
Another One?

"Wait Caerum, are you not afraid?!" asked Fulrian

He immediately answered with a little nod. Caerum was on edge, ever since he had entered the Magus Forest. He was constantly feeling discomfort but now he feels extremely uncomfortable, almost as if someone is watching them as they advance deeper into the forest.

The day has passed its prime, it wouldn't be long before the day wanes and turned into twilight. Fulrian stopped often while traveling through the forest to gather some rare shrubs. Her bag was filled almost completely with rare shrubs.

"Um, what exactly are we doing here?" Caerum asked in confusion as he was starting to tire.

"Ta train ya of course! What else?" Fulrian was casual in her response.

"This is more like torture than training." Caerum mumbled.

He didn't see how any of the things that they were doing would help him in passing the Silverwolf Trial. A cool breeze blew through the forest, rustling all the leaves along it's path sending shivers up Caerum's spine.

"C-can we please go back to the city now?" Caerum asked impatiently.

Caerum could no longer keep his thoughts to himself, he just wanted to escape this forest as quick as he could now.

"Na." Fulrian briefly replied with a casual wave, without giving it a second thought.

His attention on the environment now started waning. Caerum couldn't stand this ominous and suffocating feeling that loomed over him, it was as if he was waiting for his inevitable death. Like a lamb to the slaughter.

His grip on Fulrian loosened because his leg got stuck on a Sylvawood tree's root. Caerum stumbles forward. He became less attentive to his surroundings and at that moment a Bush Lurker pounced on Caerum; it was given the perfect opportunity to attack. Caerum was tackled onto the ground by a green furry beast

Fulrian was frozen from shock, she recovered quickly and threw a powerful kick at the green beast. Even she hadn't picked up on the presence of the Bush Lurker-until it attacked.

"I'll leave the rest to you then!" Fulrian yelled out to Caerum as she jumped back to witness the battle that was about to unfold.

This was the opportunity for Caerum to gain even more battle experience from a stronger creature. Caerum quickly got himself back up onto his two feet as he snapped back into reality. He had been completely caught off guard when he was ambushed by the creature. If Fulrian wasn't there to help Caerum from the Bush Lurker's initial attack, he would have suffered serious injuries

He turned to face the large bush like monster. His hands trembled both from exhaustion and fear. The experience with the Rose Crawler had already left him scarred for life and shaking. The fact that he was only barely able to defeat it, was not helping Caerum's already fatigued mental state. But now before him was a creature stronger and more dangerous than the Rose Crawler.

Caerum was done, he didn't want to fight anymore. All he wanted to do now was run away. He gave Fulrian a helpless look, pleading for her to save him. But she looked as if she wasn't going to move a single muscle, let alone take any action. All she did was smile at him.

When he turned back to face the beast, it was just a meter before him now charging full speed at him. Being given barely any time to react, Caerum had raised his spear in front of him. The beast soon crashed into the spear knocking Caerum back. The spear only served to slow the impact and minimise damage taken. As Caerum was pushed back, his heel grazed a protruding tree root from the ground, making him unbalance.

The Bush lurker turned around for another charge as Caerum regained posure. Caerum again had thoughts of running away, but he was stopped by his rational thought. Running away wouldn't do him any good, he would just get lost in this dense forest and, if he ran away it would be like as if he abandoned his goals and future plans that he was so determined of reaching. Though Fulrian told him that she would help if he got in trouble, but she didn't help when he was estranged with the Rose Crawler, nor was she helping him from the Bush Lurker right now. He shouldn't rely on the thought of help, he need to rely on on his own abilities. He had beaten a Rose Crawler just a moment ago, so what if this creature was a bit stronger? With this thought of assurance and sudden confidence, he put up a brave front ready for the next attack.

The Bush lurker charged at Caerum once again. Caerum threw gave firm thrust at it with his spear. The creature swerved to the right in order to dodge the spear. The spear grazed the side of the Bush Lurker. Caerum began panic; he wasn't expecting the Bush Lurker to dodge. He couldn't pull his spear back in time and so the Bush lurker smashed right into him. Sending him crashing onto the moist leaf riddled floor, with his spear knocked out of his hands.

With that hard-hitting blow from the Bush Lurker, Caerum puked. Fortunately, it wasn't to the point where he would vomit blood. The puke managed to splash onto the creature's eyes however, temporarily blinding it. Seeing this sight Fulrian couldn't help but giggle. Caerum gave a brief resenting glance towards Fulrian. How could she laugh when he was in such a desperate, do or die situation.

Caerum fumbled around grabbing his spear. This was his chance! As long as the beast was blinded, he could inflict devastating damage upon the beast or even a killing blow. He lunged at the bemuddled beast. Making a clean stab through the abdomen. The beast roared in pain and anger. Caerum readied for another strike, this was his time to finish the beast off.

