
School Issues

A few days passed and our class Situation has been great. We were tackling the upcoming midterms head on as we created two study groups with multiple tutors on top, I was assigned to the first group with Ichinose, Amikura, Shibata, Kanzaki, Shiranami and Minamikata. Hamaguchi was tutoring another group while Kanzaki was supporting Ichinose. The Situation has been Flawless as i could already see us passing the exam. But we couldn't let our guard down.

After Ichinose revealed her past to me, We became closer than ever. Meanwhile, I was trying to discover what is that feeling when i'm around her.

The bell rang signaling the start of lunch period. Ichinose and I, Glanced at each other and nodded, Before leaving the classroom heading towards Class D.

After what happened in my room, I kinda became like Ichinose's right hand man. We explained our proposal of alliance to our classmates which received positive responses. We were walking down the hall, When i decided to strike up a conversation

" So what is the reason you chose Class D ? " I Asked with interest

" Since the start of may, They have been treated horribly by the school and the other students, So i decided to help them " Said Ichinose looking as bright as ever

" You do realize that we gain almost nothing by allying with them right ? " I marked, Ichinose has became a capable Class leader and central figure in our class, I'm pretty sure she knows what She's doing

" It's not a question of gain or loss, I just wanted to help them. Besides, there is other reasons like crossing one class of our list, We wouldn't completely drop our guard especially since we are Class A and They seem the easiest class to approach " Explained Ichinose.

That Certainly is true. Class D compared to the other classes is our best option.

Class C has a tyrant named Ryueen leading them with an iron fist and violence, stirring up trouble everywhere. It's only a matter of time before he targets us again

Class B is rumored to have Two factions, The Sakayanagi faction and The Katsuragi faction, Even if we managed to bring one faction to our side, There is still half of the class remaining and 40 Class points difference between us. Adding their new found hostility to us the new Class A. Allying ourselves with them is virtually impossible

That leaves Class D, Who are in a slightly better position in terms of internal conflict, And due to our class points difference being massive, Bringing them in our side isn't a bad idea

" Aren't you happy with my decision Ayanokouji-kun " She said snapping me out of my thoughts

" No, Class D is our best choice .. Or rather only choice as far as alliance is concerned " She responded with a cute smile before reaching the class D Door

She put her hands on the handle and slid the door open. And greeted Everyone with such enthusiasm " Goooooood morning everyone ! " Everyone in the classroom turned to face us, Abandoning whatever they were doing, Except for the blonde student who was at the bus.

" Ah Ichinose-san ! Good morning " Kushida who was speaking with a group of girls, walked up to us with her usual 'smile' " Oh and Ayanokouji-kun too, Do you have any business with Class D ? "

" Yep ! I Came here to discuss forming an alliance with your leader soooooo, Where are they ? " Kushida looking kind of embarrassed, Started scratching her cheek upon hearing Ichinose.

" Actually Ichinose-san .... We don't really have a leader, But if you're looking for someone close to being one, Then you can talk to me or Hirata-kun "

Hirata who was observing from the background walked to us with a bright smile " Good morning to you Ichinose-san and Ayanokouji-kun, From what i heard You're looking to form an Alliance with us correct ? "

" Mhm, Do you mind if we head to the cafeteria and discuss things ? "

" Sur- "

" No Hirata-kun, You promised you would hang out with us ! "

" Yeah, Let Kushida-san handle things you stay with us Hirata-kun "

A Bunch of girls went and dragged Hirata away. He gave Kushida an apologetic look while speaking " I'm sorry Kushida-san, Can you handle things instead ? "

Kushida responded with a nod " Right, Lets get going ! " With that we left the classroom heading towards the cafeteria.

