

Six weeks later, the high profile launch of Dean’s Security Services was launched at the Convention Centre with dignitaries from the hotel sector, political directorate as well as the Chamber of Commerce welcoming the new firm to the city. Marcus even offered to provide surveillance to the welcome sign at the entrance to the city with ability for the minister to watch the sign from his cell phone from anywhere in the world. Molly Dean had performed miracles and had managed to lease office facilities and engaged administrative staff to facilitate the roll out of services.

“Marcus, you are a piece of work; you actually hoodwinked me and bluffed your way into me joining DSS. However, I was getting bored at home and needed to see if this MBA had any real use. I thought you had a real plan for the business, but when I started to drill down I realised that all you had was a contract and high level plans with no real details to implement them. You are a real scammer.”