
Basics of Magic Casting

The Journey of Alex from a Earthling to a Magician

Yeet_Spaget · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Into the void

[Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth]

 Floating majestically for all eyes to see was a lonely abundance of matter called Earth. All around was nothing but spectral nothingness, but that did not stop the planet from rotating and showing off all sides of its wonder. 

Being the home of countless plateaus and pastores, It was a haven of the universe, for it was one of the only pieces of astral mass that could support life on its surface, therefore allowing the rise of several species until it was eventually conquered by mankind and now had been reduced to being a mere observer of their prosperity.

 On it, influential and miraculous people thrived; whether for the path of God or for oneself, individuals survived and prospered, causing the development of magnificent proportions. Yet not all was rainbows and sunshine, for this majestic being had been threatened by the very creatures it called its own. These days, pollution and waste have been wreaking havoc throughout the planet's body like a merciless disease. Black and white collided in this world of degradation, and disasters reigned terror into the hearts of all, but not all hope was lost, for there is opportunity even in danger.

 Come witness the rise of man from this hopeless world into an Absolute powerhouse, A man who shall hold the power to bless and to take. This is the story of the rise of a human teen from nothing to a being that shall rise and wreck all limits, sundering all standing in its path. The Rise into the Absolute Ruler of All, the [***********].

 *Input Snoring sounds *

 Snoring away blissfully was an ordinary teenager, an innocent animal filled with curiosity. He appeared to be unaware of the tragedy that was Earth itself while dreaming about his wanderlust and profound fantasies. Yet similarly unaware was a tiny insect called a Mosquito that was thirsty and looking for creatures to prey on. Seeing this defenceless being lying on its bed, it zipped through the air, landing right on the arm of this human teen. Not wanting to ruin this opportunity, it swiftly stabbed its proboscis into the human and started sucking up as much blood as it could. 

Unconsciously or consciously, the mosquito injected slight amounts of saliva into the boy, causing him to tumble and roll around in bed like a tumbleweed in hopes of removing this pain. However, as though God were helping that little insect, the Mosquito was safe and continued what it knows best. Unable to resist the pain, our M.C. Alex was made to come out of his slumber and drowsily address the situation at hand. Alex tried to observe his surroundings, but the omnipresent influence of his slumber was clouding his mind like clouds in the sky. It was hopeless, and all that could be done by him was rub his eyes in hopes of gaining an increased perception.

 Nevertheless, Coming out of his sleep was a hard task that, upon accomplishment, led to him noticing his situation. He found himself seated on his bed, still wearing his comfortable blue sleepwear, while his bed was a mess and in need of organisation. But Alex, seemingly not caring about any of this, proceeds to walk towards his bathroom, seeking to clean and wash himself. Brushing teeth is a mundane task for all to forget about, yet flashbacks of magic and epic duelling would leave anyone in constant shivers. It was this that left an expression on his face, for he still vividly remembered the dream he had. "I don't know whether that was a dream or not, but hopefully it was not, as That was too exciting for me to forget". Alex did not let his defeat leave a scar on his mind, as his eyes glowed with determination to succeed and defeat his enemy. His hands clutched and his mind was alert, yet all was for nought as he was not in some fantasy world. Instead, he was on Earth, a planet of mortal humans unable to do magical wonders.

 Reality was like this, for it always reminded one of what could have been, but Alex did not seem to think beyond this level as he mindlessly proceeded to take a bath and then change into a new set of clean clothes. {Many times I have had such thoughts; hopefully, these don't only remain thoughts for long. This was all he longed for yet, as though destiny had other plans. There were clouds of providence gathered in the sky, unseen by many but noticed by some. Coming out of the bathroom, the first thing he does is open his phone and proceed to check all, if any, notifications given to him. Not seeing anything noteworthy, he did not let it remain in his mind for long.

 For breakfast, Alex cooked himself some Hash Browns and Fried eggs, accompanied by some hand-brewed fresh coffee. While passing by the open window in the living room, Alex took a moment to take a breath and observe his surroundings. {Maybe it is God's will for there to be such beautiful weather. Maybe I should eat outside, lest this chance go to waste}. Finding some benefit in this, Alex took all of the plates and placed them on the plastic table he had in his backyard. A delicious scent seemed to bathe the backyard, and all the foods had their own appetising appearance that made anyone want to eat them with gusto. The three Hash Browns were golden brown with no sign of blemish, while the fried eggs were sunny side up. The yolk was runny, just as Alex liked it. Their sides were slightly brown and crispy, completely in contrast with the mostly white texture of the egg.

