
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Trick of Fate

I just awoke, so my sense of smell wasn't very strong, but the smell I awoke to wasn't particularly strange. A rose scent with a faint smell of wet ground. I looked around and it looks like I'm inside a building that was crudely made of clay and concrete.

I retrieved my body from the cold stone bed; there weren't many things inside the building.

There was only a chair and a table in here, not even a window or ventilation exist. Whoever own this building must be out of their mind

Surprisingly, I expected my body to be numb for a while, but I could stand up properly, and there wasn't any ache in my muscles.

I approached the wooden door that seems to lead outside; this must be a pretty primitive civilization considering the door did not have any handle, and in place of a handle, there was a hole so you can pull it and open the door.

Outside the door, it was sunny; the sun light that used to irritate me gave me a joy feeling. When I look up, the sun still has a certain mirror shine to it.

"What are you doing standing there staring at the sky?" "Moves away!"

I lingered for a while before paying my attention to the screaming sound, and just like that I saw there was a chariot speeding at me.

The rider tightened the grip on leash to slow down the speed, and it gave me a moment to jump to the side. The sudden stop scrapes the ground road that the chariot was traveling along. Ground dust was flying around, obscuring my vision.

I could not see it clearly, but I could see a shadow coming down from the chariot approaching me.

"Are you alright, sir?" "Can you stand up properly?" "Is there anything there that hurts?" Such an angelic voice, such a slender arm stretching at me, offering to assist me in standing up.

I took that offer, and after a boring event of the rider pulling me, I've stood up. I clean the dirt in my eyes with my sleeves. I blinked for a while to make sure I got rid of any smudges.

"Are you sure that there isn't anything that hurts?" The person in front of me was a thin man with long, wavy silver hair. He was wearing a gown that has a flaxen color and some bulky sections on the shoulder and upper thighs; it reminds me of King Oberon's cloth from Midsummer's Dream. What fascinates me most, however, was the green gem that seems to be embroidered on the center of the garment, a clear nobility symbol.

I bow my head for someone of upper caste; looking at nobility without permission was a terrible sin. "I thank you wholeheartedly, sir, for worrying about me. This kindness of yours will be returned someday when I have the means. So please forgive me for obstructing the road you're riding on."

I continue gazing at the ground, not brave enough to look into the eyes of the man in front of me. "Hey, before you talk like that, you should introduce your name, don't you think?"

"Of course, sir" ."Forgive my incompetent manner. My name is Trevor Herscher and I work as a gold miner in the west county."

"You talk about manners, and yet you even forget to look someone in the eye when talking."

"Achk, sorry for my--"

"Enough of that. I'm tired of hearing your apology."

The man in front of me spread out his leg a little so that it made a parallel line with his shoulder. He placed his fist in his hip, creating a triangular gap between his arm and torso, while his right hand was stretched out, pointing at me. "Listen well here! On this land of Burnland, everyone is equal, no matter their wealth, race or status. So you better drop that pretentiousness sorry if you ever want to try living here!" he screamed from his lungs, likely alarming those around us. "A-and, by the way, stop addressing me as sir." "Even if I'm brave and looks like this, to be a mistook as a man hurts my heart a little bit." Her cheeks flush as she speaks, and she sways her head, refusing to look at me.

"Wait a minute, you are..."

"Yes, I'm Astarte Tiara Fellendules, the sole heir to the Fellendules family." "And also a maiden." She looks proud while shouting her family name.

"A girl wearing a boy's clothes; now I have seen everything." "Tell me then young ms, where are your guardian?"

"Eh? What do you mean by guardian? I can defend myself just fine."

"No, it's too much for a girl to fend for herself." "Your muscles are not as developed as those of a man, and your stamina is lacking compared to ours. While it may not be enough to compensate for your chariot's breakdown, please use me as your guardian." I offered my hand to her pointing finger, practically touching it.

She retracted her finger and moved around her foot like a drunken tap dancer. " It-it's just so sudden. To make you my guardian would be a little bit... and you don't need to pay for the chariot since you know, I assumed it was my fault."

"No, Ms. Fellendules! Repaying mercy is more than a burden; it is our human responsibility. In the name of God, I swear to you that I will keep protecting you until you deem me useless."

"Fine, for your persistence." "I guess I don't have a choice but to take the offer." She made a hmmph sound as she blew her head.

I forced myself to shake her hands, feeling her smooth, cold texture on my skin. It's a frail hand, but it's stronger than the average woman's. "Even though only my husband can touch me besides my grandmother,"

"Excuse me, Ms. Astarte, did you say something?"

"N-no, I don't say anything, and if I do, forget everything you've heard!"

"Of course."

She regained her composure and now stands straight, radiating a brilliant charisma. From afar, she looks like a prince who was just about to go to war. "Ehem, well, ignoring the chariot and those guardian things. First of all, do you have any place you can use to stay?

"It might sounds crazy but because of circumstance I would like not to indulge to, somehow I just get transported to his world and wake up in an unknown house."

"It's a strange story, but basically you're a homeless man sleeping in random vacant houses."

"Well, if you put it like that, then--"

"Then I ask you. Do you have any job or source of income?"

"In my previous world, I was a miner, but here, I guess I don't even have any sort of capital."

"So you are a delusional homeless beggar."

"N-no, I can prove to myself that I came from another world."

"Oh? " "How can you prove it without being seen as a crazy man?" What's with her? A moment ago she was an angry girl, but now she is a sadistic girl who bombards you with this degrading question.

"Guess I can't." "Are you satisfied now with mocking me?"

"Hmmph, I'm satisfied. After all, I've got the perfect place for someone like you."

"I don't follow."

"Get a hint, you fool! That means you are going to stay and work in my mansion! She screams even louder than before, drawing even more attention to us. She hid her embarrassed expression with her hand knelt, muttering, "You utter fool..."