
Bane of Otsutsuki (Naruto Arc)

Being reborn in the Naruto world as a Konoha civilian can be a disaster. Luckily our MC has a Template System. Follow along as he grows to the point he becomes the bane of Otsutsuki--the killer of Otsutsuki.

Storywriter1135 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Abilities Description

<Superhuman Physical Characteristics>

The levels of strength, speed or stamina that significantly exceed those of a regular person. Examples include ability to move faster than the eye can see (the human limit is about 10 m/s at short distances), or even at supersonic speed, without any expense to self and without any gimmicks.

<Genius Intelligence>

A genius is an individual with an exceptional capacity for knowledge and intelligence. Geniuses can appear in a variety of forms and with a variety of specialties, and their exceptional intelligence is not necessarily universal, potentially only applying to certain subjects and fields that they excel in.

<Enhanced Senses>

Enhanced senses are when a user has physical senses such as sight, smell, hearing, and touch far above what is normal for humans.

<Martial Arts Mastery>

Possessing notable skill in unarmed combat.

<Manipulation Skills>

Social Influencing is ones ability to manipulate other characters using some form of charm. This has several uses in the form of manipulation. Whether it be to manipulate how an opponent fights, thinks, or to get info from them that the user would want or need. This can be used in a number of ways via their looks, natural charm, or their way of speaking. While it does not usually seem combat applicable, this skill can be used in many ways that can affect a fight indirectly, including buying time, obtaining information that could be important, or manipulating how a person might approach a situation.

<Fear Inducement>

Aura affecting an enemy's emotions, make them feel insecurity and fear. Generally has a negative impact on the target's fighting ability, and at high levels (in the absence of resilience), can cause hallucinations and induces insanity.

<Photographic Memory>

Photographic Memory is a person's ability to remember and recall scenes, images, and/or information in perfect detail.

<Information Analysis>

A basic analysis that can grant only rudimentary data on the target, such as their level of strength, speed, durability, or intelligence.

<Analytical Prediction>

Precognition on the basis of existing known information.

<Pressure Points>

Pressure points are a concept in many Eastern martial arts, referring to special parts of the body that, when struck, can cause intense pain, paralysis, and potentially even death, among many other possible effects, some of which are more beneficial.

<Accelerated Development>

Accelerated Development is the ability to raise ones statistics and/or abilities at a much faster pace than a normal character in the setting is able to. Users of this ability are able to reap the fruits of their training with far less effort and time than most, with some characters improving their overall power effortlessly.

<Supernatural Willpower>

Supernatural Willpower is the ability to exceed one's own limits through sheer willpower to a degree extremely far beyond real human standards. Although some characters can be considered to have a great will to achieve their goals or give their all in a fight, characters that have a willpower on this level can go vastly beyond what should logically be possible for them, with more extreme cases being able to oppose natural phenomena such as death. Characters with this ability may be able to resist enormous amounts of pain, act even when unconscious or well beyond what they should be able to endure, resist possession and mind control, affect their environment, or even go against natural phenomena, such as death or the limits imposed by reality.

<Weapon Mastery>

Weapon Mastery refers to the ability to use one or more types of weaponry with greater skill than the average person. This classification can be used for any kind of weapon, such as a sword, spear, knife, or gun.

<Stealth Mastery>

Stealth Mastery is ability to make use of stealth, generally for the purpose of spying on and/or assassinating targets. Users are highly skilled at stealth and have incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling him to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. Their abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined that they can typically remain hidden, unseen, and unheard to strike at enemies once a time before getting spotted, followed, or traced. Stealth can usually be accomplished through pure skill, specialized equipment, and/or the usage of other powers, such as Invisibility, adapting to blend into one's surroundings, dampening one's presence entirely, or suppressing the sounds one would make.

<Chakra Manipulation>

Chakra Manipulation is the power to manipulate the vital energy coursing within living organism and that constitutes health, also known as Chakra.

<Statistics Amplification>

Statistics Amplification is when a character raises their parameters in the middle of a fight, and this is not related to their base form or some sort of "hidden power" that has been hidden or held back. These boosts are usually temporary and are specific to one or a number of statistics. Ninjas do this by using Chakra.

<Surface Scaling>

Surface Scaling is the ability to move along walls, ceilings and similar surfaces without the risk of falling from gravity. Ninjas do this using Chakra.

<Water Walking>

Ability to walk on water. Ninjas do this using Chakra.

<Energy Projection>

User is able to emit concentrated bursts of energy, most frequently for offensive purposes.


Acrobatics is defined as the technique of performing maneuvers of balance, dexterity, agility, and coordination. In fiction, the levels of acrobatics can vary between simply performing extraordinary human movements to defiance of the laws of gravity and movement.

<Illusion Creation>

The ability to create false images to confuse and manipulate opponents. A very versatile ability, illusions can vary greatly in strength and effects, ranging from small and virtually harmless, nothing more than distractions, to incredibly complex. The most powerful illusions can distort a victim's sense of time and mentally destroy them, potentially even causing them real pain or killing them outright. While some illusions can be simple and easy to escape once you realize that they are illusions, others are incredibly lifelike, potentially being depicted with perfect accuracy.


Duplication is the ability to multiply an object or person.


Shapeshifting is the power to transform and reshape the form of one's body.

<Paralysis Inducement>

The ability to prevent one's opponent from coordinating their movements or stopping their movements completely.

<Fear Manipulation>

Fear Manipulation, otherwise known as Fear Inducement is the ability in which to inflict a level of "fear" on the target using supernatural means. Depending on the severity of the fear, the user can use this to manipulate the target, incapacitate them or simply drive them insane.