
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Bücher und Literatur
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202 Chs

Story 8 Red Angel Of The New World Chapter 2 Com by Kannonball

The world of One Piece was one of absurdity. Normally seeing myself, a man almost three whole meters tall was something to gawk at for being obscenely tall. But here on this world... I was literally about average as there were many people who were more than ten meters meters tall. 

So as I wandered into the city of Saobody, it didn't take me long to figure out the utter disparity in the lives here. The Saobody Archipelago was the main island for World Nobles to come buy their slaves, and the locals, being the people who actually lived here didn't see much if any money from the disgusting World Nobles coming to visit.

But looking around I didnt take my newly enhanced mind of a Primarch to analyze the structure of the island's social structure which went along the lines of. The poor natives on the bottom who worked on the attractions and the auction houses. The wealthy merchants and pirates who brought slaves and treasures here. And atop them was the Marines and World Government agents who protected the 'gods' among men in the World Nobels.

I walked around for a full day taking in the sights, learning of the surrounding area and then came to a realization. "I cannot cause trouble here." I muttered with the memory of how Kizaru could travel at almost light speed and could get from Marine headquarters to here within minutes at most with how well he knew how to get here.

So no matter how the instincts of Angron screamed at me, I knew I couldn't free the slaves here and lead an uprising against the World Government. I didn't have enough information... And frankly I needed actual combat training before I threw down with an Admiral, myself being a Primarch didn't matter in a fight at that level.

But with my leftover points from my insertion here in One Piece I did have a number of options. As I looked through the catalog I realized quickly enough that there was the two things I needed... Ships and people I could trust that were bound to me with the catalog's clone, indoctrination and mind control so they wouldn't betray me at the drop of a hat unless I purchased already insane people.

They had all kinds of ships, to starships to sailing vessels, to tanks and everything in between. But as much as I wanted to get a star ship and blow up up the World Governments islands from orbit that wouldn't work as I wanted to free the slaves... And frankly, I didn't have enough points.

So after a bit of thought, I realized what my best options right now were thus. Get a ship and leave this island that was making me feel disgusted from the despair radiating from the auction houses with my empathy power from Angron's template, get some combat training from any of the dozens of combat waifus the catalog had below tier 5 and once I got some combat training under my belt and I got some training in Haki...

I could somewhat safely get involved in the world and the quests I got with coming here to the One Piece world which went along the lines of helping Uta, becoming a Warlord, and doing other things.

"Why the fuck does a ship cost more than an actual Shipgirl from Azur Lane???" I muttered in utter fucking confusion and then I looked at the locks next to the Azur Lane and other shipgirls and realized the fucking catalog had locked away ship girls for people in the world of One Piece...

I tapped the lock button and I saw a little emoji of my patron sticking out his tongue with a fist knocking on his head and then all the locks disappeared making me snicker at how fucking stupid the rules of the catalog were. I was the in world of One Piece... Why in the hell if I could get any waifu from any universe, why in the world wouldn't I get a girl who could literally spawn a ship at will and wouldn't need to leave it at a port as we went around on the islands we visited to be robbed or have to leave people to guard the ship?

Utterly baffling honestly...

After a good bit of research through the catalog, I found a good list of ship girls I would be willing to work with that would fit in my budget of 'Honolulu, Bremerton, Helena, Belfast and a couple others.'

But beyond that, I locked onto someone I realized I needed that my Angron template locked onto. "Lotara Sarrin..." I mused looking at the tier four waifu that would take a bite out of the last of my points but in the end I nodded as I knew I needed a decent quatermaster and person to lead the ship when I was busy so with a button press I saw my points drain as a portal opened beside me and a woman wearing a red dress with a white top that had a bloody hand print placed in the middle of her chest walked out of the portal.

"My Lord!" She reflectively snapped to attention with a salute seeing her Primarch again and I smiled seeing she wasn't Chaos corrupted which actually made her cheaper funny enough without the corruption.

"At ease Lotara," I said deeply and then I took a deep breath. "Lotara this is a very different world then the worlds in the our previous Galaxy where your memories are from... The people here are strong and I am like you basically a clone, with only memories of Angron's combat... We need to fly under the radar for now as we collect supplies for our voyage on a ship we will be acquiring." I explained.

Lotara relaxed slightly and then asked me something I didn't consider. "How will we be acquiring the funds for the supplies sir?" She asked and I froze at that reminder before I smiled wryly.

"We won't... I got to get a bounty somehow, let's go rob the rich to keep for the poor. As in myself." I said with some dry humor that made Lotara gap at me.

"You truly aren't Angron... But in either case so long as you live up to his dreams of freedom than I will be loyal." She said gravely and I nodded with that wry smile turning amused. There were few worlds as 'free' as One Piece actually.

What with there being a literal god of 'Freedom' and the sun itself running around now.

Either way with a decent greeting and understanding being made with Lotara, we made our way into the rich side of the islands amusement park area where the supplies were kept and while Lotara made herself out as an inspector I played the dumb muscle moving stuff around the park but in the reality, I was just putting all the food and other supplies into the pocket dimension that I made sure to get speced out for in Sweet Home perk

Next 5 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patr-eon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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