 He ate all of this with only a small stainless steel fork, accompanied by a mug of hot Coffee. The coffee itself was hand-brewed with a dark brown colour that enriched the environment with its unique fragrance. As evident by his good cooking, Alex could not resist and devoured his meal like a person who has not eaten in years. 30 minutes later, He placed a hand on his stomach and let out a loud burp, shamelessly indicating that he had finished. After getting a few moments of rest, Alex started to survey the weather that he had ignored previously and allowed himself some moments to leisure around and think with a peace of mind that was not present before.

 {I just hope that people will be peaceful, like the skies. At least I would get some peace for once}. With clear skies and no clouds in sight, a slight breeze seems to freshen up everyone's mood and take with it the drowsiness of everyone it touches. The Sun's rays were bathing and embracing all that wanted to be in its light. Overall, the weather on this day could be described as the weather people wanted when going out. The same could be said for Alex, who wanted to use this opportunity to its fullest, so he decided to go on a brisk walk to not only digest his meal but also enjoy the beautiful weather as well. 

 (In the City)

 It's the most populous metropolitan area here in the City Of Zeltron. We can see People of various colours and sizes with different expressions walking along the side path, going towards their destination. Many people, whether men or women, were driving either cars or bikes, speeding down the road. Along the roads, you may see several trees with myriad coloured leaves. Some were withering, while others were lush, filled with leaves like the darkest green pigment itself. 

While standing before a zebra crossing, Alex can be seen standing calmly. With an indifferent expression on his face, he thought of himself as looking very cool. He had jet black hair with slight brown touches, pure brown eyes, and clean jade skin, just like classic Xianxia jade beauties, that had a magnetic effect on everyone around him and made it slightly difficult to keep his eyes off of him. Alex was also wearing a white undershirt with a leather jacket and black Adidas trousers with black sneakers. 

Just as the signal turned green, Alex started walking across the road, following the Zebra crossing. Alex wore a smirk on his face, thinking of himself as very cool, but that itself was a big blunder, as someone who was dying to meet Alex was coming to meet him. In the distance, a shadow was zipping through. It was difficult to make out that aura, for nothing could be properly seen yet; however, it was not for long, as it quickly became clear who it was.

 It was a yellow stream of light wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a baseball bat for some reason. Its legs were a blur, moving so fast that they could not be properly seen; only a glimpse could be. It was neither truck-kun nor car-kun; not even the girl on scooter-chan was coming towards him, not even Death, Hades, Shinigami, or something similar. It was not someone commonly seen in today's media.

 It was DogeBonk-kun coming at Alex with the force of a God itself, holding his famous baseball bat in hand. Our favourite Doge Bonked Alex with a force that made it feel like Truck Kun itself had crushed him! Alex flew like he never had before, going far away into the distance and eventually turning into a star like Team Rocket in almost every episode of Pokémon.

 (Alex's Point of View)

 I was just crossing the street in hopes of going to the park and enjoying the weather. All of a sudden, when I least expected it, something hit me with the force of a truck. All I could do was scream out loud and do nothing else. "Ah, Doge, you bastard, how could you have done this? I had even watched compilations of your Fucking Meme. What the fuck you asshole, what have I ever done to you, Ah!!!" I flew in the air even though that should not have been possible; however, I had to quickly close my eyes to protect them in hopes that they were not damaged by the sudden torrent of wind that was bathing my body in its fury. 

However, in what felt like 5 to 10 minutes, I was shaken by a foreign voice in my midst that felt like it was extremely close to me. "Mhm, isn't it about time you stopped screaming, young man?" "Huh." I look and see a Gorgeous Mature woman with long blonde hair falling to her hips like a waterfall. She had a face of unearthly beauty, and her blonde hair had some flowers in it. Her thighs were massive, while her hips were worthy of bearing 10 children or more easily. Her feet were laid bare for all to see, while her traditional Greek clothing did not leave much to imagine.

