
Those eyes

Noah's POV

I stood there till everyone except for I and Clara left.

"Umm....Mr.Thompson, can we go now?"

"yeah sure!"

We walked past the lift and I saw Mr.Morris' brother. He gave a thumbs up to Clara showing that they have everything set.

The seminar hall

Clara's POV

Just about when the seminar was about to finish, Noah had a call.

"excuse me" he said to the presenters and hurried towards the exit, in between his call. I saw tears forming in his eyes I stood up but he frequently left and I thought it must be my imagination. I rolled my eyes and sighed to my seat.

I turned sidewards to look at Jason who almost slept in the seat next to me.

"Good morning Jason" I said and chuckled.

He quickly opened his eyes. And looked at me.

"Yeah! Morning, where's Mr. Thompson? Did I missed something?"

He was looking so confused that made me laugh.

"Jase your are still dizzy. It's one in the noon."

He settled himself properly in his chair, looked down to his shoes and thought for a moment.

He took hold of my hand, abruptly,

"I want to say something" and he winked at me.

I got butterflies in my stomach.

He lead me to the corridor near the big film window which was not so far from the seminar hall.

"Clara...umm... I think we will be off really late, so, umm..why don't we go together for dinner tonight? I mean just you and me?" Jason asked me rubbing his hands at the back of his neck.

I was leaning on the wall of the corridor. I stared at him with a smile.

"No ways, you're far to nervous Jase." I started laughing and shook my head.

"I'm never nervous, how can you say that?" A frown replaced his nervous expression.

"Yes you are! You can't even ask me for a date properly?" I laughed even harder that my stomach started paining.

All of sudden, I felt hot minty breaths on my forehead. I was forced against the wall with someone's arms on my either sides. Jason is literally tall or maybe I'm too short. He looked straight into my eyes.

Now I was getting nervous.

The butterflies in my stomach had doubled and doubled again when he moved even closer.

"I can read your mind" I said and  blushed and tried to throw his body away by hitting him on his chest but it was hard and stiff as hell.

"I'm stronger" he smirked.

"If you don't come then I willlll....." He said joking and took hold of my face looking at my lips.

"....You can't do anything, I won't come..." I cut him off and chuckled.

Without me completing my sentence, he placed his lips over mine. It was strong enough to give me goosebumps. I didn't kissed him back.

He passed his right hand down onto my waist. My hand were weakly hanging straight in gravity's direction.

I could have slipped down. But he was holding me tight. He was so busy kissing that he could not even notice if I were kissing him back or not.


We quickly took apart.

Noah was standing in front of us and his right fist was tight. He was all vexed. His eyes were red.

I was so ambarassed.

He went straight past the hall.

I got to hit with the memories of our kiss that night, when I broke up with him. It was something different.

"NOAH! WAIT!! It's definitely not what you are thinking" I followed him, running through the corridors leaving Jason alone. I totally forgot about him.

When I reached his pace, I frequently went in front of him so that he could face me.

He immediately closed his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheeks from his left eye.

But he blinked it away and forced me against the wall.

"Listen Miss Jones, you have lost the right to call me by my name that way. By the way, I'm your head. You must know how to address me"

"I'm sorry Mr. Thompson but it wasn't me who..." Keeping my tears away.

He shut my mouth with his hand.

"I'm no more a fool. I know that Jason is the man for whom you betrayed me, right? And I don't give a shit about him.

But I'm pretty sure that my company cannot work with you two."

He paced towards the company's main office.

I followed him.

"No Please. You can't take the deal back. You're selfish"

"I can do whatever I want to. You cannot direct me. Get this! It would be better for you!"

"Please I beg you"

I never had pleaded that much just for the sake of a promotion. There was some other reason.

He stopped and turned towards me.

"if you want me not to take back from the deal. Then I have a condition, you would have to do something for me"

He turned around and looked straight into my eyes. He had some kind of pain in his eyes, I could sense it.
