're killed slowly for this." Falcone slowly said as Black Mask sighed and looked at him for a moment. "Well, suit yourself." He said quietly before walking off to check on his men.

Outside the Batmobile slowly stopped in an alleyway not far from the warehouse, two drones circling the building and showing Bruce every entrance and exit point as well as where every man was located. "Four men on the roof, two at the back, and two at the front," Bruce said to himself as he slowly got out of the Batmobile and pulled out his grappling hook as he grappled upwards and onto the nearby rooftop where he would sit perched watching the men. "The two at the back will be easy to deal with if I deal with the four on the roof I don't have to worry about snipers," Bruce said quietly as he had his strategy planned out. "Time to show Black Mask that criminals aren't allowed in this city," Bruce said quietly as he had one of the drones fly over the four snipers and release several smoke pellets to block their view as Bruce slowly ran towards the edge of the rooftop before jumping off as he glided down and into the smoke, the sound of gunfire and screams filling the night sky as the smoke cleared and the four men were soon hanging upside down from the side of the building.

The four men left outside held their guns at the ready, their eyes scanning the area as they looked around. "Shoot if you see anything!" One of the men yelled out as another one quickly replied. "Come out Bats! You're outnumbered!" The other replied as one of the men at the back slowly turned the corner before Batman dropped off of the rooftop and landed directly on him where he would then slam his head into the ground, the impact knocking the man unconscious as Bruce then took cover behind the corner and used his batclaw to grapple the other man's leg and pull him down and towards himself where he would slam his knee into the back of his head and knock him unconscious as well, the mans scream causing the other two to check the back of the building, where Batman would quickly grab one and slam him to the ground before throwing a batarang into the shoulder of the other and throw him through the door of the warehouse to alert Black Mask and his men, he would then grapple onto the rooftop and plan his entrance.

Inside the building, Black Mask held his gun at the ready as he looked at his men. "The first one to kill The Bat gets enough money to retire and live wherever they want!" Black Mask yelled out as he slowly turned to look at Falcone for a moment. "I hope that bastard tears you in half!" Falcone yelled out with a small laugh as Black Mask quickly slapped him causing Falcone to spit out some blood. "Don't worry Falcone, if he does I'll meet you on the other side." He said quietly before shooting Falcone in the knee, the man quickly screaming out in pain as Black Mask got behind a nearby van for cover. "Come on Batman! I hope you're as talented as they say!!!" Black Mask yelled out as the lights in the building slowly went off and the sound of screams and gunfire caused Black Mask to slowly laugh as he fired at any movement he could see.

Batman moved through the darkness using it as his cover as he hid behind vans and anything else he could find. "Sir, there is ten men in there, and eleven if I'm counting Black Mask, I hope you have a plan," Alfred said quietly as Bruce activated the night vision in his cowl, his eyes scanning the room as he pressed a button on his gauntlet and two drones silently flew into the corners giving Batman a better idea of where everyone was located. "Tonight, I take you down!!" Bruce yelled out as Black Mask's men looked around the room, Bruce silently sneaking up behind one as he slammed him into the window of the van before knocking him out, the sound causing gunfire and screams to fill the room as The Vigilante quickly moved behind cover, one of Black Mask's men approaching where he heard the sound before Batman jumped out of the darkness and slammed him into the ground before throwing him forward and into another henchman as he fell to the ground and Batman slammed his fist down into his head making sure he was unconscious.

"Seven of you left, give this up!!" Batman yelled out from the darkness, his drones causing the sound to seem like it was coming from three different places, as a laugh slowly came from Black Mask as his men fired into the darkness, unsure of where the voice came from. "Once I kill you, I'll hang your mask on my wall, hell maybe I'll even wear it myself!" Black Mask yelled out as he slowly fired into one of the corners of the room, Batman's drones slowly circling Black Mask's men as a claw was fired from both the drones as they grabbed ahold of two of the men and pulled them back as Bruce quickly knocked them both out, leaving only five men left. "It's over Black Mask!!" Batman slowly yelled out, the two drones circling overhead once more as Bruce ran forward and jumped onto the van before jumping off and landing on the back of one of Black Mask's men, his arm wrapping around his neck as Bruce waited for him to pass out before firing his batclaw onto another man and pulling him back, he would then deliver a punch to his head before delivering a kick to the side of his knee and finishing him off with an elbow to the head as the lights in the building slowly came back on, and the three remaining men aimed their guns at Batman as Black Mask smiled before slowly approaching the Caped Crusader.

