
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Bücher und Literatur
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202 Chs

Story 11 Great Great Asset Chapter 10

At my question, Yang went still as did the rest of the room before Yang moved from her position of standing beside Lucy and leaned slightly over the dining room table towards me as she asked bluntly. "Why the hell would I weaken myself temporarily for hours to give you Aura, we aren't friends or anything."

For a moment I had two thoughts ring through my head. 1 I could summon Ruby herself, her sister here through the catalog if I wanted to spend points on her. 2 It was the 'right' thing to do.

But with how she was a punk who didn't see an issue in some light terroism and causing massive damage... I wasn't going to appeal to her morality, so I instead said equally bluntly. "This entire subdivision has at least one if not more than two PE items per house with there being a dozen houses to say nothing of items that can be outside as well... Myself and my friend here will leave allowing you four to have them all without any conflict if you give me Aura." 

Yang leaned back with her eyebrow-raising in thought and then Rebecca spoke up cockily. "Wait wait! Why are we even playing with him haha! He doesn't have Aura, chrome, magic or anything else. We don't owe him squat!"

And in turn I smiled as I coldly said. "You are right... But there is something you don't understand. I am not some punk, I was reincarnated here with my bracelet being a cheat that allows me to buy cheats, powers, items of power, and anything else I could want... Can you guys guess what I bought first thing when I realized mind-flaying, and soul-eating monsters were the norm?"

They went still and Lucy's eyes glowed as she looked at my bracelet before grimacing as she said quickly. "His bracelet is far different... And more powerful than the ones the higher end waifus have." And then her eyes hit mine as she stated bluntly. "You got some kind of dead mans switch or something right?"

I gave an enigmatic smile not answering as I took a breath to steady myself as I looked back to Yang and said. "I am not threatening you, I am not demanding anything... I do want Aura, but I will not be walked over so please treat my request fairly."

The sunny-haired busty brawler snorted as Rebecca actually chuckled at my gumption and seeing no conflict was going to happen just whipped out a candy bar and began eating it as she watched us.

But instead of Yang giving an answer as she thought about it. Sinder just snapped out with annoyance. "Oh come on! He is offering enough salvage that we don't need to worry about meeting quota for a couple of weeks for you to do something you will recover from by the time we clear out a couple of these houses."

I raised an eyebrow at that 'Quota' but I didn't press on it as Yang looked annoyed at Sinder who met Yang's now red eyes with her own glowing fiery eyes as she had literal hellfire coming out of her ears with her being a hellhound.

Finally Yang rolled her eyes and then she looked at me again with her saying with something in her eyes. "You said you had a cheat bracelet right?" And at my nod she pursed her lip and asked bluntly. "How much does it cost for you to get a ticket out of this damned place along with how many people you can take?" 

I stilled at that question as all three other girls lasered in on me at that question but I raised a hand for them to give me a second as I explained seriously. "This place is supposed to make me strong as I acquire PE items... And with those items I get points but I don't have a direct buyout button, instead, I have cheat powers and once I gain cheat-level powers or potential I can leave this universe while taking... Everyone? With me." I said and even checked my information at her specification on how many I could take with me.

Yang's face darkened but it was Lucy who said coldly. "That's bullshit... Even the top waifus even if they have lower quotas to leave due to their power being a danger to the seals, still no matter what, can only bring four other people out."

In response I turned on my bracelet to visible mode and then with the holographic screen being projected I outlined the 'Every attached waifu' option and my bracelet blipped and expanded the text to display. [User is registered as a 'half' catalog agent. Should any waifu attach their souls to the user they will count as his own and without limit, all connections to his soul will be moved with him to whatever universe he is transported to by choice after the user has aquired his own cheat level power and reached tier 7-8 in personal power.]

Reading along with them, at the end I stated blandly. "See, I can take anyone and everyone I can... Though it has its caveats about a soul bond but you girls are waifu catalog clones who were literally rotting in stasis after not being bought."

A grunt rang out and I looked at Rebecca who clutched her blue-colored chest in mental agony at my burn at how they never got sold in the Company and had to be yeeted into this universe but either way Yang brushed her hand over her face as she was in deep thought at this revelation.

But idly as I read more as everyone was quiet as Mizuhara finished the massive platter of breakfast... I realized that at the bottom of the page. There was another data entry. [Waifu's currently attached to User-1 ]

Being that waifu was obviously Mizuhara and it was a heady thing to know that I was literally soul-bonded to her now even if I couldn't actually feel anything.

Sinder made a noise to get our attention and as I looked over at the voluptuous hellhound she clapped her hands and said. "Actually... Why don't I just unlock his aura? I mean I have had aura for a few weeks now and I already did it before for some new people joining Mirko's crew. If you are weirded out by rubbing souls with a guy Yang." 

The hellhound's words made Yang boggle before she snapped out with a small flush across her cheek. " I am not embarrassed to unlock his aura!" 

"Me thinks you are getting too romantic about this Yang... It's not like you are going to take him into a closet and suck his soul out his dick while igniting his soul." Rebecca teased giggling hysterically as Yang's eyes went dull at the thought before hurriedly shaking her head as she looked with violence in her eyes at the unrepentant midget.

Thankfully Mizuhara cut through the tension as she said quietly. "Food is done." And she quickly put down four large pans filled with a bunch of scrambled eggs, breakfast ham, hashbrowns, and even some seared fish of all things.

I quickly began eating while the four girls shared a look at the good food being in front of them so I said bluntly. "Eat if you want. There's too much for us to eat and all the food here will spoil without refrigeration as none of the cabinets have canned or otherwise stable food." 

While Mizuhara sat closely beside me and begin eating with me I saw Sinder stand up from her own seat and walk over to me with her offering a hand to me as she smiled. "Well Yang is obviously embarrased but I don't want any bad blood so let me unlock your Aura now!"

I nodded slowly as in reality I knew RWBY aura was one of the safest 'magical' power systems unless Sinder had some kind of soul-burning semblances or something. But I was willing to take the chance as RWBY aura was a potent power and if I could get it for free. Then that was 1500 credits I could have for free.

My vision dulled as Sinder's crimson aura flared to life gently around my form and even as I fell into a meditative trance I heard her speaking softly into my ear and soul as her hand moved from my own to land upon my chest with her ample chest pushing into my shoulder as she closed in with her lips just barely touching my ear as she whispered into my soul.

"For it is in fiery passion that we achieve success. Through this, we become a paragon of fire and humanity to rise above suffering. Infinite in love and unbound by space, I release your soul, and by my power, condemn thee to my watch."

Her soul's power filled my own and gently I felt her turning my soul around in her grasp as under her soul's gentle guidance I felt my own soul 'awaken' with my form glowing a soft violet.

And even as our souls almost seemingly reluctantly parted from one another as Sinder carefully backed away while holding the dining room table to keep herself steady. I couldn't help a smile at knowing I now had some insurance against more physical threats in this universe!

Next 15 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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