I turned around to look at Hirata, Who gave me a smile while being dragged by the girls,

As we were walking towards the cafeteria a voice called behind us " Wait ! "

We turned around to see a Girl with a long black hair called out from the entrance of Class D facing us

" Horikita-san, Do you need something ? "

<Horikita ? >

" Horikita ? .... " Muttered Ichinose while staring at the black haired girl apparently named Horikita

" Can i come along with you ? " Requested Horikita, Kushida responded with a sweet 'yes' Before we headed towards the Reserved tables on the cafeteria, I sat next to Ichinose Facing Horikita

" Allow me to introduce my self, I'm Horikita Suzune " So Her Family name is Horikita, I wonder if she's related to the President. Ichinose was about to speak, But i spoke instead

" Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, And this is our leader Ichinose Honami From Class A, Pleasure to meet you Horikita " I Said with my usual tone, Ichinose nodded at my little introduction. I looked at Ichinose who recovered quickly before continuing what i started and dropping whatever she was going to ask

" As you know, We came here to establish a cooperative relationship between Our Respective Classes " Ichinose Explained with her bright smile.

" Why would you want to Ally yourself with our class ? " Said Horikita

" You see, From the start of the month, You guys have been treated badly by the school and it's students, So i decided to help you guys " Said Ichinose

" Really ? That's very sweet of you Ichinose-san ! We humbly Accep- "

" So you're taking pity on us ?

Kushida looked happy, The reverse could be said to Horikita as she glared at Ichinose Intensely

" No, Its not Like Tha- "

" Then what would it be ? You're clearly taking pity on us, Or could it be that you're trying to mock us just because you recently got into Class A ? " Horikita attacked Ichinose

" No ! You're Wrong I- " Horikita Interrupted her

" Then What Could it B- "

" Yes, It is out of pity, We Class A Are taking a pity on you The Defective Class D by offering you a hand " I Interrupted her, My words seems to shock Ichinose, Horikita Switching targets, Glared at me instead.

" We Don't need your Pity, My Placement in Class D was a mistake from the school anyway " She shrugged

" What makes you so sure about that ? I as a Class A Student, See that you're no better than the other Class D Students " I seem to have touched a nerve as she started yelling.

" Don't compare me with those worthless trash, I am clearly a superior student who deserves to be in Class A, After all, I will reach Class A with my abilities and prove the school wrong " She said, Gathering the attention of everyone in the cafeteria

" You Think that you can reach Class A Alone ? " I Asked

" Yes, I don't need pity, Or friendship, My abilities are superior to everyone in this school "

I took a deep sigh, Before Facing her" Look Superior-san, Allow me to elaborate, You're a worthless defect who is full of herself and looks down on others. This school is about class competitions and you need to work with your classmates to advance to a higher class, But you didn't realize that due to your superiority complex, Even if you did, You wouldn't cooperate with your classmates due to a miss placed pride " I Continued " Your nature makes it hard to cooperate with you, Even if you are smart and athletic, You clearly lack cohesion and adaptability, Your placement in Class D was no mistake "

Horikita grew angrier by the second. Kushida however, Observed the situation with kind of ... amusement ?

" YOU " She then proceeds to pull out a mathematical compass and aims for my left Shoulder.

" Ayanokouji-kun ! " Ichinose Screamed with Worry

I However, Grabbed the Compass between my index and middle finger and snatched it away from her.

" Tsk.... Give it back ! "

" Go retrieve it.... From your brother Manabu " Horikita tensed up at the mention of her brother, Interesting.

" Don- "

" HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA " That laughter came from the table next to us, More Specifically From a Girl who appeared to be a senpai

She had a long platinum hair with ruby eyes, She looked at us with a smirk, Beside her was a Senpai too, She had a brown hair

" The president has a little sister, WHO IS A DEFECT TOO AHAHAHAHHA " Horikita was trembeling at her words as she sat on the seat looking down.

" Mmmmm, Fuka-chan, You're disturbing the Othe- "

" Ignore the others Nazuna, This is the best thing that Happened in my entire High school life, I mean who would have THOUGHT AHAHAHHAHA " She laughed again, with a smirk She looked at me " Impressive Kouhai-kun, You've managed to show something interesting to Fuka-chan, What's your name ? "

" Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, What about you Senpai ? "

" Call me Fuka-chan " She said with a smirk " Or would you rather to call me Onee-chan ? "

" Neither "

" Aah, You're no fun Kouhai-kun " She said, Her smirk never leaving her face.

