

The holidays passed by and it was Puppy's birthday, Deku and I enjoyed showering him in love and affection throughout the whole day. We were in class and when Sensei retreated back into his yellow cocoon sleeping bag again, Deku and I went back to find him studying his English homework, something about Shakespeare and the changes he made to literature using his plays. Boring but kind of interesting, considering it was from before the time of quirks and all that.

Deku put a flower crown on his head while I put a small box of chocolates on top of his homework making him look up confused, which only served to let us both kiss him on the cheek at the same time. I could hear Ashido and the other girls awing at the display of affection while several guys just blinked, I know a few were taking notes, I've seen the notebooks, at least they know that they need to take some fucking notes.

"Happy birthday, Puppy." we whispered in his ears, Deku on one side, me on the other. He blinked several times but then he gave us a smile that just lit up the room.

Fuck, I honestly thought I would have ruined this relationship by now but the fact of the matter is, I am falling deeper and deeper into it. I can't see my life without them both by my side the way the world lights up around us when I'm with them was proof enough of that. At some point All Might came in and when he saw us he laughed a little before sending us all to go change for heroics.

As always we didn't give in during training, All Might even let us fight each other and well... Gym gamma has seen much better days, but we were still going strong. Deku managed to get a good shot when Icyhot turned the ground to ice but by this point we had started laughing only for one of my explosions to knock us all apart thanks to the ice we were standing on. It was at this point that All Might ended our match as a draw and Deku and I managed to get up before Icyhot and we each reached a hand down to help him up.

Class went by pretty uneventfully after that except that All Might was conveniently busy looking at the monitors and messing with the controls to notice our hugs and cuddles. Icyhot in the middle while Deku and I just held him, sneaking in a light kiss every now and again when Glasses would finally look away. I can't believe that as a teenager I can honestly say he is the biggest tattletale I have ever known in my life. But at least for Icyhot's birthday he is willing to ignore our hugs and snuggles, since All Might was.

When school finally let out for the day Deku and I grabbed Icyhot and ran for it, practically dragging him behind us, all of us laughing. Deku and I have been planning this for way too long to let it go at just being cute at school. Nope, we are spoiling him rotten and I mean fucking tooth decay rotten, he deserves every moment of it too.

"Kacchan? Deku? What is going on?" Icyhot asked while still laughing.

"Surprises," I tsked still smiling.

"Surprises, no spoilers!" Deku finished giggling like the little lunatic we both adore, we kept running and when we got back to the dorms we told him to change into something comfortable before running off to do the same. Deku and I raced upstairs to find Icyhot just walking out of his room when he looked up and gave us that amazing smile of his.

We walked up and each grabbed a hand before we gave him a another kiss which turned into ticklish loving, we stopped when we heard his giggles and we led him towards the elevator. We were almost to the dorm doors when the rest of the class arrived back from class, they really are so fucking slow.

We heard them calling out their happy birthday wishes but otherwise they kept going. To be fair Deku looked like he was ready to murder anyone who was dumb enough to keep us from leaving. We spent the rest of our friday taking Icyhot to a rollar rink and then he picked dinner, he really wanted to try a hotdog. As in he has never tried one before. What the literal fuck? So dinner was concession stands and if I'm honest they were really good. Hotdogs, nachos and other deep fried foods that we will regret later, but for now the look in his eyes was just too amazing to stop.

When we were ready Deku and I were walking on either side of him before we took him to our park, the park we always manage to go to. Even with all the snow on the ground it was beautiful in the moonlight, we cleared a bench to sit down and just cuddled for a little while, holding hands.

"This has been the best birthday ever," Icyhot murmured leaning back so that we could snuggle him a little closer.

"It's not over yet," I grinned and Deku giggled. We ended up pulling him towards my house and we stopped at the door and 'I' rang the bell, just like we planned and Aunty Rei opened the door.

"Welcome home Shoto," she smiled holding out her arms like the hag and Aunty Inko used to do for us when we were little. He froze for half a second before he ran the two steps into her arms.

Deku reached over and grabbed my hand before leaning on my shoulder. "This was a great idea Kacchan," he whispered in my ear before giving me a small kiss on the cheek. When I suggested the idea to him he called my hag and we had a very quick talk about how we were going to do it and she agreed quickly. Aunty Rei has been practically living at either mine or Deku's house for months and it didn't take much to convince her to let us do this.

We all went inside and settled down for the weekend, planning to just enjoy our time together while everyone else could just fuck off. Yeah, today has been great.


"Honey? It's time to get up, you need to go back to school tonight." I groaned hearing Aunty Rei wake us up from our afternoon nap. We probably sleep too much but why wouldn't I when I have the two most perfect boyfriends holding me so softly?

"Mom," Icyhot complained but Deku chuckled earning both of our confused attention before he started kissing my ticklish places and it wasn't long before we were all giggling and Aunty Rei reminded us to come downstairs.

We stretched and finally got up before we went downstairs to see all of our parents, minus the dumpster fire and plus Icyhot's siblings, in the living room. Game boards already out. Oh it is on!


We went back to school holding more hot cocoa and another tub of lemon ice cream still laughing. The hag even gave me a mix bag of ghost peppers and Carolina Reaper peppers! Fucking Score!

"So did you like our surprise?" I asked while really proud of myself, Deku and I worked hard to fill the weekend with all sorts of new things for us to do together, everything from a theme park to the movies. Not like we had a lot of options for January as it is, but we tried. Icyhot really liked snowmen and snow angels, the snowball fight was a lot of fun and he was so confused as to the rules of the game it was funny watching him figure them out on his own.

"Yes! I wish I could have figured out the rules to the snowball fight faster though, I might not have lost so badly." He gave me that heart stopping smile of his and Deku and I both froze for a second. I mean, just damn.

"Kacchan insisted that you had to figure them out yourself. He said that you can't expect us to carry you all the time, but we can always walk with you." Deku jumped away when I turned on him, my face red from embarrassment.

"WHY did you have to tell him that!?!" I yelled before chasing after him and we were soon running around and around Icyhot who was still smiling like the world couldn't be more right than it is right now.

"I love you two so much," Icyhot giggled and we both stopped, grabbing a hand and we head to the kitchen to put away our loot. My peppers in a special biohazard marked container, we didn't put them away until we each grabbed a pepper and were munching on them laughing about our weekend when our friends came in. I was starting to wonder how long they were just going to sit there frozen as if we haven't been flirting, loving and goofing off on a regular basis for most of the year now.

"Bakubro? Can you help me with something?" Kaminari asked making me raise an eyebrow at the old nickname confused. The only person who really called me that was Kirishima and even since we started hanging out again he still hasn't called me that, not since the day I blew up at him in front of our teacher.

"Kaminari-?" Deku started but I just give him a quick kiss before turning to Icyhot and giving him the same.

"I'll meet you guys in my room, you have a key, we'll catch up on some studying before bed." I give them a wink and see them both relax. I don't know what Kaminari and Kirishima have planned and I won't pretend to know but I do need to have at least some trust in them if I plan to call them friends, otherwise there is no real friendship now is there?