

Flames Curry sits on a white leather sofa in a well decorated bedroom. The soft glow from a lantern chandelier cast reflection, making his green eyes glow. He sat there in silence, using his finger to make a mark on the wooden table stationed in front of him. He slowly glanced the other way, observing the moon through an open window.

Flames, soliloquising: "The night feels a little odd today."

Suddenly, a girl in a Purple bikini walks into the room. Her name; Erica Elliot. She strapped her hair with a black cat-shaped head band. Flames intensively gazed at her as she cat-walked on black heels, softly biting her painted lips.

Flames, impressed: "My silver siren."

Erica Elliot, smiling seductively: "What do you want me to do?"

(Flames softly pulls her to himself, placed two fingers on her lips while making a hushing sound)

Flames, intoned: "Have a seat and let me watch you do your thing."

Erica, softly: "And what's that?"

Flames: "Blow my mind"

(Erica obeys. She sat on a chair about to start touching herself before a phone call came in, interrupting the moment. Flames receives the call, surprised to hear the voice of an old friend; Ova Diaz, the blonde haired lady.)

Flames: "Aha, I said it. I said the night feels a bit odd. If anyone told me I would speak with you today, I wouldn't believe it."

Ova, chortles: "Yeah, I guess something always brings us together even when the odds are not in our favour."

Flames: "What do you want now?"

Ova: "Same thing we've always wanted."

(Erica, still touching herself as Flames watched her.)

Flames: "There is nothing we wanted then, that I want now."

Ova, in a cold tone: "You wanted to make them pay for what they did to you. You wanted to have of it. You wanted unlimited power, the kind that is recognised accross packs and clans."

(Flame's hormones rises as he listens to the words spewing out from Ova's mouth. His mind, yearning for Ova, but his body, responding to Erica's tempting body. For a moment, his eyes turned red.)

Ova: "Do you remember?"

(Flames lost in the moment while Ova waits for his responds. He stands up silently, still holding the phone to his ear. He softly grabs Erica's neck as she pulls out her tongue in a seductive manner. Flames slides his hands in her chest, grabbing her left breast while staring into her eyes.

Flames, intoned: "What am I?"

(Ova thinks the question was directed at her.)

Ova, answers: "You are a survivor "

Erica, in a hush tone: "You are my keeper."

(They both answered simultaneously. Ova hears a female voice in the background, but chooses to ignore it.)

Flames, cryptically smiling at the phone: "Where should we meet?"

Ova, assertive, raising her brows: "The first place we met each other."

(Flames hung up, threw the phone on a sofa, before roughly kissing Erica who opened herself to him. He caressed her body in a rough manner, like he had never been with her before, hungry for her touch.)

Flames, aroused, whispering in her ears: "I want you, I want all of you."

Marshall sat by an indoor pool in his beautiful mansion. He held a glass cup in his hand while watching his friends playing chess.

Marshall: "Don't you two get tired?"

Terry, in a confident tone: "Only after I win."

Ray Roland, scoffs: "That is if I let you."

Terry, gloating: "I told you how my dad's friends love watching him play because they enjoy how he plays down his opponents. Didn't I?"

Ray, unbothered: "Yeah yeah, so what?"

Terry, gloating: "I'm gonna teach you a lesson you will not forget in a hurry. I have knocked out all the pieces of your precious house. I am coming for your queen. Probably, after this, you'd learn to fight better to protect your already deserted house."

Ray: "Terry, why do you have to do this everytime you play a game with someone?"

Terry, smiling mischievously: "Do what?"

Ray: "Talking your opponents down. Dude, that shit is getting old."

Terry, laughing uncontrollably: " I say annoying stuff so that the other person can get mad, jut like you are now."

Ray, keeping a striaght face: "Nice try dumb ass, I'm not mad."

Terry, still laughing: "But you are already."

(Immediately after, the house cook; Lina Bailey, walks in with a tray and three cups of hot chocolate on it. She quietly droped the tray on a fancy table before leaving.

Ray, grabs a cup and takes a sip: "Aaah so gooood. Marsh, your cook is the best."

Marshall: "Yeah, that's why my mom hired her."

(Ray continines playing the game.)

Terry: "Ehm, Marsh.... does your parents know about your art tour trip?"

Marshall: "Not yet, I don't wanna bother them with that."

Terry: "I think you shoun't even let them know. You don't have to tell them everything."

Marshall: "Trust me, I try not to, but they always want to know where I am and what I do.

Ray: "They love you, that's why."

Terry: " Yeah, every parent love their children but it's important you let them know that you are no longer a kid."

(Terry knocks off Ray's queen at the moment.)

Terry, shouting in amazement: "I said it! Didnt I?.... Don't ever forget this! When ever Terry Ice says shit, he does shit!"

(Ray, still shocked, starring at the chessboard while Terry and Marshall laughed at him.)

Ray, gives up: "Well, whatever, I'm still enjoying my hot chocolate anyways."

Terry, still laughing: "Yeah, that's what losers do when they get knocked out. They grab a cup of hot chocolate! Hahaha!"

Bambi has not been herself after the revelation she encountered when she locked eyes with Marshall at the restaurant. Her mind wandering, trying to figure out what Marshall meant to her, and why she met him in the present timeline. She sat placing her palm under her chin.

Bambi, soliloquising: "What if Catherine was used as a medium to get me to know this about him. What if?"

She gets up, reached for a glass cup, and begins to pour water into it. As the water flow from the tap and into the cup, she heard a whispering voice from the water, as if someone was trying to connect to her. Startled, Bambi droped the cup on the floor. It shattered into pieces.

Bambi, taking a few steps backward, intoned: "What was that?"

She hurriedly walked out of the room, kept quiet about what happened, strolling into the garden to have some fresh air.