
Totally Not Over Exaggerating...

I used to live on Earth, a nice place but filled with shitty ass places and disgraces called Humans and yes I do not associate with that despicable things and I do suppose you don't as well.

I was what you little kids call a NEET or an Otaku. Spending my life on the mindfuck called anime until I fortunately got to pass the endless torment known as life but unfortunately got reincarnated here with what you ants call the 'MC aura'.

Random faggot trying to kill me? He got slain by some weird fucking five headed dragon who suddenly became docile only to me. With that unfair cheat I got to the 'overpowered' realm which is real fucking boring here.


I was sitting on my throne within a excessively decorated palace I call home with a cup of Fire Spirits and a beauty to keep me company. I leaned against the cushioned chair, being fed personally by her; she had an ethereal appearance, long silky hair, an S-shaped figure, willowy brows and a pair of pink supple lips.

Noticing my downcast appearance she turned my depressed filled face to face her and took the initiative to kiss me passionately before talking with a voice that was as smooth as honey and was pleasing to the ear.

"What's wrong, Xun'er?"

"It's nothing..." I said heavily before standing up. "No one is to disturb me when I enter my room." I walked out to visit a room and let myself in. The woman who was by my side bit her lips and muttered.

"Dammit Wang Xun visiting that vixen, I'll make you mine and only mine."

What happened in the meantime was that I had a delectable dinner with this other beauty in my harem of mine. In the end, I visited the room that is only reserved for me.

It was very different from the classy and luxurious atmosphere well y'know basically the whole goddamn fuckin palace, it was actually a simple and classic place. Nothing valuable except for white walls to hide my insecurity and a few pictures to remind me of the childhood I lost.

What does it feel like being into the apex of the whole world? Achieving all you want is boring... you have no desire for anything left. Wealth? I'm richer than the second richest by 1000x what use would I have for more wealth? Beauties? I pretty much nipped all the buds I've met not to say merely gazed upon...

Power? Mate, can you stop joking around? I'm stronger than the second strongest by I don't even fucking know I'm not sure there's a number for that!

But there's one thing I regret, my family... Even though they fucked me over nearly every day, they gave me joy and gave me a purpose in this world. I can't remember the last time I saw them...

I wonder... if they are in this so-called Heaven. I wonder if they are looking over me. Hell, I wonder if they realized that their problem child is at the stage they wouldn't think is possible. I don't even know if they knew that this stage existed here...

I took a painting from the top of the drawer and looked at it exasperatedly. It was a painting of a child riding on the shoulders of a woman aged in her 20s joyfully playing with the child while there was a man who was around the same age at 20 with a doting expression at the child.

The family vibes were overwhelming at this point. It was a perfect painting and model of a family especially a child who was an impeccable blend of his parents. The perfect golden hair and the azure eyes allured anyone! Any sexuality! Any gender! Come at me mate I'll beat you in a contest any day. I'm totally not over exaggerating myself to look good...


Hello it's Cloud-san back at ya with another shitty novel :D. Kill me.... This is a shit novel and we all know that don't we? ;DDDD. Cmon agree with your teacher-san and agree that or i'll *offensive words has been censored*.

Oh sh that's uhh very bad words from me well, this is just a novel of depressioned and pervert MC who finna need emotional support and claims it unlike me not claiming my Social Security Checks. What! Cloud-san is an old man and needs rest. I'm about 79 years old and I've retired. I need to go back and collect my Checks before my damn grand kids grab it. Please donate for an old man to have reason to live.