
B For Bad Boy

Evelyn Joan and Jayden Flynn was what people could label as strangers forever but not until they meet in a detention that makes their lives uphill and downhill. Evelyn is quiet, likes designing dresses more than anything and has a brother who's a heartthrob of Northern High and the best quarterback the school ever had. On the other hand, Jayden is chirpy, a player, and likes to mock people out of nothing and quite too handsome for his own good and with a black past he doesn't want to remember nor face through his lifetime again. So when this two are thrown together, nothing can possibly go wrong unless they don't make their lives a cyclone mess with bike rides, ditching school with a group of other kids and getting themselves in a serious trouble. He calls her by Queen. She calls him by his name. I mean, what can go wrong?

urgh_get_out · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter Five: We Don't Have a Mercedes Waiting for You Honey

Chapter Five: We Don't Have a Mercedes Waiting For You Honey

The next few days, if I say accurately- two days, was the worst in my entire life.

The whole yesterday, in our family meal, nor in general, I didn't talk with him once. And he also didn't make any efforts to speak with me ever since that incident. So everything was pretty much fused after that. I think talking with Blake was better than not talking with Blake at all. Today was no exceptions. I woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth, dressed up in a black hoodie and sweat pants, and walked all the way to my school.

You might be thinking why I'm complaining then? This wasn't what I was complaining about.

The thing was that.

Slamming shut the door of my locker, I found myself staring at the crowded hallway with my History books in my hands.

"Look who's here!" A high pitched, totally girly voice reached in my ear and I sighed. They have started it again. God knows what's the punishment today. I turned around to see Kate Gosling, the cheer leading squad captain and also the girl who has slept with almost every hot guys in the school standing before me with her hands crossed on her overly grown boobs.

Behind her, her minions; the white girl with honey dyed hair, Grace Peterson. The olive girl with blonde and blue highlights, Sandy Jennings and the black girl in green highlighted hair with a pink tight crop top and denim short shorts, Jenny Wilson.

"What do you want Kate?" I asked the question, myself knowing what they want is pretty obvious. She giggled as well her minions. Jenny prompted from behind Kate, with a smugly smiley face.

"You should've already known that."

They chuckled horribly again, making me flinch a little. Kate stepped closer to me, making me take a step back. Maybe it looked like some stereotypical image of a high school like a bully and some of her minions bullying a girl who doesn't even know what she had done, but the only difference was I didn't stand there like I don't know anything. Maybe I did.

Kate sassed, whispered venomously so that only I can hear. "Just stay out of Jayden."

Oh, that's it? I thought something bigger than this.

The people of the hallway has given Kate some space to walk away, no mercy for me of course. She turned on her heels to get out of there when I suddenly said from the spot I was standing, not realizing it was from my anger.

"Can you not whisper?"

She snapped her head. "What?"

I chewed my lips, trying not to escape my snicker. "I said, say those things you said to me out loud, not by whispering so that not only I can hear. There are plenty of girls who wants him."

I stopped there, anticipating the furious glare that was growing in her face.

"Right, Kate?" I added, smirking at the ground, satisfied by her actions. She probably glowered at me for some fractions of second before I heard the click clack click clack sound of her high heels vanished.

The crowd eventually lighted as I swiftly went to my class, gratified of what I had said to Kate just to get my mind mentally vomit again, this time seeing a girl kissing Jayden like her life was depending on that. I said Jayden, because I could see him slammed against the locker not her. I rolled my eyes at them. Girls this days have no shame. She could be junior than him for all I know.

He possibly didn't notice me cause who would if he or she's that engrossed with a nonsense sloppy kiss. Disgusting as ever. Cursing my mind for seeing this nasty things in the morning, I dragged my feet to the history class.

"Evelyn!" Rosetta appeared next to me with a huge grin plastered all over her face. "Who's the him? Everyone's talking about that!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Jayden Flynn, or who do you expect?" I scowled when she spotted Tyler standing next to his locker, bringing out his books but she ignores him anyway, but beaming wider this time. "Yeah that's actually weird. You never talked to him even though you knew him from middle school and now out of nowhere you guys have become friends?"

I rolled my eyes at her. She shouldn't have said we are friends. Blake have basically stopped talking to me because I said that. More like a neighbor. Rosetta stops walking, her green eyes big as a plate which is showing complete signs of shock or surprise, which I'm not sure. "More like what?"

I said that out loud? Shit.

"He has moved to our neighborhood. So yeah, he's kind of my...neighbor." Rosetta shake heads in disbelief. I grimaced at her.


"He's your neighbor and you didn't say it to me!" There she goes again. It's not like I did it on purpose!

