
Bane of Otsutsuki (Naruto Arc)

Being reborn in the Naruto world as a Konoha civilian can be a disaster. Luckily our MC has a Template System. Follow along as he grows to the point he becomes the bane of Otsutsuki--the killer of Otsutsuki.

Storywriter1135 · Anime und Comics
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Ninjutsu Skill Description

<Clone Jutsu>

Rank: E

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: N/A

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Ram → Snake → Tiger

Description: This is a basic technique that creates one or more afterimages of themselves to move alongside them. Unlike most other clone techniques, these afterimages have no substance and thus are incapable of damaging opponents.

<Transformation Jutsu>

Rank: E

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: N/A

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Dog → Boar → Ram

Description: The Transformation Technique allows the user to take the appearance of whatever they choose.

<Body Replacement Jutsu>

Rank: E

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: N/A

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake

Description: The instant before they are to be struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar. Because the attack does hit something, opponents may briefly believe that they've successfully struck the user. But this is merely an optical illusion and opponents will quickly notice what's happened.

<Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu>

Rank: E

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: N/A

Chakra Cost: N/A

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: The user covers themselves with a cloak that has a color and pattern matching the nearby surroundings, concealing their presence by seamlessly blending in. The user can then gather intel from their position or wait for an opportunity to stage an ambush on unsuspecting targets.

<Rope Escape Jutsu>

Rank: E

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: N/A

Chakra Cost: N/A

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: When the user is bound, they do what they can to escape, such as by finding a way to untie the knot or dislocating their joints in order to get free of the bindings. Although this is the most basic of the escape-based jutsu, it is still fairly complicated to perform.

<Body Flicker Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: short to long range

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Tiger

Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination.

<Temporary Paralysis Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: Short to Mid range (0-10m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: Using this technique causes a target or targets to be physically immobilized, as though they've been tied down with invisible steel ropes.

<Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: While lurking underground, the user grabs a target and drags them into the earth, leaving only their head above the surface.

<Sensing Jutsu>

Rank: N/A

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: All ranges

Chakra Cost: N/A

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: The Sensing Technique allows sensor type shinobi to mould chakra and change it to the sensor type. This enables them to detect and track down targets through their chakra signatures. The range of this technique varies between sensors.

<Chakra Transfer Technique>

Rank: N/A

Type: Supplementary Ninshu

Range: All ranges

Chakra Cost: Variable

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: This technique allows the user to transfer their chakra to a target. The amount of chakra transferred depends solely on the user.

<Area Scanning Technique>

Rank: N/A

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: All ranges

Chakra Cost: N/A

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: By touching a solid surface with their hand or finger, the user can channel their chakra through the area, allowing them to accurately scan it. From this a person can roughly map out entire structures and surroundings, as well as determine the presence and location of targets in the surrounding area. Doing so allows to detect for threats, traps, and hidden rooms. It is also possible to determine the weak points and fine details in a single structure.

<Empty Cicada Shell Jutsu>

Rank: N/A

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: All ranges

Chakra Cost: N/A

Hand Seal: N/A

Description: allows the user to project their voice from any direction. This is generally used to confuse their opponents about their actual position when talking to them.

<Water Release: Sword of Draining>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary Ninjutsu

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Dog → Boar → Rat → Hare

Description: A technique that utilizes water to create a sword. The sword can be wielded in the normal fashion, allowing the ninja to cut and stab like with a normal blade.

<Fire Release: Small Fire>

Rank: D

Type: Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Ram → Monkey

Description: The user spews a small fireball.

<Fire Release: Mist Covering Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger

Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, the user is able to create and blow a flammable gas from their lungs. Once it comes in contact with fire or sparks, the gas ignites into a large fireball.

<Lightning Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Ox → Bird

Description: Small static bolts for attack and defense.

<Lightning Release: Lightning Surge>

Rank: D

Type: Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Tiger → Bird

Description: The user will concentrate their chakra and slam their hand on the ground to release a surge of lightning across the ground to the opponents feet to shock them.

<Earth Release Jutsu>

Rank: D

Type: Offensive and Defensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short - Mid range (0-10m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake

Description: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth

<Earth Release: Rock Staff>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary and Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Tiger → Rat

Description: This jutsu allows the user to take a small chunk of rock and turn it into the shape of a staff. The user can then use it as a weapon or throw it with pinpoint accuracy at their opponent. A variation of this jutsu allows the user to create several staffs and launch them at the target, but with less accuracy.

<Wind Release: Dust Wind>

Rank: D

Type: Supplementary and Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Tiger → Bird → Ox

Description: A gust of wind with added sand from the environment capable also of throwing away objects towards the opponent. Requires hand seals and some time for the user to collect the sand. The user will form the hand seals and as the Fuusajin rises, it will collect the dust or sand before it gets directed towards the opponent.

<Wind Release: Rumbling Wind Wall>

Rank: D

Type: Defensive and Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Tiger → Dragon → Boar

Description: User creates a wall of spinning wind in front of him that is used to push back weapons thrown towards him. It can also be used against Taijutsu close range attacks, but the wall can be pushed back with a stronger wind jutsu or if a smoke bomb or explosive tag touches the

spinning wind they will automatically get activated because of the sharpness of the wind element.

<Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu>

Rank: C

Type: Offensive Ninjutsu

Range: Short range (0-5m)

Chakra Cost: Yes

Hand Seal: Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Description: The user kneads chakra in their body and turns it into fire, which they then expel from their mouth; the more chakra they use, the more flames that are produced. Sometimes the flames lack a distinct shape, being only a stream, but more often than not they take the form of a giant orb that maintains its shape until hitting a target. Upon impact, the fireball is powerful enough to crater the ground and vaporize the surroundings. Against living targets, the fireball can cause extensive burns.