The guns were aimed directly at him, their fingers on the trigger and waiting for any command from Black Mask, Bruce's eyes watched them closely as he kept his hands raised. "Hold your fire! I want to kill this bastard myself." Black Mask said quietly with a smile as he held his pistol in his hand, his eyes looking towards the vigilante as he walked towards him, keeping a good distance near his men. "You've been a problem for too long Batman, I think it's time I put you down once and for all." Black Mask said as he aimed his gun at his head for a moment, Bruce's eyes looking up as he stared into Black Mask's eyes. "So, any last words?" He slowly asked, as Bruce slowly nodded. "Run." He said quietly as he tapped a button on his gauntlet, a loud sound causing Black Mask and his men to hold their ears as Bruce rolled behind cover before hundreds of Bats flooded into the building, Black Mask shooting at them as they surrounded his men, the crime boss quickly grabbing Falcone and running up to the rooftop as Bruce ran after him, the sound of sirens filling his ears as the bats dealt with the last three goons and he ran to the rooftop.

Black Mask arrived on the rooftop, his eyes watching the staircase as he held his gun up to Falcone's hand. "IT'S OVER!!" Batman yelled out as Black Mask backed up farther slowly approaching the edge of the rooftop as he looked towards Batman, the gun pressed against the side of Falcone's head still. "Take another step and I put a bullet through him, and I know you couldn't live with yourself if I did that." Black Mask said as Bruce looked at him, the two stood about five feet apart as Black Mask slowly chuckled. "You know, when I heard about you, I always thought you were some kinda myth, but here you are." Black Mask said as Batman stared at him, his eyes watching his every movement. "There's nowhere you can run Black Mask, it's over," Bruce said quietly as Black Mask slowly looked down for a moment, the sound of sirens growing closer as he sighed. "Well, I guess there's only one thing to do." He said quietly as he prepared to pull the trigger, Bruce's hand quickly grabbing a batarang as he threw it forward, the projectile hitting Black Mask's hand and causing him to drop the gun and push Falcone to the ground, the man unable to get back up due to his leg. "You son of a bitch!" Black Mask yelled out, his hand grabbing the batarang as he slowly pulled it out letting out a grunt as he tossed it to the side and pulled out his knife. "Come on, if you think you can take me," Bruce said quietly as the crime boss charged at him, the man would swipe the knife at him as Bruce would lean back before moving to the side and delivering a punch to his mask as he managed to crack the mask some causing the man to stumble back. "You nearly broke my mask!!" He yelled out in anger, his eyes looking up to meet the vigilantes as Batman stared down at him.

"You've lost, this is the last time I'm telling you to surrender peacefully." The Caped man said as Black Mask stared up at him. "You know, my partner and I have big plans for Gotham, we can't risk you ruining those plans." Black Mask said quietly as Bruce took another step towards him. "Who is your partner?!?" Bruce demanded as Black Mask slowly laughed. "Oh, I have a strong feeling you'll meet him soon, I'm sure you've heard of the Penguin before, but I know you haven't actually met him." Black Mask said as Batman took another step before Black Mask grabbed Falcone by his back. "Let him go, no one else has to get hurt tonight!" Bruce said quietly as Black Mask slowly nodded. "Poor choice of words, but I was going to do this no matter what you said, my partner and I want and need him gone after all, so I guess you either save Falcone or stop me." Black Mask said before pushing Falcone off the building as he ran as fast as possible towards the stairs, Batman hesitating whether to save Falcone or not as he remembered what Chill had told him about Falcone placing the hit, his body turning to chase after Black Mask for a moment before he slowly turned and jumped off of the roof as he glided down and caught Falcone as Black Mask drove off in one of the vans. "Y-you saved my life." Falcone slowly said as Bruce looked down at him. "And now, you're going to confess and go to prison or I'll find you and next time you may need someone else to save your life," Bruce said quietly as he stared down at Falcone before approaching the Batmobile and jumping inside as he drove away, as multiple ambulances and officers arrived on the scene.