"Rose, come on!" I groaned. "I had a bit of argument with Blake too."

"And you didn't tell me that too." She points out. Stomping my foot, I pout. Puppy face is the best way to get away from her.

"Rose, you know I love you! Why're you complaining?"

She sighs. "I'm not complaining. It's just I feel like you're going away from me."

I laughed. She always overreacts about things like that. I mean, she knows that she's my best friend but still...

The bell rang loudly and Rosetta sprinted away from me, screaming to wait for her in the cafeteria something like that. She don't know, I always wait for her. I ran to the History class. Mrs Anderson will be mad at me if I again get late in class again. The last time I was late in her class she told me to stand up in the whole class. So, if you're thinking the whole Northern High's teachers are a little too violent, then yeah, you're kind of right.



Eighth time.

I have yawned for eighth time in the class and this is what I get? Bunch of lectures and stupid notes? Unfair. So much unfair. Like I said earlier that only thing in the classroom keeps me alive is the ticking of the clocks, so this is what I'm pretty much doing right now. I don't want to get caught again like in Mr Brown's class for drawing a dress design though it's the only thing I'm good at, but still.

The lady in her 40's suddenly yelled my name from nowhere. I practically jumped in my bench, making half of the class laugh in unison. A tint shed of red grows on my cheek and thinking what I've done this time, I stood up.

"Yes Mrs Anderson?" I said as quietly as possible, careful not to do anything which will be assumed as 'misbehavior.'

"Tell them where you're from!" She screamed again, and I flinched, still thinking why do I have to tell to the class that where I'm from. I mean what is the meaning of doing this things?

"North Carolina? My family and I moved in this town four years ago, and this is where we are staying from then." I answered uncertainly, looking at Mrs Anderson's eyebrows then carefully transferred them into her nose then at here earring, but not eyes.

"See, class, we've got a student who's from North Carolina, and this is what we're discussing right now. Ms Joan!" My heart gave jolt again as she called my name rather furiously. We were discussing about North Carolina? Glancing at my book, I swiftly flipped the page to chapter eleven, History of America before she sees me.


"Tell us everything you know about North Carolina."

"Um- " I gulped my dried mouth, a nervousness fogging my mind. I wasn't ready for this. I never even talked to any class. I helplessly rotated my head, but no one in this class seems to be from North Carolina. I took a deep breath and started.



You can do this.

"Um- Yeah, North Carolina is a beautiful p-place," my voice shook. "There is um- the Blue Ridge Parkway, it's beautiful. And for a reason, they actually love barbecue and basketball, I- I don't know why," I stopped, smiling slightly, my mind drifted off to the place I belonged four years ago, portraying the beautiful memories I have back then. In the garden, dad making barbecues, and Blake got in a fight for loosing a basketball gambling, and mom and I went to Blake's school's office to see Blake already standing in front of the principals office, his lips and eyes beaten.

"There is also the Biltmore Estate, when I was ten, my dad took me and my brother there to visit the place. And- and if you like waterfalls, then, it's the best place for you to go. Oh, and there's also beach, so, if you're home is like split in between beach and waterfalls, then you're up to go to North Carolina. My brother loves waterfalls but I personally like beach. And our home is like, 'Hey where do you want to go? Beach or waterfall' and then we go like, 'waterfall. No beach!"

I laughed nervously. "Sometime, it's- it's hot in there, but temperatures are a bit cold in morning and night. And also ..." I shut my mouth up before saying about Cheerwine and more. I have some nasty memories of some of them.

"Yeah, so that's it?"

I looked up at her for the first time at my teacher, my legs now shaking that it was becoming more and more intense to stand there a second. Maybe reading my mind, Mrs Anderson told me to sit and immediately I do, now that my hands are shaking so much that some of the students eyed me weirdly.

She opens her mouth to say something again but in the moment the bell rang and she delivers her speaks into, "You're dismissed."

The class scattered together, attempting to leave and I stayed behind, as usual like everyday. But today something didn't go wrong. Watching the people leaving the class, I nodded in understanding, almost like flattering myself. Gosh, it's embarrassing. But I did it right? At least once in my life, someone really gave me some importance in school life. Smiling to myself, I left the class, though I was a litle bit late for thinking much more of myself.

"Ms Joan!"

I turned on my feet. Mrs Anderson was calling me, her jaw twitching that made me feel like I again did something wrong.

"Yes Mrs Anderson?"

The old lady smiled, yes, smiled and my stomach clenched in happiness. Giving attention in the class is good at least.

"North Carolina is a nice place. I'm went there in past, for official enforcement." She said, but it rather looked like she was talking to herself. I stood there on my spot awkwardly, planning to whether I shift it or not.

