
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Bücher und Literatur
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178 Chs

Story 1 Martial Glory, Chapter 18

There was a fine balance in this world of Martial Arts. There was the Satsujinken which was the Killing Fist. To learn martial arts with the clear intent to win without any rules or limitations in order to reach that victory. But on the other end was the Katsujinken or Saving Fist which put emphasis on not killing their opponent at all, no matter the danger they were in.

Hayato Furinji was old. He had lived a long, fruitful life and was closer to a hundred than ninety... And in his very long life, he had done his best to be the upholder of Katsujinken, but the underworld and the world at large knew he had two buttons you never pressed.

Touching his family, and touching the new untrained disciples of his beloved dojo. He was well aware once they gained strength he couldn't nor should act as their total umbrella... But as he stared blankly at Akisame, even his superhuman senses were screaming in agreement even though his mind so dearly wanted to deny what he had heard.

"Repeat that Akisame... I don't believe I heard you correctly." Hayato said with a light of Ki entering his eyes as unbidden fury welled up within his form.

The Jujutsu Master took a breath and then spoke clearly and slowly. "Grandmaster, while Shigure led Jake on a Kengan match to earn funds for his stay in Japan with how he is an oprhan... He fought the Widows disciple, and the Widow in some form of petulant revenge for Jake winning or having some other motive... Infected Jake with some kind of super virus biological weapon that is messing with his DNA structure as we speak." Akisame spoke but Hayato remained froze as Akisame took a breath and continued.

"While I investigated his DNA. I realized it shared many similarities that I knew all too well... And with a simple test, I was able to match his DNA to yours and Miu's with his DNA being closer to your own. And thus I believe he may be the son of Saiga." Akisame finished stocially.

There was a heavy silence in the room for a long moment before Hayato spoke quietly while looking blankly at his tea. "The Widow huh... I see, and Jake's status." Hayato paused and visibly chewed on his thoughts as he asked bluntly. "How is he?" 

Akisame grimaced and shook his head as he reported tiredly. "I have done all I can, using what knowledge I have, Kensei has made some special ki-enhancing soups to keep his body strong and fueled, and Apachai is massaging his acupoints with his ki to keep whatever foul bioweapons he was struck with stable and slow acting." Akisame equally bluntly reported and then Hayato silently stood up from his crouched position with him reaching into his green robe to take out a cell phone.

Before he called though he looked to Akisame and said softly. "Please keep him alive, I will do what I can as well with my connections and after I make my calls I will go look for her as well." He said with his eyes flaring with ki and Akisame wordlessly nodded and left the room.

After Akisame left, Hayato looked at his phone with a blank expression for a moment and then began dialing a number and after a couple rings a cold voice picked up. "What?" 

Hayato flatly responded. "One of your toys was used on one of my family members... Where is the Widow and what was used upon him?" 

There was a silence on the line and the previously cold voice spoke with unmistakable curiosity. "Ah yes, the new Disciple of Ryouzonpaku. The Widow said nothing of infecting him with one of the samples she stole, but as for what was used... I cannot say, as the package she stole had a dozen strains of different projects to be used for certain tasks and for different facilities across the world." The voice carelessly spoke and the very air seemed to become heavy as Hayato's face went icy.

But as though sensing Hayato's fury the voice said evenly. "I doubt you will entrust his care to myself or the Tokyo facility... But as for the Widow." The voice drew off and then continued. "She is currently staying in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. I doubt you will kill her, but please do make sure the samples she does have, do not enter a water source... As that would be very bad for the nation of Japan regardless of the sample." The voice spoke and then a click rang out as the voice hung up and Hayato slowly moved his flip phone away from his face and shut it with a loud click.

"Albert Wesker... You know my reverse scale, don't think I am blind." He grumbled before taking a breath and without another word he strode out of the room with his ears picking up the sounds of his granddaughter talking to the other younger disciples. Who were certainly completely obvious to Jake's state.

Hayato leapt through the air and within moments he was running across the city roofs at great speeds that no normal human could track his movements as he rushed towards the hotel that the 'son' of his old friend had told him his prey was at.


Across the city, Kafka. The Black Widow was lounging across a long seat staring out into the city of Tokyo as the many lights started turning on as the night came. Her purple eyes were locked into the distance and didn't move as her disciple threw open the shower door with a groan. "Ugh... My chest still hurts from that asshole stomping in between my boobs." Steele whined and Kafka looked over at where the pale bruise that should have taken a solid week even for a martial artist of Steele's caliber to heal, was clearly already healing.

Kafka smiled softly and said sweetly. "Be glad he didn't stomp a bit to the side then... Or upwards directly onto your face my dear. Even with you having the G and Ouroboros Virus, a decent martial artist can still splatter your still very much human brains across the asphalt." 

Steele pouted and Kafka chuckled as her petulant disciple shook her by the shoulder as Steele whined. "But its not fair! Why did you give him the Ouroboros as well! What if he gets even stronger... Or hell, what if he dies and his master and the masters of Ryouzonpaku come for us!?" 

The purple-haired femme fatale throatily chuckled at her disciple's demands and easily responded. "Oh, for a disciple of Ryouzonpaku... I believed wholeheartedly he would live and to say nothing of myself, but many others are curious as to what form of evolution the virus will force upon him."

Kafka's lips twitched as she looked at her disciple and raised an eyebrow. "Then in the end, I suppose I will just need to rely on my adorable disciple to protect me from the angry monster he shall become or the monsters that will take revenge." But then her smile died as her phone rang and a cool expression covered it as she snapped the phone in half seeing the caller's I.D

"Well my dear, I believe we have overstayed our welcome here. Let us be off." Kafka said with a small groan as she carefully packed away the expensive jackets and clothes she purchased via 'liberating' her disciple's funds from the Kengan matches she won.

But as Kafka reached the door of the room, she twitched and her hand flicked forward into a blur, and several throwing stars and throwing knives flew through the thick metal and wooden door like it was but air. But rather than thunking noises ringing out from the blades hitting the back wall, sharp clanging noises rang out as metal met metal violently and Kafka leaped backward. As the door slid off its hinges and fell to the floor with a loud thud as a sword-wielding woman strode into the hotel room over the remains of the destroyed door.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patre-on.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

Azazyelcreators' thoughts