Gordon stepped out and onto the crime scene, multiple officers rushing into the building as Paramedics helped Falcone and Black Mask's henchmen into the ambulances. "There's no sign of Black Mask, he got away, and no signs of Batman either," Loeb said as he looked at Gordon for a moment, as Gordon let out a small sigh. "So, what's going to happen to Falcone?" Gordon slowly asked as the commissioner looked back and towards the old crime boss. "Well, too much evidence has come out against him, but who knows with him," Loeb said quietly as he turned to look at Gordon. "You're a good cop Jim, I want to tell you that, but good cops don't get far in this city. I know that you know about my dealings with Falcone and Hill, so I know you're smart enough to know that Falcone won't be locked away unless he's scared about something." Loeb said quietly as Jim stared at him for a moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah, I know that." He said quietly as Loeb approached his car and ordered Gordon to head back to the GCPD.

Bruce arrived in the Batcave as the Batmobile came to a screeching halt, the lights and engines turning off as Bruce stepped out and removed his cowl as he held it in his hands. "Welcome back Sir," Alfred said quietly as Bruce approached the batcomputer and slowly sat down, his eyes looking up at the monitors where the news was playing. "Black Mask is still on the loose, I took out some of his men and I'm not sure if they'll talk to the GCPD or not," Bruce said quietly as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes closed for a moment as Alfred slowly placed his hand on his shoulder. "I know today must have been hard for you Bruce," Alfred said quietly as Bruce opened his eyes to glance over at him. "With Chill and Black Mask, and then learning the truth about who hired Chill," Alfred added on as Bruce sighed. "I'll be fine Alfred, I just need to stop Black Mask now." Bruce slowly said as Alfred looked down at the man that he had raised since childhood. "I know, I just wanted to tell you Bruce that I am proud of you, and I'm proud you were able to control yourself this time and didn't kill or nearly kill Falcone." Alfred quietly said as he slowly let out a yawn. "You should get some rest Alfred, I'll see you in the morning," Bruce said quietly as Alfred slowly nodded. "All right sir, but just so you know, Mr. Cobblepot called and he wants you to meet him at the Iceberg lounge, I'm guessing now or any time you can," Alfred said quietly as Bruce slowly stood up and nodded. "Well, I guess I can go meet with him then," Bruce said as Alfred headed upstairs and Bruce got ready to head and meet with Oswald Cobblepot.

The dark limo slowly pulled up in front of a large building with flashing bright lands on it, a blue light flashed the name as a red light above it read that it was open. "Thank you, I'll call you when I'm ready to leave, it shouldn't be long," Bruce said quietly to the limo driver as the man slowly nodded. "It's all right Mr. Wayne, take as long as you need." The driver replied as Bruce slowly stepped out of the long car as he fixed his dark black suit, and adjusted his tie before walking towards the entrance where two bouncers stood, one of them slowly opening the door. "Mr. Cobblepot is waiting for you in his office." The man said as Bruce nodded and made his way into the building.

The building was stylish and fancy, tables, couches, and chairs lined the room, a chandelier moved back and forth on the ceiling, there was multiple ice like items over the room, clearly meant to give it an Arctic feel. "I have to admit, it is nice," Bruce said quietly as he glanced around, there were a lot of people inside, some of then were eating or drinking, others were playing poker or some other game of cards, the smell of smoke and liquor was strong as Bruce took another step as he looked around, there were two glass walls, each one a sort of display, on the right wall there were several birds in a forest like environment, and on the other wall there was a large snake which sat quietly behind the glass display, two doors sat next to the display as Bruce walked forward and towards a railing with a long walkway that separated the front and back of the building. "Well, Cobblepot certainly does know how to make an interesting lounge." Bruce quietly said as he slowly walked onto the walkway, his head and eyes would slowly look down to see a glass cover, and below it there was water as a shark moved underneath, it's fin visible from above, a wall slowly opening near it as a fish dropped down and towards the water, the shark leaping upwards to bite it before dropping back down with a large splash, as Bruce walked towards the officer and slowly opened the door to walk inside.

