
Banker From Hell

Klaus Crimson who was a loyal soldier to the King of Hell, Lucifer, fought for his King against another powerful devil, Beelzebub the throne, after surviving the war that lasted for 100 years, Klaus who was gravely wounded was spared and exiled from Hell after the death of Lucifer, he along with some of his servants will try to live a normal life in the other world.

Cixious_Nazarick · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Montes Midlandiae

In a small forest, an ancient idol of a seemingly dark knight stood, and two tablets stood between the statue which contains inscriptions of an unknown language, the statue has been studied by scholars and the guild in the capital, yet there were no documents found regarding the statue, according to the locals in the nearby village, the said statue appeared out of nowhere according to their great grandparents.

Until now, the statue was shrouded with mystery, however not long after, the guild and scholars lost interest in it, leaving it alone in the forest as the vegetation slowly ate the statue. Now, the very same statue glowed in light blue color, and a magical circle appeared in front of it as individuals suddenly appeared.

Nearby animals and monsters alike were alerted by the strange and ominous energy running as far as they can as if death were tailing them.

The magical circle soon faded away, as if it did not exist, there, a young man, wearing a long-sleeved red tunic, dark cotton pants tied from the knee, black leather boots, and a dark green cape, on his waist a well-crafted long sword where the blade is all black and its hilt designed in gold, silver, black and crimson embroidery.

On his side were two women who were dressed in fancy maid attire, on his left was a short and beautiful young woman, she has dark hair, sharp eyes, and oval-shaped eyes, and her appearance can make princes of various kingdoms crawl towards her beauty, on his right was a much taller and older woman, she has platinum blonde hair, oval-shaped face, and big eyes, she has a very mature look yet it fails to hide her otherworldly beauty.

On the back of Klaus were five gentlemen, one was an older man, wearing fancy and neat butler attire, a monocle, and white silk gloves, he was emitting a very professional aura around him, beside him was a much younger butler who have a white hair and sharp eyes. Then there were three more people, the three were dressed in light armor with two fielding short swords while the other one was an archer, they were squires aspiring to be official knights.

Klaus observe their surroundings, they were transported into an unknown world according to the gatekeeper, yet despite that it seems this world was now 'marked' by them with the evidence behind him, a statue of a death knight and coordinates inscribed on two tablets.

"Master Klaus it seems the transportation was successful, should I begin to inspect the surroundings?" The old butler, Albert stepped forward.

Breathing in the air for a moment, Klaus turned to the old butler and nodded, "You may proceed, Albert, ensure there's no intelligent creature that saw our transportation, it would be bad if they suddenly attacked us here."

"As you wish, master." The old butler bowed as he suddenly disappeared.

"Master Klaus, what would we do after Sir Albert finished his scouting?" The young maid asked, she was Polka, who was the younger sister of the much older woman to his right, Persia.

Klaus patted the head of Polka as he replied smiling, "Let's see, first, we gather information regarding this world, then we will blend with the locals and live a peaceful life, my old friend told me that most civilizations value gold, we have lots of them, perhaps we can start something with it? We can also enjoy the local delicacies and festivals, perhaps traveling? parties or even fishing!"

The eyes of Polka sparkled, she did not experience any 'fun' stuff in her life, she worked in Klaus' friend's manor, unfortunately, his friend died in the war, and out of pity, he took the sisters with him as Beelzebub will kill them as he clears the remnants of the past underworld king.

Klaus brought the three squires that serve him in the underworld, the three men were triplets, they were assigned to him before the war, and there were Alon, Azazel, and Argon. The three were aspiring knights, however, the defeat of Lucifer devastated their dream as the new king will kill them as part of the regime cleansing. However when Beelzebub recognizes Klaus, his position was further elevated, Klaus was originally a Knight Captain, and he leads a company of 200 knights from the Royal Order who were under Lucifer himself.

By recognizing his feats, Klaus' position was elevated to Grand Master Knight, thus the three knights decided to reach their drives by being tutored by Klaus toward their dream of becoming knights. Since he was left alive, Klaus cannot quit being a knight, by quitting he needs to die as his soul joins the others for reincarnation and a new purpose in life.

As the group chatted for several minutes, Albert the butler then appeared in front of Klaus, he bowed as he proceed to report his findings, "My lord, it seems the monsters nearby were alerted with our presence, but I did not detect any intelligent creatures other than mere goblins, wild animals and monsters. I have also seen a settlement around an hour of walk from here."

"Alright, then we will travel towards the nearby settlement, let's summon our mounts then, Alon and Azazel, the two of you guard our front meanwhile Argon will watch our backs, Albert we will disguise ourselves as merchants from a wealthy family as we gather information regarding this world."

Immediately, Albert flicked his fingers as a magical circle manifested, A wooden carriage appeared with two horses and another three horses for the three squires. Such neat abilities were common from butlers who were trained to be professionals to service their lord's daily needs.

Klaus and the two maids entered the carriage while Albert was on the reigns, the squires positioned themselves as the horse began to trot the path towards a nearby village.



The village of Arya was the largest village around in the southeast of the Barlowleigh Earldom, the villagers were gathered in the village square as a big celebration was being prepared, today, the town will welcome a representative from the Earl Of Barlowleigh who have the seal and documents of recognizing the transition of Arya Village to Arya Town, the mayor in particular, a balding old man was very nervous, he was grateful since the transition will offer prosperity and opportunities for the villagers, as such he was busy giving instructions to his men for the celebration.

"Put those long tables, ensure that they are free from dust and dirt! We don't want to give a bad impression to the lord earl's retainer!"

"Hey you! I told you not to put those vases there!" While the villagers were busy preparing, the outpost several meters away from the village rang the bells, the village chief felt a bad omen.

A village guard in leather armor, armed with a short sword was running towards the chief, "Chief! Bad news, we saw a horde of goblins and wild beasts! They are all heading towards the village!"

The village chief stopped his work as he heard the report from the guard, "For god's sake why we got this unlucky in a special occasion like this!"

Sighing heavily, the village chief immediately issued orders, displaying calmness and professionalism showing his experience, "Call the head guard and rally our militia, also call for the abled body men except for young and old ones, we will need each available men, we shall face those hideous monsters!"

The mood of the village was switched in an instant, from prepping a celebration event to preparation of an inevitable conflict, the villagers were fast to move barricading the main entrance of the village, as well as gathering supplies and weapons, it is not the first time the village face such incident, thus they were pretty used to getting raided by monsters and bandit albeit not in this intensity where a horde of more than 500 goblins were attacking them.

The villagers and the small militia group of the village then awaited inside the wooden walls, as the goblins were getting near, militia armed with long spears opened small holes on the wooden walls to impale the incoming goblins, eventually, the goblins charged and started to wreck havoc outside the wooden walls, the spearmen thrust their spears killing a numbers of goblins, others were using bows while the others used rocks to crush the unfortunate goblin it hits.

As the goblins overwhelmed the village wooden gate, after an hour it soon collapse as goblins pour inside the village, militia men and the villagers worked together as they encircle the goblin horde that manage to go inside the walls, limiting their entrance only in the barricades they made, yet it seems not enough as death of militia men and villagers were piling.

The bloodied mayor pushed his limits despite being old, all just to see another day, "Don't give up men, we've been through this already, give these ugly bastards a taste of their medicine!"

"Hurrah!" Despite being outnumbered the villagers showed undying spirit, yet it was still not enough as not long after, the goblins broke through the crude barricades.


A/N: What do you guys think of my writing? It will be much appreciated if anyone points out any of my mistakes as I am a newbie author :D