
Azure shadow

He didn't ask for this, did he? But he got it. He got power, many could only dream of existing. The power to keep his loved, safe. With this power he could achieve his dream. Dream of 'An ideal future'. The ideal future where there are no hungry. "Absolute power, corupts absolutely. But he who defeats it, shall bring absolute peace to this world" And I will not stop until that future is brought. I will either do it or die trying. That is my will, my conviction, my desire. My will to use my power to protect the weak. But for that to be realized I must achieve absolute power. weekly - 1 chapters chapter length - 1K

Satish_Surya · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 12-[The white planar! ]

"But, what about the situation here? As in the fact that people will search for us, we will be away for a month after all. "- Ram asked the question that was on my mind.

" Don't worry I will take care of it"- the old man grinned with slight amusement.


-USA-New York-

-Ram POV-

"So, where are we going? "- Jannu asked as we walked down the crowded beach of Rockaway.

It has been two days since the incident. We had rested for at least 28 hours, then decided to head out, in order to start my training. We had reached the Rockaway beach just 10 minutes ago.

Currently Jannu, Shinron and I were walking through the sandy beach to reach the breez point. We, as in Jannu and I, still don't know where we were going, as Shinron has yet to tell us the reason behind this journey.

Though, we followed him quietly the entire time. Until jannu decided to break the silence with the question of the day.

"We are here! "- The old man informed us while pointing at a clearing right infront of a cave.

The cave was made of naturally formed dark black rocks and the inside was visibly as dark as the question rocks.

" I don't see anything, though! - I muttered with a sigh of mental exhaustion.

The old man opened his mouth, but instead of replying to my question he started chanting in an unknown language.

"<One- thy shee mako uthors York's peresouncesous!>"

Then out of nowhere, the clearing started glowing in an incredible dazzling white colour. The air distorted and the quality of it changed, it seemed more fresh.

The atmosphere changed colours from an evening orange to an unatural white. The sand changed to a light silver colour and the black rocks of the entrance transformed into a solid grey. The water flushes into a dark silver. Through out all this, the reason for this change was still chanting, incomprehensible words.

"<one- thoug shee thy planaour 'f...weehito planaour!>"- And then the old man sat down with sigh of exhaustion, finishing the chanting.

" What the heck is this?!? "- My mouth was ajar, si was jannu's. I fell down on the silver sand in the middle of the process with wide shocked eyes. My action was soon followed by Jannu.

Then the tired old man looked at us, flashed a proud look on his face. He opened his mouth.

" This is my world! "- The powerful old man declared with a proud ile on his face.

" Don't tell me... "- I started, still on ground. I had an idea to mess with him.

" Yes, I see you understand. I'm so strong that-"

"... It's the infinite Tsukuyomi!!!! "- I finished with stupid expression , then stood up.

" The what? "- My gramps had a stupefied cover on his face, he couldn't understand what I meant most probably.

Though that aside, I was seriously interested in knowing how he did this- I mean how he created a whole new plan. With stars in my eyes, I looked at Shinron with excited eyes, that I made sure were dazzling.

"Teach me-teach me-teach me-teach me-teach m-"

And suddenly I was hit on the head by a powerful fist. I was slammed into the ground with tremendous force, this happened in an oddly comical fashion, resembling the show that I had just referenced.

"Stop that. It's annoying! "- Shinron gave me an odd look, I probably looked weird in hs eyes.

" Ram, it's not the time for an anime reference! "- Jannu shouted, reprimanding me for my behavior. It was cute in a way, the way she was trying to scold me.

" You mean Naruto! That must be the show that's making kids in the scared earth go haywire. "- He stated in wonder, he then proceeded to roughly lift me of the ground.

" Wait, the people in the scared earth watch 'naruto'! "- Jannu exclaimed, intrigued by the fact that anime existed in the scared earth.

In the time we rested, Shinron and I had explained the situation of the scared earth and the human plane to Jannu, so she was better informed of the complication of the world.

" That's awesome!! "- Now out of the ground, I exclaimed with smile plastered on my face.

Another thing that was not known about me was the fact that I love old school anime like Naruto and bleach. And also like the still ongoing anime, one piece.

" Anyway, before we go deeper into that rabbit hole. I will explain what we will be doing from here on out! "- Shinron cough into his hand and changes the subject, in order to make us listen.

" From now, we have exactly 28 days to make you strong enough to face and defeat my student Arthur. "- I was doubtful of that statement.

As, when ever I tried to increase the limit of my body- when le I trained with boulders-i could never break through, but now the gramps want's him to achieve that and more in just 28 days , enough to say I had my doubt about that.

"Do you really think that 28 days are enough for me to grow strong enough? "- I questioned.

" Ho ho, that's exactly why we are here in the white planar. Oh, by the that's the name of this world I forgot to mention. "

"Is it just a different dimension or is there something special about that warranted you to bring us here? "- Jannu asked with a cute tilt of her face.

" Well I brought you here because I can do anything in this world...

Anything as in, I can slow down time, fasten it or create matter or destroy when I fell like it. And thus, by fastening the time in this dimension you will be able to train for a lot more time than you can in the real world.

Isn't that awesome! "

"It is!! "- I replied with enough enthusiasm to make a passionate basketball player feel like he was lacking in it. I was super excited to begin my training.






Ho ho how I would eat my own thoughts


That's all I can post this week, I had a lot of school work. Weekly exams are coming up so not a lot of time. But you guys will get your chapter in schedule from tomorrow!