
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · Urban
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16 Chs

New beginnings

After Jackson and Macy placed Coral in her room, they came back to the guest wing to find the others and a cute looking baby who was trying to walk. Because of malnutrition and mistreatment, she had only been trying to walk now but couldn't. Macy heated her food and went to the dining room where all the others were. She sat down and ate peacefully as the others were waiting for her to finish so she could explain what just happened.

" She's half lycan and half vampire. She has alpha blood which was why you as wolfs couldn't resist her small leaking pressure. She was trying to stop it or else you would be one your knees or passed out since this is her territory. Jackson is her mate which is why he wasn't affected plus she placed a barrier on the cute baby" Macy said after she finished washing the tray and plates she was using.

" I thought lycans were extinct. " Mike stated.

" They are or at least i thought they were. Her mother placed a seal on her to hide her vampire side in case a crazy woman comes after her which she did 2 weeks ago. The seal is weakening and her abilities were also awaken. Like me , it's hard to control them or the temptations of blood." Macy said

" She marked this land?" Luis asked.

" Yes, she wants to build a pack or a tribe for people like us who are different from everyone else. A few buildings will be built in a few weeks on those marks you passed by on your way here." Macy said making them nod impressed.

" Does she not want kids?" jackson couldn't help but ask after seeing her reaction from earlier. He is happy that she's pregnant with his child. He wanted to hug her and throw her in the air thanks to that wonderful news but her reaction scared him.

" She does. She's just scared and worried. She is going through a hard time at the moment with her being wanted and all. She'll come around. Trust me." Macy said.

" Alright, i was told that you are the go to go person when it comes to building a house here. Is it okay if i build a small private hospital here and of course a two story house preferably near the hospital?" Luis said.

" Aaah!! Okay we'll take a walk tomorrow so we can see which spot you would like and if it's not on the the planning line. " Macy said avoiding Mike who was intently looking at her.

" Off course. I will be paying for everything and why do you smell like my mate?" Luis said earning a growl from Mike.

" Then you are screwed. I'm wearing sally's clothes, I was too tired to take it off." Macy said.

" Why would i be screwed. How old is she for a grand witch?" Luis asked.

" She's just twenty one, don't let her fool you that one. She comes from a powerful witch bloodline like Coral. Only we know what her real power is like since she always liked playing mice and you can pay for the house. Coral also needs a lab, you too can talk it out." Macy said and dodged a fire ball that came from Sally.

" Omg, you guys are so handsome. Where's your mom at?" Sally said in a loud making everyone cover their ears.

" I put her to sleep. She'll wake up in an hour." Macy said pointing the damage done by sally.

" Oh oh! she's going to kill me if she sees that" sally said placing a photo of herself there to hide the hole she made.

" Hi mate" Luis said eyeing the new come

" Aren't you gorgeous? I will go to my room and be right back" Sally said and ran away from there.

" Why do you all run away?" luis asked earning a glare from the quiet Mike who was concentrating on a foxy blonde who kept avoiding him.

" I'll go make a phone call" macy said.

" Sure, we'll take a look around." luis responded when noticed that his best friend was tongue tied.

" Alright, it will only be a minute" Macy said and stepped out. She called their other best friend who was traveling around to come back. Titus, a wizard and a medical healer/doctor , he was about to go hiking when he got a call from Macy. He immediately packed his things and booked a flight to Sydney, Australia. From there he was picked up by Macy who looked tensed. He was greeted by a lifeless looking Coral who was looking at the the huge ceiling.

" Babe, what's wrong?" he asked as soon as he came in earning a growl from jackson.

" Chill man" Titus responded to the possessive alpha.

" Yes, she's just shocked as i am" titus said again earning a growl when he touched her head.

" Guys this is titus, titus this is jackson and Mike" Macy introduced, they were currently in Coral's huge bedroom.

" Shocked about what?" jackson asked.

" That's a very personal question only she can answer but it has nothing to do with the baby. She just made an important discovery" Titus said.

" You won't even tell me?" Macy asked.

" No, I'm sorry pumpkin but that's her story to tell. She also needs to be marked or the pregnancy may damage her body. " titus said and looked at Jackson and said " Don't forget that a lot of Alpha's will do anything to get an heir from a powerful female Alpha. Talk with her about it and consider all things including the baby."

" We'll leave you with her, call us if you need anything" Macy said and left the two alone.

" Hey everyone" Titus said as soon as we got back to the other wing. It's night at the moment.

" Where's jackson?" Mandy asked holding a cute little baby.

" Upstairs" Macy replied.

While everyone was playing with raven, jackson was holding his mate's hand and just let her sink into his arms. He can tell that she was confused about something and she needed comfort. He realized that he had feelings for her ever since they started talking.

He was afraid at first that it was the mate bond but he couldn't stop thinking about her. He was raised by a fantastic mom and one bad egg shouldn't determine his view of women. He has always wanted this, a mate, kids and family. He will do anything to protect them at all costs. The question now is, can he?