The girl beside her spoke up

" We are sorry for disturbing you, My name is Nazuna Asahina from Class 2-A and she is Kiryuin Fuka from Class 2-B "

We then proceeded to introduce ourselves, With Kiryuin Looking bored at everyone's introduction. However, When Kushida introduced herself, Kiryuin looked at her before grinning like a mad lad.

I exchanged contact info with Kiryuuin, Because she insisted. And with that, Horikita abandoned the meeting and headed towards the classroom. We discussed our alliance details before returning to our classes.


At the end of the classes, The robotic sound played again dumping the same contents as last time " Ichinose Honami of Class 1-A Please come to the student council room "

Ichinose was caught off guard by the message, and Sat on the desk with conflicted emotions.

" Honami-chan did you reapply for the student council ? " Asked Shiranami

" No. I Don't know why i am called again, I got rejected Last time "

" Maybe they changed their minds Honami-chan ! Go, Don't keep them waiting " Pushed Amikura " We will be waiting here for you, Go get em ! " Amikura punched the air with Excitement

Ichinose with conflicted emotions, Walked out of the room. However, Before she went too far i called out to her " Ichinose "

Ichinose turned around " Ayanokouji-kun ? Is there anything wrong ? "

" Here take this " I gave her the mathematical compass " Send my regards to Manabu " With That i disappeared into the classroom not waiting for any response.

I'm sure she would be confused by this, But i'm glad he held his part of the deal.


It was lunch time, I got invited by Shibata, Kanzaki and Hamaguchi to eat at the cafeteria which i gracefully accepted.

We ordered our foods and sat on a table, Talked about pointless things until Kanzaki Said something calls for worry

" Haven't you guys noticed ? We are being watched " Said Kanzaki with a serious expression

" Huh ? Who ? " Shibata yelled and started checking his surroundings

" Shhh, Don't make fuss, Or they would know that we are aware " Kanzaki Calmed Shibata down, Shibata nodded and continued eating his food like normal

" It started right after class ended, Some Class C Students are watching us for some reason " I Marked

" So you noticed it too huh ? Well We Should be Carefu- "

" Kukuku what an interesting little group, Mind if i join ya ? " A Magenta Haired boy interrupted Kanzaki and took a seat and faced all of us.

" What do you want from us Ryueen ? " Said Kanzaki while glaring at the Magenta Haired boy Apparently named Ryuuen

" Hoh ? Why the hostility ? We are in the same grade ! You guys seemed to be talking about something interesting and decided to join ya " Said Ryueen with a smirk on his face

" We are talking about class manners Ryueen-kun, We will appreciate it if you leave us. We don't want a class's leader prying into our affairs " Said Hamaguchi

Ryueen's smirk never leaving his face, Sat up and slammed his hands on the table. It caused a commotion and now all the attention on us " Listen Students of Class A, Lets have a deal. You tell me who is your class's leader is, And i won't beat you up. That's a good deal no ? "

Hamaguchi and Shibata Tensed up, Kanzaki kept glaring daggers at him, Was about to speak. However, I Spoke

" You think you can beat us in the middle of a public place ? You know there is security cameras right ? " I Said, Ryueen Switched his attention on me with his smirk

" You think i give a fuck about the security cameras ? " Said ryueen

" If you want to lose Classpoints then be my guest " I Said Standing up and facing him, Ryueen's grin reached his ears

" You cocky little Bastard ! " Ryueen threw a punch on my face that i evaded In the middle of a crowded cafeteria where can hear a lot of gasps. Ryueen didn't care about that, Threw Another punch to my abdominal which i also Dodged, He crouched trying to kick my legs which i evaded by jumping again " Stop Fucking dodging and fight back ! " Ryueen became angrier by the second, He kept throwing punches which i just evaded, He Went on full attack and left him self open, While i only dodged his attacks.