 "Who are you?" Huh, now that I think about it, this place does look very familiar. Is this the so-called Mythical Void? A pristine black space with no wind or anything. Even if I take a breath in, there is no sound or feeling of oxygen coming into my lungs through my nose. Beneath me, there is just the Abyss that makes me remember the saying, 'When you stare at the Abyss, it stares back'. It makes me shiver, yet I don't know how to feel. 

"Mortal, stop screaming and listen to what I have to say. I was ordered by Omni God, and so I have been commanded to reincarnate you. You shall be reincarnated in a Western fantasy world of magic and swords. Am I clear?"(Imagine Aphrodite from Ragnarok.)

 "Yes, Madam," I said while saluting, afraid of any consequences of offending this goddess. But, not wanting to squander this opportunity, I mustered all my courage and asked, "Can I have just two requests, ma'am?" " "What do you want, Mortal? Be aware that I will not be granting you anything like Infinite Talent or similar." 

 "Yes, ma'am. First, I want you to make me aware of my body in the womb as early as possible. Second, I want to be able to have a status screen, which will be like Top Tier Providence and also allow me to perfect techniques." "Mhm, that will be done now, Scram". Aphrodite waved her hand, and as though the universal laws themselves had bent for her, It was done.

 "Oh sh*t!" Alex looked as his body, which was standing in blank space, was atomized before his eyes and his soul was sent flying across the cosmos. His soul, which was merely a transparent reflection of Alex's previous appearance, was sent on an Astral Voyage with a goal unknown. Flying through the Void, Alex saw a Cosmic tapestry of Cosmic Marvels and Abominations of Horror. Giant Suns and moons, alongside dead planets, adored the universe. 

Grey planets filled with nothing but ash were present, while many unique collections of Astral Mass happened to be in sight of Alex. Countless emotions of varying amounts passed through his whole soul. Amazement, thrill, excitement, horror, and terror were some common ones. He compared himself to them from afar but trembled in fear of destruction when passing nearby. Planets with only oceans and planets with only large continents Planets with Absolutely Bizarre phenomena and other unique marvels of universal creation could be seen floating alone in space as though indifferent to the Flow of the universe around them but waiting for passersby to witness and bathe in their silent Glory and Majesty.

 Many of these phenomena were immense; some might have been even bigger than our sun, while others were tinier than even our Moon. But this Cosmic Voyage, although beautiful to the soul, was not as calming and attractive to Alex's eyes as was the darkness in front of him that sent all away in cosmic horror

. A GIANT, GIANT BLACK HOLE stood directly in front of Alex. It was Phoenix A, A supermassive black hole with a mass of 100 billion solar masses. Its black influence reached the end of the horizon, whether you saw east or west, north or south. It swirled at its axis and pulled everything into itself, devouring everything near it and assimilating it into itself. Looking at it, it feels like looking at a Cosmic evil hell-bent on ending everything in existence here and beyond. A gigantic black creation of nothingness, looking like the Abyss itself. 

"Hi, I am sorry, Aphrodite is no Master, so please stop. I am sorry for everything I did, so please stop! Omni God, please help me. Please stop. I beg of you. I regret everything." Alex, seeing that his autopilot would not stop, did everything. begged and cried, yet it was all for nothing as the cosmic miracle did not stop, indifferent to the human worries of a lowly being like Alex. It continued devouring, CONSUMING like an Immortal Hermit on a mission, stopping at nothing.

 Alex was Consumed, not able to do anything other than die, with no particle of his existence left. The swirling of the black hole gave Alex a joy ride of a century, a joy ride with a mixture of Unbound Cosmic thrill giving Alex unparalleled pleasure and Eldritch Horror at the Destruction of his very soul, but like even the universe itself, everything shall end. Whether at the hands of Phoenix A, Sagittarius A*, or another Cosmic abomination, Existence will come to an end just like Alex did, but like a Phoenix rising from its Ashes, there shall be a rebirth. From Absolute Destruction and Extinction To Unparalleled Glory, Come let's watch the Ascension of an Absolute Powerhouse. Come let's watch the rise of Alex from a mere Mortal among billions to The Title of [*********].