
Academy of Arcadia

After they passed through the gate, the gate shut automatically. The whole campus was covered with fog, as they moved along the road, the fog started clearing. After walking a few distance finally they got a glimpse of the academy. It was gigantic compared to any other schools or colleges rin had ever saw.

It looked like an old castle with stone walls like the mansions of the emperors of ancient era. Behind the building of the academy there was a forest with huge trees, no matter how you look at it, it still looked scary until rin saw the red light at the tip of the building. He moved back a few steps to take a good look on the light to check that from where it was coming.

Walking a few metres away he saw it, It was so terrifying that Rin eyesballs got big, they were large enough to fall out through the eyes. There was an extra large hybrid volcano behind the forest, lava was overflowing through the crust of volcano, it was few miles away from the academy but it was so enormous that one volcanic eruption could devastate a radius of few hundred kilometrebe.

Rin : are you sure we reached the academy, because to me its look more like the demon lord castle. My opinions joining this academy are rapidly changing, who knows what monsters are there inside waiting to ambush. I have no intention of becoming their dinner.

Sebas : do not worry, my master all of this is just a show to keep out unwanted outsiders.

Rin : more like a freak show, and it worked, all my enthusiasm have been long gone. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a place where a human should visit, Is there any other academy that I could join.

Sebas : yes there is, but unlike this one they look more terrific and less rating on teaching quality.

Rin : oh, I don't want to imagine anything more horrific than this. Let's just go inside I can't keep standing here watching this freak show.

Both of them entered the academy building, there was a big hall, large enough to fit 10000 people.

Rin : is someone obsessed with keeping large halls, wherever I go.

( Author : FU** OFF )

Anyway let's come back to the story. The hall was dazzling with bright colourful lights, which changes to a more exquisite colours in every certain interval of time.

There sat a beautiful lady with blonde hairs at one corner of the hall. Her beauty was more appealing than the colourful lights and flowers. Compared to her all other decoration was no more attracting.

Rin being attracted towards the lady like bugs get attracted towards light

"that is where we should go"

Sebas : no master, the principal office is on the opposite side.

Rin : that maybe true but I am righteous man, I follow all rules and now my gut is saying to go to the receptionist and take the appointment to meet the principal.

Without looking for an approval from sebas he went straight to the reception desk. The lady saw him coming and waited for his arrival. Rin made it to her but was out of words as all his concentration was focused on that woman. For a few sec both of them stared each other, the lady staff was starting to feel awkward so to break the silence she spoke.

(Receptionist)Roseanne : how can I help you, mister?

Rin : I wanted to ask that…....…. will you ma...

" uuuhhhhuu...…. uhhhhu..."

Sebas interrupted in between and stopped rin from speaking further.

Sebas : Madame Roseanne, master rin wanted to ask that, will you make a call to sir kagami. Kindly inform him that master rin has arrived and wants to meet with Mr.kagami.

" sure, hold on for a second, please "

Roseanne picked up the telephone, dialled some numbers, waiting for kagami sensei to pick from the other side. Sebas turns toward rin with a serious look on his eyes.

Sebas : were you seriously going to do that?

Rin : do what?

Sebas : you can't, don't try to be innocent, I have seen the world more than you master.

Rin : yeah yeah, you old man, you must be 60-70 years old.

Sebas : that's not even close to my age, I am 47564 years old.

Rin : hee..... hee..... hee..... hee. are you serious, its like you are my great grand grand grand grand grand grandfather.

Sebas : oh, I'm much more older than that. By the way, don't change the sentence. Were you really going to propose her?

Rin : ummm...… hehehhehe, no i was just...….. going to ask her the same thing you did.

While they were talking, Roseanne spoke with kagami. She created a basket from thin air, and asked them to keep every magical item or scrolls they were having with them.

Sebas : master rin has come here to join the academy, so he hasn't acquire any scrolls or skill to get a magic item yet.

Roseanne : ohh, I didn't realize... he is emitting such a strong aura so I was sure that he was a master at sorcery. Never mind, follow me gentlemen, I will lead you to the principal room.

They passed through the hall to the other side, there was button on the wall. When Roseanne pressed the button, a door appeared on the wall followed by a voice which said

" i heartly welcome to the heir of orcus to our academy of sorcery, arcadia. Come inside through the door "

Roseanne : hereby, I take my leave. kagami sensei is waiting for you on the other side of that door. Please proceed, after saying this Roseanne left for the reception.

Rin entered the room nervously because if the academy looked so devilish who knows how monstrous its head teacher will be