He didn't practice martial arts, His style came from the countless street fights he fought, I Could clearly tell that he is one of the strongest fighters in the grade or even the school, Even stronger than that Senpai i handled when he tried to assault Ichinose.

Ryuuen Kept sending blows which i easily dodged, While blocking some of them, I Could see a wide smile on his face while he's attacking, He seems to be having fun.

" Stop this instance " However. A Voice came from entrance of the cafeteria, I Looked to see The Student council President Horikita Manabu, With him was Tachibana Akane. " Ryueen, What do you think you're doing attacking someone at the middle of the cafeteria ? " Any person would shiver at that gaze. However, Ryueen stood there and took it head on, His Smug never leaving his face

" Kukuku, Attacking ? I'm not attacking anyone, We were just dancing right Monster ? " Ryueen said facing me.

I responded with a Nod " See ? "

" I See, If nothing happened then i don't see why should i intervene " Said Prez Horkitia fixing his glasses

Ryueen Then turned to me for a handshake " We'll continue our little dance later, Monster " He said while Grinning, I Took his hand. However, He started applying force to his grip testing my strength, His grin became wider " See you later "

With that Ryueen went outside the cafeteria with his lackeys that were tailing us. I went and sat back on my seat. My friends were staring at me with worried and shocked expression, I Calmed them down, But that was only the tip of the iceberg " The show is over, Go back to whatever you've been doing " I Yelled, With that everyone in the cafeteria continued eating their foods

However, I Was about to dig in but President Horikita Came and spoke to me " Ayanokouji Kiyotaka right ? " I Looked at him

" Yes, What could i do for you President ? "

" Would you mind coming to the student council room after class ? "

" And why would i do that ? " Tachibana got frustrated, But Horikita calmed her down

" I Need to discuss something with you, I Hope it doesn't bother you that much "

" Sure, It's not like i have plans anyway " With that Horikita looked satisfied and left us wishing us a 'nice lunch'

With that we finished our foods while talking about the incident, Apparently Ryueen is the Tyrant leader of Class C, And he is stirring up trouble in all the classes including our class. They asked me why did i lie to the president by agreeing with ryueen, I just shrugged and said its not worth the trouble.

With that we headed back to class. However, News Travel Fast

" Ayanokouji-kun ! Are you okay ? " Ichinose Ran to me with a worried expression " You aren't hurt Are you ? Ryueen Didn't hurt you right ? " Seeing her worry about me like this made me quite happy

" I'm fine, He didn't do anything to me " My words didn't ease Ichinose, As she kept panicking

" I Heard about it ! Are you sure you aren't Hurt Ayanokouji-kun ? "

" I'm perfectly fine Ichinose, Besides Ryueen didn't even land a hit on me " She Looked at Shibata and the others for confirmations, They nodded And with that Ichinose sighed a sigh of relief

" Ara~ Honami-chan, Why are you so worried about Ayanokouji-kun ? Are you perhaps


Amikura jumped in the situation like a bad omen. Ichinose looked at her with confusion " Or should i <specify>?

Ichinose stood there looking Amikura, A few seconds later and her cheeks Started heating up. A Cute blush on her face. Amikura smirked at the sight of her and kept going. According to Amikura, Shiranami was on the cafeteria when the confrontation happened, When she saw the president she Ran to the Classroom to report, Ichinose Was sitting anxiously at her seat waiting for us. Hearing that The boys in the Class Gave me a thumbs up. The bell rang and with that the classes continued


The bell rang signalling the end of class, I Was on my way to the student council when i bumped into Hiyori, She was walking back from the park carrying a book, Upon noticing my presence She smiled, But her smile slowly broke as it became an expression of worry

" Hey Kiyotaka-kun "

" Hey Hiyori Reading books like usual ? "