"Well, my point is, don't fail, okay? It's not a good thing. Student life will effect you in your future." She affectionately grinned at me, and I returned it by smiling too. She waves her hand after some moment. "Go. You'll be late for next class.'

I gave a small nod to her before rushing from the classroom. I'm totally late . I wonder if I can make it to Chemistry today. The echoes of my footsteps flooded across the hallway, that made me think if I was there alone or not. Reaching to my locker, I realized. That made me think I was alone because it was my footsteps. But that wasn't just it. Footsteps were subtle. There was a person leaning just against a locker, my locker to be exact, scrolling his phone continually.

"Just in time, queen."

And you already know who that is.

Panting like I had just ran a marathon race instead of running down to the hallway to get to my locker, cause running or any kind of exercise was an exceptional concept for me, I crouched down and hold both of my knees, squeezing them a little to get rid of the loud thumping of pain. "What," I pause, panted, "Are," pause, panted, "You," pause, panted, "Doing," pause, panted, "Here?"

He simply shrugs as though didn't notice someone was already dying in lack of air. I choked on the air, and then calmed down as I stood straight, my foot now indicating me the veins under it might get torn apart any moment. "I asked you a question, dumb head."

"Waiting for a call."

I frowned. And who's call is that? "Aren't you supposed to be in class? I'm late. And hey why're you standing against my locker. Move!" I shoved him on his shoulder as he stumbled beside like a lump but still doesn't look at me nor give any signs that her understood what I was talking about.

A ringtone of Five Seconds of Summers 'She's kinda hot,' blasted from his phone reverberating the sounds in the empty hallway. He answered it right away. Thinking myself as Flash, I throw the books inside my filthy locker, crinkling Johnny Depp's posters and snatched the Chemistry books and note's on my hands as I slammed it shut, to see Jayden's leaning half of his body to the locker beside of mine.

"What're you doing here? I was late and then Mrs Anderson just told me to_"

"Wanna come with me queen?" He asks, ignoring all of my previous comments. What's he talking about?

"What?" I asked him, unsure what he was actually pointing at. Knowing him only for two days didn't mean I could go with him here or there. And there's also Blake ...

"I said you want to come with me? We're bunking class."

Usually, most of the people, more like nerds would have been hyperventilating right now if they were in my shoes but I took it seriously. I knew studying was not my thing. SO, forgetting Mrs Anderson's advice's I read him steadily. Basically, if any guys asks a girl to go on a date, they would be like shrieking right now and the guy would scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment, but any of that doesn't actually suits with this hazel haired boy. He have absolutely no manifestation of fear or shyness in his face, by the way he just asked me, by the way of his standing, crossing his hands across his chest, rather lazily but confidentially even when it's not a date. I don't know if it is good or bad.

"Only with you?"

His serious face turned into a obvious signature smirk and my cheeks flushed.

"Hey I didn't mean anything! I was just asking if there is anyone with us or of it is only me and you."

Jayden runs his finger through his hazel hair, making it completely messy which made him look hundred times more handsome. Okay, what am I thinking?

"No. My friends will come. We'll be back before lunch time."

His friends?

Looking around in the corridor, I thought again about it. If there is something I'm worrying about, it is Rosetta. She kind of insisted me to stay with her in the lunch time. But his proposal just woke up my nerves, and before I know what I was doing, I replied.

"If you're sure you're not going to kill me, I'm in."

I grinned and threw my hoodie over my shoulder. "So where are we going?"

"To some of my hell of a friends, queen."

"You already said that. I meant 'where'?"

"Hm." He frowned. "I don't actually know. Van will decide that."


"Isn't the the janitor gonna see us?" We pass a few lockers and once we were out of eye shot, he answered lazily. "They're out in this time cause they believe no one will go outside in this hour. But they don't know about us. So, don't be tensed, queen. Free up. This will be the hundredth time I'm ditching school now."

Can someone tell me how easily people can say such outrageous comments? It wasn't maybe even possible for other's if they were in his shoes but it's Jayden Flynn who we are talking about people, so don't worry.

"Is this your first time ditching school?" Jayden asks me at one point we went out of school building and I notice a faded orange Ford Bronco. Does people even use it this days? I thought they were gone. I avoid his question and point my finger at the old truck. "Is this where we'll be riding?"

Cursing under his breath, he snarled. "We don't have a Mercedes waiting for you honey, so yes, we are."

"I didn't ask for one either." I fight back grumpily, feeling stupid of my own remark.

