
Baki Into Bleach

Baki is Transported to the World of bleach.

DrWright · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs


Baki's eyes blinked open to the dimly lit surroundings of a quiet street. The familiar sounds of Tokyo had been replaced by an eerie stillness, punctuated only by distant echoes. The glow of streetlights cast long shadows across unfamiliar buildings, and the cool night air held a mysterious touch. Baki stood there, a lone figure in an unknown neighborhood, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings as he grappled with the realization that this was not the Tokyo he knew.

Upon further inspection, he decided it would be most logical for him to scout out the area to figure out what sort of situation this was. Was he kidnapped? Was this a dream? A loud commotion snapped Baki out of his daydream. He could hear a battle taking place around a hundred meters away around a corner. As he made his way closer, the noise was getting louder.

Upon turning the corner, he couldn't see anything except the damage done and a blurry outline of a large being. The odd thing was the noise continued with nothing really there.

"Hello? What's going on here?" Baki yelled aloud.

No response came. Baki continued walking towards the chaos until he was in the midst of it. He reached out to try and see if anything was truly there, then he was suddenly slammed into the wall to the east of him. Before he had realized what had happened, he was grabbed by what seemed to be a large hand and lifted into the air. Baki now realized that regardless of how this was possible, he was now fighting an invisible foe.

However, as surprised as he was, he wasn't new to fighting things that didn't truly exist. Baki pictured what this beast looked like. He was now able to visualize the arm that was lifting him and proceeded to overpower the hollow, opening its grip before flipping backwards onto the ground.

"Come on..., my imagination is stronger than this," he taunted.

He then put some of his strength into his legs to dash towards the hollow at an inhuman speed. Baki grabbed onto what seemed to be the monster's leg and began swinging it around.

While Baki was ruthlessly toying with the hollow, two Soul Reapers had arrived and were in shock at the spectacle they were witnessing. A human was somehow throwing around a hollow that was almost 10 meters tall. After seeing Baki finally slam the hollow into the ground, the two snapped out of their shock and immediately sent a Hell Butterfly to deliver the message of this phenomenon they were witnessing.

As Baki stood over the body of the Hollow, he noticed that he was better able to see the monstrous being, although it was still blurry. Whilst Baki was inspecting the Hollow, it began to stand up again prompting him to get back into a fighting stance. However, before it could fully rise to its 10-meter tall stature, the two Shinigamis Shunpo'd to the side of the Hollow and began purifying it.

Baki was startled by the arrival of the two beings, for some reason he wasn't able to detect them. He watched them purify the soul before asking, "Was it you who created that beast with your imagination?".

The Shinigamis looked at him confused as to what he could possibly be talking about.

"Are you referring to the Hollow?" one of the Shinigami asked.

"Yeah, I am," Baki replied.

The other Shinigami spoke and began, "A Hollow is a malevolent, lost soul that has failed to pass on to the afterlife. It's a spiritual entity consumed by negative emotions, transforming into a monstrous being with an insatiable hunger for other souls. Our duty as Shinigami is to purify and guide these wayward spirits, using our Zanpakuto to cleanse Hollows and send them to the afterlife. So no, we did not create it."

The one that first spoke chimed in, "You don't seem to be a Fullbringer, so what are you?"

Baki was now more puzzled. He said, "Listen, this must be some kind of joke, I don't even...".

Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed a colossal being emerge through a rift in the sky. It seemed to have a white mask, with a long nose. Feeling slight excitement at the sheer size of the creature, Baki jumped onto the roof of a house, put incredible power into his legs causing the roof below his feet to crack, and lunged up towards the Pinocchio-looking creature. Almost instantaneously, Baki was face to face with the beast. Before it could come out any further, Baki delivered a devastating blow causing it to go back into the rift. All was well until he realized he had put so much power into the lunge, he wasn't able to stop himself from going into the portal as well. He braced himself and closed his eyes upon entering the rift. When he opened his eyes, he was somewhere entirely new. He was surrounded by tall trees that covered the sunlight, making it fairly dark. Before him stood the gargantuan Pinocchio monster. It seemed that the mask he wore was now slightly cracked.

Baki, whose blood was now burning with excitement, grabbed a hold of the Hollow, and sweep kicked its leg causing it to topple down. The Hollow, who was now the same height as Baki, was at his mercy. Baki delivered a barrage of punches, which shattered the mask of the Hollow, and to Baki's surprise released multiple bright lights. He felt a little disappointed at the lack of endurance displayed by a creature of that magnitude. However, his disappointment was abruptly stopped after coming to the realization he was currently surrounded. As he looked around, he noticed a hybrid woman with blades for hands as well as blond hair and dark skin, a lion, a snake and a unicorn.