
Bad Boy’s Protection

Avery Freeman, the new bad boy in school is your typical bad boy. He has trouble written all over him. With his dark eyes, dark facial expression, black clothing, I knew I should stay away from him but he had other ideas in store. From the day he started at my school he had his eye on me, he decided I was not getting away that easy. I should run, right? Wrong, he came at the right time. He appeared when everything else at school was falling apart. Maybe it is true when they say never judge a book by its cover, I learned that when he showed up. Who knew when everyone else was making my life a living hell, the bad boy would be the one to protect me from it all? Then again, life ain't ever that easy. He is the bad boy at the end of the day, and sometimes they just don’t change.

HavinFaith · Urban
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42 Chs

Cruel Words and Heartbreak

*********3 Months Later*********

Hailey's P.O.V

I was in my room on my bed, Avery sitting on a chair next to my bed. I do not know what is wrong with him. He has been off for the last week or so. Moody, distant, snapping at me and I had barely seen him. We have not had sex in over a week either and trust me when it comes to Avery and me, that is not normal. We can barely keep our hands off each other usually. I was beginning to think he was seeing someone else. He had been here for a couple of hours and has barely spoken two words to me. I put up with it, let him get on with it for a few days now it was pissing me off especially. Before this all started, we were madly in love with each other. He was treating me like the most beautiful girl in the world...now this.

"Avery, what is going on with you?" I asked softly, not wanting him to get all pissy at me.

"Nothing. I am fine." He snapped.

"You clearly are not, Avery. You have been moody, distant and barely touched me for the last week." I said, my voice a little louder.

"You are fucking imagining things Hailey." He hissed.

"No I am not. Tell me what the heck is going on. Are you seeing someone else?" I snapped back.

With that he jumped to his feet, turning to me, glaring at me. He looked angry. Seeing the anger he had when I first met him...the darkness in his eyes. It was like it was back then and I never liked it.

"Seeing someone else? What the fuck? Why would you even fucking ask me that? You are meant to fucking trust me Hailey and you go accusing me of that?" He hissed.


I was glad my parents were not home right now.


Clingy? Annoying? I know that is bullshit because I am nothing like that and he knows it. Though his words hurt me. I felt the tears burn up in my eyes as I looked at him, but he had no emotion in his eyes as he looked at me.

"You don't mean that Avery. You know I am nothing like that." I said, not realizing I was now sobbing.

"Don't even try the tears, Hailey. They are not gonna work. I mean every word of it. I should never have started this in the first place. I am eighteen years old I should not be in a committed relationship. I should be having fun and screwing around." He said, darkness to him when he did.

"I think you screwed around plenty before me." I hissed.

"And I still should be. I should have just done with you what I was meant to. I only ever wanted to fuck you." He chuckled darkly.

I felt my heart shatter with his words.

"You told me you loved me, Avery. You clearly want more than sex with me." I sobbed.

"I lied. It is what I do princess. I lie, cheat, and tell girls what they wanna hear until I get what I want. I am a bad boy after all kitten. Do not know why you ever thought I wanted this full thing. You see after I fucked you, I was gonna just dump you, but it was that good I decided to keep you around for a little while. Now I am bored." He smirked.

"You don't mean that Avery." I sobbed, backing away from him.

I have never felt pain in the way I am feeling it right now. I looked at my finger where the promise ring was.

"You gave me this ring. You clearly felt something." I breathed out.

"I feel nothing. I do not do feelings sweetheart. I told you that from the start. It was fun while it lasted." He smirked at me.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head as I sobbed. And with that something snapped inside of me. I jumped to my feet, grabbing the ring from my fingers, throwing it at him.


"My pleasure. See you around sexy. I may come back from time to time kitten." He winked, laughing loudly before walking out.

I heard my front door slam and I slid to the floor, completely breaking down. He can't mean what he just said to me, can he? Things had been amazing between us. We were close. We always had fun...every time he looked at me, I saw the love in his eyes. Surely no one else is that much of a good liar. I have never felt so broken...so numb in my life. I grabbed my phone, calling Carly.

"Hey, hey sweet girl." She sang down the phone.

"Carly?" I sobbed.

"Hailey, what is wrong? Are you crying?" She asked worriedly.

"Avery and I just broke up, I think. He told me he never loved me that he was only using me and now he is bored with me." I sobbed down the phone.


"Carly why? What is going on with him? He has been off for the last week, has he said anything to you?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.

"Hailey, I honestly don't know sweetie why he is being like that. He never meant any of it. You know that right? He loves you for real." She said softly.

"Carly you never saw him. He had no emotion in his eyes. The darkness was back Carly, the darkness I have not seen in him in a while. Is he seeing someone else? You would tell me if he was right?" I said.

"Of course, I would tell you if he was seeing someone, Hailey. He is not sweetie; I promise you that. There is clearly something else going on with him, something he does not wanna tell anyone... tell you." She said sadly.

"Maybe but Carly the words he said to me. The way he said it. It seemed like he meant every one of them. He looked at me like he hated me, Carly. I don't get it, things have been going amazing between us, well so I thought." I said, crying again.

"Hailey, I wish I could be there for you right now. Do not give up on him, not right now. I think I may know what is wrong, but let me talk to him first okay? He does love you, Hailey, with his whole heart. He was only telling me a couple of weeks ago he thinks you are the one for him so please do not give up on him, not yet. Let me talk to him and get back to you.okay? Keep your chin up sweetie, I love you." She said.

"I will try. I love you too." I replied before we hung up.

Carly, Layla and I had become really close these last few months. The three of us were best friends. Once I hung up the phone, I opened a text to Avery but then changed my mind. I decided I needed to calm down, pull myself together. I decided a nice, warm shower would be a good start. I sighed as the hot water hit me. I was wondering what Carly meant when she said she thinks she knows what is wrong with him. I need to know what is wrong with him. I need to know if he did mean those things he said to me, or if he only said them because he is hurting in some way. I just wish he would tell me. We promised no secrets. I felt the tears begin again as I thought about what happened, replaying his words in my head. I dropped to the shower floor, pulling my knees to my chest, and broke down once again. I felt lost...empty...lonely without him. Surely someone can't fake those feelings...those actions that Avery has shown me these last few months. I gave him everything and I think that is another reason why this is hurting so much.

I must have stayed in that shower for over an hour before climbing out of it, pulling some sweats on. I checked my phone. I was hoping that Avery has been in contact with Carly so she can tell me what was going on but there was nothing. I felt my heartbreak all over again. I climbed into bed, pulling the covers over me, and broke down again. I reached over, grabbing the tiger teddy that Avery won at the carnival for me that first day we finally got together. It was a comfort for me. I clung to it as I cried, feeling my eyes drift off. I think all my crying has stolen the energy I had left. Maybe when I wake this will all be nothing but a bad dream, know that is not gonna be the case.