
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Bücher und Literatur
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178 Chs

Story 7 The Red Priest and Blue Slime Chapter 16

After Rimuru dealt with the angsty form of Benimaru with threatening death via her powerful fused skills resulting in a dark purple fire that sparked with lightning. I helped Souei and Shion, get back to their feet after Shuna got between Benimaru and Rimuru and got things to calm down.

"So an Orc Calamity is running around," I muttered hearing about the unique species of Ogre that was leading the Orc's through the Jura forest eating everything in sight. And slightly like Rimuru, the Orc was gaining power from eating the countless lifeforms filling the massive Jura forest and its surrounding regions.

"Indeed... Even if the Orc Lord is stronger than us, he wasn't even there when our village was butchered." The would-be Benimaru spoke with a frown and continued. "The reason why we lost, was their overwhelming numbers along with the fact that each Orc felt no pain, fear, and most importantly they were all in heavy human style plate armor." 

The leader of the Ogre's was clearly upset at his inability to save more than their six in comparison to their village which had more than five hundred ogres there before the event. So as Rimuru broke bread and ate some food with who would become Benimaru and the rest, I was talking to Shuna.

"So he is your brother huh." I said with a knowing smile and she nodded with a with determination.

"Yes although my brother is headstrong and stubborn but his heart is at least in the right place." She said almost defending her brother but there was no disguising the 'He is also stupid but I love him all the same.' In her voice.

I shook my head and while Rimuru and Shion were talking about stuff Shion decided to help Rimuru cook some meat and vegetables on a skewer. But as Shion started cooking, I saw all the Ogre's blanch, turn pale. And all of them made excuses to run off to go speak with the goblins with the exception of Benimaru who was talking with Rimuru about moving here into the village to set down roots.

"Rimuru, Young Master, why don't you try out this skewer I just cooked!" The would be named Shion said happily and in the couple minutes of her cooking the skewer of food I had looked away to talk to Shuna about her spirit flames and in that time the food on the skewer had somehow before purple and had a clear thick miasma of poisonous smoke drifting up from the food.

"Ohhh... Thank you, but I alreadly ate a whole side of ribs. I cannot possibly eat that." The leader of the Ogre's instantly said with a well-practiced fake smile that made my lips twitch in amusement and Rimuru herself took one glance at the death stick... And looked at me for a savior.

While the purple haired Ogre slumped at no one willing to accept the skewer she just cooked I spoke up. "Hey, I haven't gotten time around the fire to cook my own food. How about I take it seeing as Rimuru and your leader won't appreciate your hard work." I said with a small smile while hiding my trepidation as a literal laughing skull formed out of the purple smoke leaking from the food and taunted me.

'I could make a literal bioweapons out of this, by throwing this into someone's water supply.' I thought wryly as Shion grinned happily and handed me the skewer while looking at me in obvious anticipation.

This was matched by everyone else in attendance as no one had the heart or balls to tell Shion that her food was nothing but a tool of murder. So they were obviously waiting for me to fall to the ground with foam coming out of my mouth or something equally ridiculous after eating any of it.

So first, I used my spiritual energy to cut off my sense of taste and smell, and with an exhale I pulled the somehow grimy and greasy food into my mouth and out of the sight of everyone with my mouth closing. I burned the food's curse from Shion's handiwork with my Yatagarsu's flames and then with a loud gulp that was matched by all watching I looked to Shion and spoke with a small smile.

"Thank you for the meal," I said with a widening smile as I felt giddy joy at the extraordinary realization.

I was basically a three-way crossover between a mage, cultivator, and eldritch creature... And Shion's cooking was filled with such a potent curse that it became otherworldly and could help the potion I took to reach this Sequence digest faster.

Or in other words, she was such a conceptually bad cook that her food was an eldritch monstrosity filled with its own spirituality due to how terrible it was that not even the very world itself could withstand its vile nature.

Benimaru choked on his own food as I went for a second bite and the rest of the ogre's except for Shion looked at me like I was an utter freak while Shion flushed as I asked gently. "That was great, could you please make me more another?" 

Shion's eyes glistened as she said in wonder. "You want... Another serving?" She asked with such hope that I couldn't help but match in a wide smile as I said easily.

"It was utterly delicious. Now I kinda wanna name you, and keep you here Haha!" I joked with Shion's flush of excitement turning to a blush of delighted embarrassment but as her head dipped down and her hands shook, she happily made me more food throughout the night as the dwarves broke out the booze and we all started drinking.

Next 15 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patr-eon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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