
AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Full Title, AZI: The History Shattering Burial of a Selfish Lunatic, Who Walked through Reincarnation for Two-Trillion Years Volumes 1-3 Synopsis: “Who?” Holding a lone gourd in hand the young man raises it to the Heavens with a single question. “Who wishes to accompany me? To stay by my side for an eternity, and to walk through the mountains, and seas?” May container spoilers below Volume 4 Synopsis: Weapon spirits, such is the nature of every single Sinner within the Leng Bing Realm. In other words, all of them are but tools, and a tool… “A tool has no right to choose their owner, and what a tool does is decided by their owner.” “…Cruel, how very cruel the laws of this world are. Even upon death, a soul may not rest.” Volume 5 Synopsis: “Surnamed Ye, if you had a choice between being a hero or a demon lord, which would you choose? Naturally, you can also choose to be a villager A or B if you wanted to.” “What kind of question is that? Hmm.” Contemplating for a bit, Ye Chen answers— “I guess, the hero? Since he always wins in the end?” “Hero, is it?” “And you, surnamed Long?” “I think, the role of the hero—is a role that should only be played by a masochist.” “The hell? Is this entire question supposed to be a way to diss me?” “The fate of a hero is to suffer. They’re constantly being pushed left and right. …While everyone else drowns in a sea of despair, a hero must stand their ground, and step forward—to guide the deadbeats along. They must become the shining beacon of hope that others may follow—towards a future, where they may survive. Tell me then, if a hero isn’t a masochist, then what are they?” The world is a game board, those who control the game board, and the game itself… What are they? Volume 6 Synopsis: “A lunatic near death has three options. One, they can choose to pass away peacefully. Two, they can choose to spend the rest of their remaining life to find a solution that will let them live. Three, they can drag an entire world down as a part of their burial.” ……… “The longer you live for, and the more you experience, the less you care about the things around you. Maybe, I’m just someone who has reached that point?” ……… “You’re right in saying that even if this world goes up into flames, I’d still be drinking away at my leisure. Why bother to care for a world that is completely foreign to me? The people who I had cared for, they aren’t here; hence, I see very little purpose in getting myself invested into this environment.” ……… The 46th prince of the Hong Xiao Empire was born between the emperor and the 114th concubine. He was born on a moonlit night, and yet, since his eyes were blind, his majesty—the emperor decided to name him Bujian Yue. “Did you know—that the more fearful a prey is, the tastier it is? At least to me, since I enjoy chewing on my food to savor the flavor.” “…?” Enlarging its stature, the black serpent abruptly snaps its head forward, and swallows the palace maid whole. Leaving a bite mark on the ground, the black serpent begins to chew, as the sound of meat and bones being pulverized comes from its maw. And eventually, the black serpent swallows.

YatogamiSakuya · Fantasy
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405 Chs

AZI Volume 6 Chapter 47


Sensing something to be off about Long Hua and Lin Yu Heng's discussion, Qing Ming Yang raises his voice, and asks—

"What about me?! As the one leading this investigation, what would happen to me—if most of these people die?!"

For having brought over 200 clansmen into the Leng Bing Realm, Qing Ming Yang—under the current circumstances, felt as if he had lifted a boulder, only to smash it onto his own foot.


Not willing to look at Qing Ming Yang, Lin Yu Heng turns his face away from the former, and mutters—

"That's… A bit difficult to say."

"What does that even mean?! Be clear with me! Won't I get executed?!"

Turning to Long Hua with clear desperation, Qing Ming Yang says—

"Senior! You have to help me here! I-I don't want to die!"

Chuckling aloud, Long Hua replies—

"Surnamed Qing, it's not impossible to get out of this situation alive."

"Senior, please advise!"

"Before you leave this world, have surnamed Lin kick your ass hard."



Different from Qing Ming Yang's confusion, Lin Yu Heng raised an eye with evident delight.


"A person who had suffered grievous wounds is more likely to be exempt from punishment, especially so if those wounds were gained for a noble cause."


Naturally, Qing Ming Yang understands the logic in these words; however—

"…Senior, is there another method?"

In all honestly, Qing Ming Yang is a bit fearful of Lin Yu Heng taking this chance to purposefully put him out of his misery, or at the very least, bedridden him for a lifetime.

Heaving a sigh, Long Hua says—

"There is, but this method requires a very specific situation to happen."

"What sort of situation?"

"In a situation that requires someone to hold the line, you become the hero—who is willing to sacrifice himself, so that your fellow clansmen will be able to retreat."


Ignoring Qing Ming Yang's astonishment, Long Hua goes on to add—

"If you can perform this role well—not only will you not be punished, but you will also be rewarded greatly for your valor."

"Uh… Senior, this situation is a bit too specific, isn't it? Also, is there a method that can let me avoid being injured?"

Shrugging a shoulder, Long Hua replies—

"There isn't one. If you don't want surnamed Lin to be the one to kick your ass, you could always try to sustain some injuries from a stray weapon spirit. …I should add—if you choose to wound yourself by your own hands, the wounds might look a bit unnatural to the keener eyes."


In a powerless manner, Qing Ming Yang drops his shoulders, and turns to Lin Yu Heng with a pleading light in his eyes.

"Lin-xiong, you…"


As much as Lin Yu Heng wishes to beat Qing Ming Yang to death, he also doesn't wish to become the next person on the chopping block—in case, the elder who does take over the task arrangements did get kicked by a donkey.

"I can make a Dao oath, and promise you that I'll spare your life an inch away from death."


Twitching an eye at Lin Yu Heng's compromise, Qing Ming Yang replies—

"…I'll leave everything in your capable hands then...…"


With this matter settled, the two suddenly felt like a heavy weight had just been lifted off their shoulders.


Within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor—who had seen everything through her vessel thus far, shakes her head.

"Terrifying. Just like that, this snake managed to turn two individuals against their own clansmen. What was originally black was turned white by that tongue of his."

If one must chase the entirety of this situation back to its roots, Wang Bei Mu's death must be brought up.

And the killer of Wang Bei Mu was none other than Long Hua himself—which means to say, he is the one to have kicked off all these events that led up to this point.


A few meters away from the group of four, and hiding behind a tree, Yao Ying feels like she has just been introduced to something terrifying.


Thinking back to Long Hua's every word, a chill runs down Yao Ying's spine.

(That person… His every move was so well-calculated; not only that, but he also managed to have a thorough grasp over those two.)

"Chen Shi family's little girl, come out."


Being called out by Long Hua, Yao Ying freezes.


Spreading his divine senses outwards, Qing Ming Yang is quick to find Yao Ying, but before he could move—


Emerging from behind the tree, Yao Ying quietly approaches the group of four.

Due to the rain, Yao Ying's hair is sticking tightly onto her face.

"Chen Shi?"

Having not been informed of Yao Ying's presence in the Leng Bing Realm, Lin Yu Heng constricts his eyes, as he thinks back to a certain incident that occurred on the Ling Yuan family's estate.


With a look of disinterest on his face, Long Hua asks—

"What are you doing here?"


Drawing in a deep breath of air, Yao Ying somehow finds the courage to raise her head, and meet Long Hua's eyes. The latter's face, which is devoid of any emotions—it looks much more terrifying amidst the pouring rain.


Forcing herself to not tremble with fear, Yao Ying answers—

"I… I don't want to continue being a carp that is raised in an artificial pond—waiting for someone else to feed me."