So far the battle was going better than what had transpired during the battle with the Rose Crawler. It seemed as if Caerum now had the upper hand... until the bush lurker suddenly emanated a strange blue light!

It was forced to use it's trump card. Its leaf like fur started to harden, a blue horn was materialising on the beast. Caerum quickly forced his spear down onto the beast, trying to kill it before it could finish charging it's attack. The blue horn was shot forwards by the beast, piercing Caerum's abdomen; payback for what he did to the beast earlier. The attack had enough force to interrupt Caerum's attack, forcing him back a few steps. The impact area was stained with blood.

He was numb to any pain now however, adrenaline was all that kept him going at this point. The beast was also bleeding out profusely. At this rate, they would die of blood lost if this kept up. The beast gave what seemed to be one last desperate attempt to kill Caerum. If Caerum got hit by the beast charge now, he was to surely die. Caerum took a final stance, he was feeling dizzy at this point, he couldn't think properly anymore. The blood loss was really getting to him, he would faint any moment now and the beast would win.

The bush lurker dashed to the zigzagged towards him, the quick change in direction was aided by the beast's magic. For what reason it didn't use it's magic till now was unknown to Caerum, but he didn't have enough time to think about this. He strained his eyes to trace the creature's directory and point of where it will strike. As the Bush Lurker approached Caerum, he made a horizontal swing with his spear. The spear sliced deep into the side of the beast, but the beast ignored it not even slowing down one bit as it thundered towards Caerum. Intense fear was painted on Caerum's face, it was as if he was staring right into death's eyes. Shortly after, he was suddenly paralysed. He couldn't make a single move as the creature itched towards his face.


As if answering his cry, a sudden spark of light crashed into the beast sending it flying into a tree. Fulrian had her palm open; she had sent a powerful lightning bolt that killed the creature. The Bush Lurker laid sprawled on the ground, crisp and static from the fatal lighting shock it took. It was dead.

Caerum was frozen, this was his second near death experience and it all happened in one day. His adrenaline rush that had keep him going had passed now and all the pain surged through his body, as if a train had hit him. He grasped the hole in his stomach, he was going to die from blood loss. His mental state has been pushed near his limits, he could no longer tolerate this abuse that he is suffering. Fulrian had rushed to his side quickly healing his wounds with a single bottle of healing water.

"I think that is enough for today." She said with a genuinely serious expression.

She was barely able to save Caerum then. Had she slipped up, Caerum would have died. His clothes were completely tarnished now, filled with holes cuts and stained with blood, sweat and tears.

"I-I don't want to do this anymore." Caerum pleaded.

He never wanted to the fight dangerous beasts in the forest, he only fought those beasts because he didn't have any other choice.

"Shh, everything will be better soon." She comforted Caerum.

"I hate you." Caerum said with the little breath he had.

At that moment, all of Caerum's bottled up emotions were released, his face was flushed with anguish towards Fulrian. While Caerum hadn't recovered both emotionally and mentally the healing water was effective in healing his surface wounds, the bottle was now empty and his wounds had now closed up. She now only had a single bottle of healing water left. Fulrian ignored the grumpy Caerum and looked at the skies overhead, the leaves in the canopy were sparse enough to allow for people to see the skies above. The sun was hanging low in the sky now, they only had an or two hour left before twilight comes. Though his wounds were healed, he still hasn't recovered much of his blood. Fulrian laid Caerum beneath a Sylvawood tree. Moss covered the tree trunk and it's roots, conveniently creating a comfortable place for Caerum to settle down on. Caerum didn't object to any of her movements. He felt weak and fatigued, he was too exhausted to move. All he could do was pant heavily and rest.

Fulrian scouted the area picking up sticks and fallen branches.

"We'll be sleepin' out tonight. Hope that's alright with you." she announced.

She chucked the wood into a pile. She gathered a pile of stones and placed them in a circle formation. She seemed to be making a campfire. Caerum could be heard sulking on the comfort of a Sylvawood tree. Completing her encampment, she sent a bolt of lighting onto the bundle of sticks in the stone circle setting it alight.

It was now twilight, chirping can be heard, setting an ambient and pleasant atmosphere in the forest. Caerum had succumbed to his exhaustion and eventually cried himself to a peaceful sleep. Fulrian wasn't given the luxury to rest, being the only person who can fend off monsters when night came. Caerum was in no condition to fight anymore, so for tomorrow he was going to have to learn how to live in the wilderness, surviving off the wild. She knew she hadn't done a good enough job. She wasn't able to help Caerum exert his body to its limit yet, without him almost getting killed every single time. It was regrettable that she had only bought 3 bottles of healing water with her, if she had bought some more bottles of healing water and some regeneration fluid, he could continue to train longer.

Roar! The cry sent birds fleeing from trees and leaves to rattle. The beast could be heard approaching the campsite. A beast appeared from the bushes and Fulrian couldn't help but lick her lips as she eyed the beast, ready to have some fun.

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