" Ummm Yeah " She then looked to me " I Heard about what happened earlier, Are you okay ? "

I nodded, And she sighed in relief

" Anyway, I took a walk on the part while reading this book " She Showed me her book, Not bad. She Continued " Where are you going ? "

" I Got called to the student council " She Looked at me with Anxiety " Don't worry, It's not about Ryueen, That i'm sure about it " She smiled again, With that we bid farewell

However, She Called out my name Again " Kiyotaka-kun ! " I Turned around to look at her, Her worried expression still on her face " Be Careful " I Nodded

With that i went to the third floor where the student council room was, I Knocked on the door to receive a " Come in " I Opened the door and saw the President Alone " Take a seat " He Gestured me to take a seat which i obliged.

" So what is it that you wanted to talk about ? " I Said Bluntly, The president Smirked at that Comment. He then Looked at me with his Sharp Gaze

" Join the Student Council "

" I Refuse " I Said

" That's a Shame then, You may go now " He said looking alittle disappointed. However, I Wouldn't accept to end it right There, I Ignored his Comment and sat, He didn't seem surprised with my actions. More like he expected this Chat to Continue.

" Why do you want me to join the student council ? There are many other people more fit than me " I Said

" Because i deemed you Qualified "

" Why am i Qualified and Ichinose isn't ? ? "

" Because i said so "

A Moment of silence Erupted, The Atmosphere was kinda funny To be honest, I Broke the Silence with an important question

" What is the real reason that you Rejected Ichinose ? " I Said While staring at him, He seemed unfazed, I Must commend that poker face of his"

As i said, I deemed Her Unqualifi- "

" Don't give me that, I Know that's not the real reason, Ichinose is definitely capable of being in the student council, And she has the Experience and the mindset for it " The president sat in silence listening to me. As i Continued " If i have to guess, Is it because of Nagumo ? "

" What an interesting Theory, Why do you think that ? " He said, His lips curled up abit, Before returning back to normal

" You knew that Ichinose is capable of being in the student council. However, Before she could join Nagumo already brought her to his side, That's why you rejected her to not give Nagumo an Advantage on your Conflict, The reason you want me to join is because you deemed me Capable enough of defeating Nagumo, Correct ? "

" That- "

" The proof is that you're talking to me alone, If this was a normal invitation, Shouldn't the other members be here ? "

The president sat in silence. Before He Started his monologue.

" When Nagumo Takes over the President he will Change the School, For the worst. He is a very Capable man, But his Ideals are against this school, He believes in Merit and merit alone. He will turn this school into a meritocracy. That's why i'm looking for people Capable enough to defeat him, It is as you said, Ichinose is Capable, But Nagumo Already Sank his teeth in her "

However, Something Doesn't make sense " Why do you care ? You're Graduating soon right ? "

" I am leaving this school soon. However, Seeing the work i putted years into it Fall apart because of Nagumo isn't something desirable " I see, It is understandable. Horikita is rumored to be the best Student council president in the history of this school

" I Still refuse joining " Horikita looked down abit " However, I can have a deal with you " Horikita looked at me As i continued

" I will help you defeat Nagumo, In return, I Want you to Accept Ichinose in the student council, Don't worry about her she is Smart to not fall in Nagumo's Traps and she is already aware of his Malicious Intents " I Continued " Do we have a deal ? "

I couldn't care less about what Nagumo would do with the school. However, He is becoming kinda annoying to deal with lately, He still tried to contact Ichinose and she clearly rejected him, But he went as far as to corner her.

Why am i worried about her ? Hmmm,

<Good Question>

Horikita Thought about it for a second, Before Agreeing to my Conditions " Do you want to do a contract ? "

" No, I Already trust that you won't back down. Pleasure Doing Business with you Horikita-senpai " With that We Shook hands.

We Exchanged Contact info while he insisted on calling Him Manabu. With that i Called it a day and went back to the dorms.

Today was Really something huh ?


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