
Bane of Otsutsuki (Naruto Arc)

Being reborn in the Naruto world as a Konoha civilian can be a disaster. Luckily our MC has a Template System. Follow along as he grows to the point he becomes the bane of Otsutsuki--the killer of Otsutsuki.

Storywriter1135 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Template System



[Template System]

<Bijuu/Summon Speaking>


"Asakura, perform the clone technique."

The head teacher asked Asakura, a 10 year old boy, for his graduation examination. Asakura is a man with black long hair and gray eyes and a lean muscular build. He is a reincarnate from Earth who was an otaku and a martial arts fanatic.

Asakura, performed the hand seals: Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog, and out came three perfect afterimages of himself.

"Excellent. Congratulations Asakura, you have successfully graduated the academy with a perfect score in both written and practical. Here is your headband. Come to class tomorrow for your team assignment."

The head teacher congratulated with happiness, watching his favorite student pass with flying colors.

"Thank you for teaching me for the past year sensei. I will take my leave."

Asakura, thanked his sensei before leaving the academy examination building.

"Hey Asakura, how did it go?"

A 10 year old, yellow haired boy with blue eyes and a sunny smile asked.

"Great Minato! We will be fellow shinobi from now on."

Yes that is Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of the future and the current second rank. Both Asakura and Minato entered the academy at the age of six years old. Since both of them were civilian orphans and geniuses, they became friends quickly.

"Well it seems both of you fools also passed."

A young 10 year old girl with shoulder-length black hair, black eyes and an Uchiha clan symbol on the back of her shirt came from behind them, while looking at Asakura with a somewhat resentful gaze.

"What's wrong Anzu, did someone bully you? Come, tell me. I, the chief student of this year will seek justice for you."

Asakura asked with an 'innocent', 'angry' and 'righteous' gaze, as if he was angry at the injustice that befell her. Anzu started shaking in anger but that did not stop Asakura.

"No need to start crying with tears of joy Anzu. You only need to say please and I will help."

Anzu could not take it anymore.

"You big bastard, because of your stupid prank, I could barely sleep last night."

She screamed and ran towards Asakura, wanting to beat the bastard infront of her but said bastard immediately ran away, too fast for her to chase. Due to still feeling intense anger, she went to the Uchiha clan training ground to vent her anger on practice dummies.

Meanwhile, Asakura ran quickly to his house he bought using the money he gained from scholarship of Ninja Academy.

'Hahahahah!! Making her angry is really enjoying.'

Asakura had reincarnated into the Ninja Universe at the age of 4 but he only gained his 'cheat' at the age of six. His so called 'cheat' is the [Template System], a system that grants him templates from different realities.

The powers of each reality is modified to fit the laws of this universe. The template will give the characters talents, strength, abilities, skills and memories (without emotional entanglement) of the Fused Template.

The degree of Fusion depends on two things. Completing missions assigned by the system and performing impressive feats. The fusion will provide the peak skills, abilities and powers of the characters, regardless of weather the character lost his abilities or strengths later.

The first template Asakura gained is that of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, aka the perfect human. This template alone gave Asakura enough benefits to be the peak of Kage level.

Ayanokouji is someone whose physical strength had broken past the peak of humanity, entering superhuman level. He had polished all his Senses and Physical skills to the peak of humans.

Having all this alongside chakra made Asakura's skills almost Jonin. The reason why it is almost Jonin and not Jonin is because the martial arts he mastered is for humans without chakra.

A slight chakra to the hand increases strength or a slight chakra to the legs increases speed. All this makes these martial arts skills difficult to use in a fight. Due to this, Asakura had to modify his techniques by fighting other ninjas, mainly his chunin teachers.

But that wasn't all he did. As someone who has chakra, Asakura did not limit himself to the 'Template System', but learned everything he could from his Chunin teachers. His identity as a genius, orphan and civilian all helped in their willingness to teach him jutsus.

Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's 'stamina', are molded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Ayanokouji's superhuman physical strength, stamina, endurance etc. helped in increasing his Physical Energy.

Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. Ayanokouji's knowledge of skills, science etc. along with Asakura's study of all Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Fuinjutsu once more helped in increasing his Spiritual Energy.

These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Due to this, Asakura's chakra levels alone rival that of a Low Jonin. The only thing that limits his Chakra levels is his age.

[Graduation test passed with flying colors. Do you want to accept rewards?]


[+5% increase in template percentage completion for Ayanokouji Kiyotaka]


[Character Template (Main): Asakura]

[Tier: 8-A]

[Abilities: <Superhuman Physical Characteristics>, <Genius Intelligence>, <Enhanced Senses>, <Martial Arts Mastery>, <Manipulation Skills>, <Fear Inducement>, <Photographic Memory>, <Information Analysis>, <Pressure Points>, <Accelerated Development>, <Supernatural Willpower>, <Weapon Mastery>, <Stealth Mastery >, <Genius Intelligence>, <Martial Arts Mastery>, <Chakra Manipulation>, <Statistics Amplification>, <Surface Scaling>, <Water Walking>, <Energy Projection>, <Acrobatics>, <Illusion Creation>, <Duplication>, <Shapeshifting>, <Paralysis Inducement>, <Fear Manipulation>]

[Taijutsu Techniques: <All Modern Martial Arts>, <Leaf Taijutsu Style>, <One Thousand Years of Death>, <Manipulated Shuriken Jutsu>, <Shadow Shuriken Jutsu>, <Dynamic Entry>, <Leaf Whirlwind>, <Leaf Gale>]

[Ninjutsu Techniques: <Clone Jutsu>, <Transformation Jutsu>, <Body Replacement Jutsu>, <Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu>, <Rope Escape Jutsu>, <Body Flicker Jutsu>, <Temporary Paralysis Jutsu>, <Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu>, <Sensing Jutsu>, <Chakra Transfer Technique>, <Area Scanning Technique>, <Empty Cicada Shell Jutsu>, <Water Release: Sword of Draining>, <Fire Release: Small Fire>, <Fire Release: Mist Covering Jutsu>, <Lightning Jutsu>, <Lightning Release: Lightning Surge>, <Earth Release Jutsu>, <Earth Release: Rock Staff>, <Wind Release: Dust Wind>, <Wind Release: Rumbling Wind Wall>, <Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu>]

[Genjutsu Techniques: <Genjutsu Dissipation>, <Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Jutsu>, <Water Illusion: Submergence>, <Demonic Illusion: False surrounding>, <Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape>, <Genjutsu: Servant>, <Genjutsu: : Mist Servant>, <Demonic Illusion: Flower Mist>]

[Fuinjutsu Techniques: <Enclosing Technique>, <Unsealing Technique>]

[Shinjutsu Techniques: None]

[Fused Template: <Ayanokouji Kiyotaka (100%)>]

'Looking Awesome!!'

Asakura had learned all E-rank and D-rank jutsus he could get his hands on as well as one C-rank jutsu. With such a line up, fighting a Low to Mid Jonin will not be difficult.

[Template <Ayanokouji Kiyotaka> has reached 100%. Unlocking next Template.]

[Template <Yoriichi Tsugikuni> obtained.]

'Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the strongest Demon Slayer and the creator of breathing styles. Awesome! Although his overall strength should equal mine but his skills will definitely be extremely useful, especially Transparent World.'

Satisfied with his new Template, Asakura wondered about tomorrow.

'I wonder who my Jonin sensei will be. Hopefully he will be someone influential who can let me access more jutsus. Whatever the case, the first jutsu I will learn from the is Shadow Clone. That way I can learn more skills.'

Asakura was looking forward to his new ninja lifestyle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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