

300 years before the arrival of (Al-Nahhas) junior Princess (Aynur), Princess of the kingdom of Kandor to regain the floral throne in the Roses City, after her uncle the emperor Behrouz usurped it, the witch Korra Kalak helps him, and faces the witch's curse, using her enchanted weapon (Soma).

Mafouz · Fantasie
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67 Chs

The Requests of Suicides

Fossan fell from the top of the palace and felt it was the end.

But he heard the crow's croak, which sounded like music at that fatal moment.

And immediately he found himself falling over Cyrus behind Arch, and said to him, panting:

- "Why are you late?"

Arch, who expected a thanking:

- "You are welcome."

They surrounded the palace by air and land with the help of the dwarves, and Hazad's delay in getting out helped them to complete the ambushes, and he made several traps to catch him at all the exits of the palace, and they collected larger numbers of them in anticipation, especially after the massacre he had carried out.

Hazad was late because he checked the palace before leaving.

He was sure that the princess wouldn't hide in the first place they thought she would be, but he left nothing to chance.


Solaik remembered the situation perfectly.

He met the wise Marzouq former wise of (Mrn Atur) and the current wise of kandorian Princess, and found him instructing Arnaud, the chief servant, to intensify the spreading of torches in the palace, when he asked him, he told him that it was the recommendation of Honourable Wise (Noveo) the Immortal, to put pressure on the Iceman's stamina if he entered the palace.

Now he was immersed in molten iron completely inflamed, and he heard a terrifying hiss, as if extinguishing fire in the snow, and found him falling motionless, and the molten was frozen on him, and he became a statue, with a suffocating smell spreading all over the place, so he came out quickly, and asked the nearest dwarves:

- "Where's Mr Amed?"

- "We heard his fighting cries in the armouries, and our colleagues rushed to support him, and I will go to fight the horse knight."

He headed to the weapon treasury and was surprised by the corpses of the four dwarves, and Amed standing with his legendary sword facing the fearsome warlock.

He said to the warlock in a confident tone:

- "It's all over, half of your comrades have surrendered, and the other half have been destroyed."

Drups was stunned.

Amed laughed in ecstasy and the genie tells him:

- "I killed an iceman with these amateurs, you'll find his body in the blacksmith's workshop. Leave that bastard to me."

Amed shook his hand forcefully, then quickly retreated and sped toward the workshop.

As for the warlock, he slowly pulled out the sharp rhombus, and Delgis whispered in his mind:

- "He has a good effect on women, but he exaggerates a lot."

He was not very reassured by her intervention, but his astonishment receded greatly, and he says to Solaik:

- "I would have liked to take revenge on the washinian sword-bearer, but I do not refuse the requests of suicides."

Solaik raised his sword and swooped down with an ancient war cry, and Drups muttered something vaguely as he aimed his sharp rhombus.

And he says:

- "Let's endure some thirst."

The energy envelope was launched.