Once Bruce entered the room, his eyes quickly scanned the area, the smell of tobacco was strong, multiple bodyguards stood around him and Cobblepot sat in a chair with a table in front of him. "Ah! Welcome, Mr. Wayne! Glad you could make it, please take a seat." Cobblepot said as he held his cigar in his hand, Bruce slowly approaching the table as he sat down and Oswald slowly put out his cigar. "Didn't think you'd come so late, I wanted to talk to you about something business related." He said quietly as Bruce looked across the table at him. "Business-related huh? Well, seeing with what you have going on I don't think that's a deal I can pass up." Bruce said as he made a small smile, as the older gentleman raised his hand and looked at his guards. "Get a bottle of wine, the best I got," Cobblepot ordered as one of his guards approached a liquor cabinet and grabbed a large bottle and two glasses as he slowly poured the two men a glass and set the bottle down in the middle of the table, Bruce slowly taking a drink as Cobblepot took a drink himself. "So, what exactly did you have in mind?" Bruce slowly asked as Oswald smiled and glanced over at the TV on the nearby wall where the news was playing, talk of Batman and Black Mask, as well as Falcone coming from it as Oswald picked up the remote and muted it.

"Carmine Falcone is gone, Mayor Hill's chances at the next election are low, and Commissioner Loeb is close to retirement," Oswald said quietly as he took a sip from his glass, Bruce's eyes meeting his a bit curious. "So, what are you proposing?" He asked a bit curious as Oswald slowly grabbed his umbrella that sat near him and lifted himself up. "The old age of Gotham is gone, and this city is approaching a new age, a better age," Oswald said as he walked around the room for a moment and looked at Bruce. "Gotham needs new leaders, better leaders, people that will move this city forward, this city can no longer be run by some crime boss and his friends," Oswald said quietly as Bruce looked towards him for a moment. "So, what's your plan?" He slowly asked as Oswald smiled for a moment and looked at Bruce. "I want us to bring together a new Gotham, me, you, Dent, and whoever this new commissioner is could change Gotham and make it so much better," Oswald said quietly as Bruce looked at him before slowly standing up. "I'd like to make this city better, I think it could be a lot better, I'll think on it," Bruce said quietly as Oswald slowly approached him and sat a card down in front of him. "My number, call me once you make your decision Mr. Wayne." The man said as Bruce nodded taking the card and finishing his glass before walking out of Falcone's office.

Bruce would walk across the walkway as he approached the exit, his eyes scanning the room once more as he slowly noticed a woman in a black dress holding a small box in her hands approaching the walkway. "Selina," Bruce said quietly as his eyes met hers, the woman stopping to look him in the eyes as she made a small smile on her lips. "Well, I didn't think I'd see you here Mr. Wayne." She said quietly as Bruce stared at her for a moment. "Likewise." He said quietly as she slowly walked past him. "You know, I have to admit you look quite nice when you're not dressed as a Bat," Selina said quietly revealing to the man that she knew who he really was as Bruce glanced back at her. "If you tell anyone, I won't hesitate to hurt you next time we meet," Bruce said quietly as Selina looked back to him and into his eyes with a small smile. "Don't worry, it's no fun if I tell anyone, but don't try and stop me next time Bats." She said quietly before walking past him and into Oswald's office as Bruce made his way out and to the limo.

He slowly opened the door to the limo as he got inside, the driver starting the car as they began to drive and Bruce leaned back in his seat, he would close his eyes for a moment before his phone began to ring. "Do you mind closing the window?" Bruce asked as the driver nodded and closed the window that would allow Bruce to talk privately as he slowly took out his phone and saw a call from Alfred as he answered. "Sir, I'm sorry to call you like this," Alfred said quietly as Bruce glanced out the window. "It's fine, I'm on my way back to the Manor right now." He said quietly as Alfred let out a small sigh. "Sir, there's something I need to tell you, and I'm not sure how you'll take it." Alfred slowly said as Bruce held the phone tighter for a moment. "What is it, Al?" He slowly asked as Alfred took in a small breath before answering. "It's Joe Chill, he died, the cancer finally killed him," Alfred said quietly as Bruce held his phone, his finger pressing the button gently to hang up as he sat in silence, unsure on how to feel.

Inside the Gotham City Police Department, Gordon and Bullock sat in Loeb's office as the Commissioner flipped through a few files. "Gordon, I need you and Bullock to go and talk with a man for me at Arkham Asylum," Loeb said as he handed Jim a file, Jim taking it and looking over it. "All right, is there anything else?" Gordon slowly asked as Loeb nodded. "I need you two to take Nygma with you, he knows more about technology and science than a lot of people in this building," Loeb said as Gordon nodded and walked out with Bullock alongside him. "So, it's me, you, and the riddle guy seems like a weird trio." Bullock jokingly said as Gordon nodded before walking into Edward's office as the man turned to look at them. "What can I help you two with today?" Edward asked curiously as Gordon set the file down. "Bullock and I need you to come with us tomorrow to Arkham Asylum, Loeb is wanting us to talk with Doctor Jonathan Crane about something he's working on," Gordon said as Edward scanned over the file and slowly nodded.