First of all, a guy with noticeable handsome face and black hair hops off from the truck when we reach there. As though I never existed beside of Jayden, he gave him an one armed man hug and began talking to him. I think he's not a student of our school cause in case if he were, I would've, more like the girls would've noticed him and following that, I would've too but now or he isn't a student at all. I mean, this is the best I can do to imagine him as Jayden's friend. But he told me about friends.

"And who's this hot young lady with us?" The black haired guy asked Jayden, pointing his finger at me, grinning broadly as ever. He ignores his distort statement and answered him on behalf of me.

"This is Evelyn Joan. She's going to be joining us today. And queen this is Austin Stonestreet, one of the hell of a friend I told you about."

Arching an eyebrow, the guy named Austin swiveled at Jayden. "Is this your girl, Jay? If she is, don't start anything inside the car. I just washed it yestersay. And you're real sexy, girl." He added lastly, winking at me.

I exhaustively sighed at this crazy hormonal teenagers. I mean he just made me feel like banquet in a feast when I don't even know who he is or what's his goal. "I didn't say a hi to you until now, and you've started to state things about me."

Austin dashed his hands on the air and groaned in an ill manner, avoiding my speech. I have been seeing boys with hands in the air so often now this days. "Well, hello miss Joan. Nice to meet you." he expand his hand forward and I chuckle at his goofiness as I shake it.

"Hello mister Stonestreet. It was so nice to meet you too."

"Ugh, can we all cut up this bullshit?" I heard a tone of a girl said from behind us. I whiled around to see who it was.

"I mean, formality is good, I know, but flirting is a bad habit, Austin Stonestreet I'm talking to you!" The tall girl with impossibly toned legs and lightly sun-tanned skin came into view and I couldn't help but envy her whole look. With her army shorts and the black shirt that was squeezing her body, her long, dyed light pink hair which was curled at the end of her waist, anyone would definitely think that she's from some school's cheer leading team. Kate would look like a banshee and beside her, I bet.

"Van, come on! She's the one..."

"Shut up. Respect an woman, you asshole." She turned to me then smiled. Even her smile is perfect too. Van, or whatever her name is, she slung an arm over my shoulder then treadled away from them.

"Don't mind this shitholes, honey. Hormone's aren't in their control. Dunno how did I end up with them." She exhaled. Gosh, even she smells good. "What's your name by the way?"

I pondered about how I stand so low compared to her beautiful appearance. She belongs to Gucci or Victoria's Secret and I can already tell that whatever school she reads in, she maybe is the 'It Girl' of all boys. But a good one. Not like Kate or Grace or Jenny. They're complete bitches.

"Evelyn Joan. But you can call me Eve."

"Eve. That's a beautiful name."

I awkwardly chuckled. "And yours?"

"Vanessa. Vanessa Alleir. But pretty much every one if my friend calls me Van. Call me Van too."

Vanessa leaves her arm from my shoulder and walked to the crazy boys who were now bickering about something. I chortled at them as she stands between Austin and Jayden and screams something about someone.

"I will guess I'm late again." A very grumpy kid said from my six o'clock as I turned my head around to see, indeed not a kid, but a guy with glasses and sand-brown hair what looked like a nerd but a very hot nerd to be exact. Am I zoned with some hot guys and beautiful girls now? What is left? Sexy old man?

"And who might you be?" I asked consciously cause I don't want any prefects showing us the way to the principal's office and it looks like I and Jayden is the only one from Northern High. The boy sighed and replied. "Sam Carrasco. Are you new..."

"Samuel Sebastian Carrasco! You were supposed to be here at nine o'clock!" Vanessa snapped from her spot. Sam yawned and retorted back. "Chill Vanny, you're so loud sometimes."

"Don't call me Vanny and GET IN THE CAR!"

He winks at me and looked at Jayden. "Hello Jayden, is this your girlfriend?"

I found it really adorable when he talked in a formal way and at the same time, in shock when he ask that to Jayden. Jayden stares at me coolly for a fraction of second then practically twinkled with excitement.

"She's someone called queen who wanted to come here because the hottest guy in the school told him to."

"As in, Quinn?"

Jayden scoffed. "Queen. It's a nickname."

I rolled my eyes at his vainglorious remarks as he looked up at me to smirk. Sam scowls at Jayden. "Seriously, queen? There were more better things in the world!"

"At least it rhymes her attitude."

"But queen is not the best."

"She is terrific."

"So why 'queen'?" Austin butts in.

I am solemnly positive that I'll be in hell in the next hours of my ditching school before one o'clock, surrounded by the stupidest nincompoops in the universe. Except for Vanessa. She appear to be the only one who has a clue what is going on right now. She screams at the pack fiercely.

"Get in the care RIGHT NOW! Vous imbèciles garçons!"


I have a feeling they'll be great friends.

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