

Chase is ten minutes late, which wasn't a surprise for Jamie cause he's a bad boi and they never show on time. When chase got their he took a seat in front of Jamie. He looked Jamie in the eyes and "hey cutie, honestly didn't think you'd show up" Jamie blushes so much.

Jamie looked away from chase mumbling a 'hi' after that chase asked if he wanted anything, he said a coffee and  a brownie

After chase went up to counter and ordered/paid he came back and sat down in front of Jamie again and started a conversation they called for a few minutes and Jamie didn't stutter hardly at all, they talked til chase had to go and pick up what they ordered.

When chase got back Jamie surprisingly started the conversation " so what do you wanna do after to school" he said, " I'm wanna be a drug dealer" chase looked at Jamie to see his reaction, he started laughing when he saw his facial expression and said "I'm joking I wanna become a nurse" he looked at Jamie's face and saw he had a shocked and some other emotion on his face he couldn't tell

"I know shocking a bad boi wants to be a nurse shocker"

After that they changed the subject and talked bout a lot of things like school, family,  homework, they found out they are in some classes together and go same school obviously and chase flirted with Jamie here and there and surprisingly Jamie flirted back a couple of times not many but a  couple

After a few hours they left, chase walking Jamie home, Jamie learned a lot bout the bad boi, like he looks and may act like a bad boi bit once you get to know him he's a kind, sweet, caring, funny, soft, cuddly teddy bear.