The van that Black Mask had taken slowly pulled up at a large building, the garage to it slowly opening as he drove inside and stepped out of the van, his eyes watching his men closely as a few of them looked at him. "Where is everyone?" One of his men asked as Black Mask slowly walked forward, the men noticing the crack in his mask as he clenched his fist. "Batman got them, but that flying bastard is dying soon." Black Mask slowly said as he approached a door and walked inside as he shut it behind him, he would then slowly remove the mask as he set it down on the table nearby, his eyes looking up and into a mirror as he stared himself in the eyes. "Come on Roman, you can get rid of the people that have wronged you. The people like Bruce Wayne and everyone else." He said as he slowly picked the mask back up and put it back on. "And we can show Gotham who is really on top in this city." He said quietly as he turned to walk out and think of his next strategy.

Bruce arrived back at the Manor as he slowly got out and made his way inside. "Oh thank god Bruce you're back!" Alfred said as he approached him for a moment, Bruce looking at his Butler as he nodded. "I wasn't sure if you would come home for a while, I didn't know how you would feel about Chill's death," Alfred said quietly as Bruce looked at him. "I'll be fine Alfred, you just go get some rest," Bruce said quietly as the older man slowly sighed before nodding and heading upstairs as Bruce went into his room and thought about everything that had happened. "Joe Chill is gone, and strangely I feel some sort of sadness for him. I can't worry about that though, Penguin and Black Mask are my main priority," he said quietly as he slowly laid down and planned to rest for the night.

Outside of Arkham Asylum, the moon shone brightly as multiple guards roamed the outside, the area was gated and on a small island, the only thing connecting it to Gotham being a small bridge. Inside the Asylum stood a small slender man as he made his way through the halls, his hands reaching up to adjust his glasses occasionally, he was extremely slim and had light brown hair, he stood at about 6'0, in his hand he held a briefcase. "Good morning Doctor Crane." A blonde woman said as he smiled at her and nodded his head. "Good morning Ms. Quinzel." He said quietly as he made his way through the long narrow hallways as he passed multiple jail cells, he would slowly stop in front of a room that was separated from the prisons as he opened the door to walk inside, the room was bright and had no windows, a long table was in the room with two chairs on each side. "Mr. Falcone, correct?" Jonathan asked as the crime boss looked up at him and nodded. "You chose to go to Arkham instead of Black Gate, so I'm here to see if you're truly insane," Jonathan said as he slowly sat down in front of Carmine, the older man staring at him. "Well, I can tell you that I am," Carmine said as he looked at the man, Jonathan opening the briefcase to take out a small pen and paper. "I'm gonna cut right to the chase, we both know you're not insane," Jonathan said as Carmine leaned back some in the chair with a small smile on his face.

"You're a smart man, I admire that," Carmine said as he looked the doctor in the eyes, his hands were cuffed to the table which kept him mostly from moving. "I know you're a businessman, and I know you're reasonable, so I wanna make a deal with you," Jonathan said as he slowly slid a blank check towards Falcone, his eyes locked on Falcone's. "I'm working on a truth serum of sorts, it will make anyone that is injected with it tell the truth about anything, it can progress science so much farther and get almost any criminal to confess, but I need someone to fund my research," Crane said as Falcone looked down at the check before looking back up at Crane. "So, you just need me to pay? And what do I get out of it?" Falcone slowly asked as Crane looked down at him. "Simple, I declare you insane fully and give proof to back that up, and I get you a good cell and whatever you need." Jonathan slowly said as Carmine let out a small laugh. "Smart man, I see you have some potential." He said as he slowly took the check and signed it and filled everything out as Crane took it and the check. "Well then, welcome to Arkham Asylum, Mr. Falcone." Jonathan quietly said as he made his way out of the room with everything he needed and went to create a fake analysis for Carmine to declare him insane.

(Chapter 3 soon.)