

A boy Natsu who didn't have any powers was bullied a lot because of that. Now an unfortunate accident happened to Natsu which caused him to be transported to another dimension which he must find his way home and for that to happen he must first become strong. Join Natsu in his adventure to becoming an unrivaled hero.

IOWO · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

New City

As they left the room that Natsu was in, they went to the training ground for the fight betwewn Natsu and Osamu.

They arrived at a wide open field which was filled with green beautiful grasses that spread so many kilometers away.

The wind blew as Natsu and Osamu stood in there position for the fight.

Natsu stood straight as if it was just a normal thing which looked like he was not taking the fight seriously, even Osamu stood the same way but his both hands were in his pockets.

Immediately the wind stopped a loud noise was heard in the background and immediately Osamu lunched his attack.

To Natsu, Osamu disappeared and reappeared in his front throwing his leg at him but in reality Osamu was too fast for Natsu to see his movements.

"Damn he's fast", Natsu thought as he tried blocking Osamu's leg with his hands.


"He's not as strong as I thought, when I moved he didn't react and because of that I thought he was very weak and reduced my speed but yet he could barely block it", Osamu thought.

Natsu who flew and rolled on the ground became covered with dirt and scratches but he still had a hard time standing because his hands felt like they were broken.


"Why is he acting like this, is he really that weak, if so I should end his misery", Osamu thought to himself.

While on the other hand, Natsu finally stood up and looked at Osamu and thought to himself after Osamu just finished thinking, "His strong, no doubt about that but how am i going to defeat someone like that".

Osamu finally decided to end it and due to that he dashed towards Natsu and blew him right in the face which caused Natsu to go unconscious.

When Natsu woke up, he saw himself in the room and immediately realized that he lost.

"I lost, I couldn't even see this movement, and suddenly I felt a punch on my face".


"There's no use dwelling in the past but the problem is, what I'm I going to tell them concerning my stats?

I don't even know what my stats are because I don't think I have one and telling them that will be useless.

I saw someone on my way to the field for the fight saying stats and later started jubilating".




"Nothing happened, what was I even expecting, I don't have any power so what should I say.

This was why I wanted someone to say their stats so that I can know what to tell people at least, so that I can live a normal life".

Natsu saw the door opening and saw Nanami at the door coming in.

"Are you alright", Nanami asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay I guess, I bearly feel any pain so I guess that's great", Natsu said as he scratched his head and smiling awkwardly.

"That's great news", Nanami said as she gasped in relief.

"Hey can I ask you a question", Natsu said with a straight face.

Nanami saw his expression and noticed that he was serious so she replied him saying, "Sure go ahead and ask".

"Okay, what do you people want with my stats" Nanami asked.

Nanami didn't know what to say so she just said the truth, "We want to be sure if you're okay and what type of powers you have to know how to apply treatment accordingly".

"Oh I see, if that's so, what I'm I meant to say"? Natsu asked

"Nothing much just your power type, age, oh and let's not forget about your ability level and your rank that's if you're an adventurer or a hunter", Nanami replied.

"Okay if that's all, I would also like to ask something else", Natsu said

"Go ahead and ask, I'm all ears", Nanami replied.

"What is the average power level for someone who isn't weak but neither strong also?" Natsu asked.


"Your acting like it's your first time with all this but anyways, when a person is weak his or her power level ranges from 100 to 1000 which can also be said as 1 to 10 percent of mana, the person will be able to cast low level spells and each spells have ranks from 1 to 3, depending on the grade of magic, a person can even reach rank 5,if they are lucky.

A medium person will have a power level of about 1100 to 2000 which is 11 to 20 percent of mana and a very powerful person has from 2100 to 3000 which is 21 to 30 percent of mana".

This is what Nanami said while trying to explain to Natsu how a week person and strong person is.

"Oh I see", Natsu replied.

Nanami continued to explain, "Here's the thing, not everyone can summon their stats, it's only those blessed by god's that can do it, most people check theirs with a mana gauge crystal so don't be bothered if you can't see a dashboard like thing floating in front of you that will tell and guide you on how to become overpowered or super strong".

"Okay, I now fully understand so you can call the rest so I'll tell them what I'm seeing floating in front of me" he said while scratching his head.

Nanami knew he was up to something but didn't really pay attention to it and left.


"I can't believe this, so I'm not blessed by the god's, is that why my life has been miserable, anyways now that I know what the weak and middle people powers are ranging I can comfortably make up a good lie that will not make me fight people and will not also allow people to bully me", Natsu said to himself.

As the others arrived with Nanami to check on Natsu status, Natsu was a bit nervous because he didn't want them know that he was lying.

"Okay we're waiting", Tetsuya said with a rude tone.


Natsu then started saying his stats as if he was seeing it.

[Name]: Natsu Vangeance

[Age]: 14 years

[Health]: Average 59%

[Abilities]: Super strength and Speed

[Level]: One(1)

[Mana Percent]: 8%

[Maximum mana percent]: 9.5%

[Life energy]: 70%

[Emotion]: Nervous and weary

"That's my status hope your satisfied now", Natsu said.

Dr Mayumi knew something was off because he didn't say anything concerning his body, and the worst part is that status never says mana percent but instead magic percent but she refused to voice out her complaint and just said, "Okay that means you'll soon recover so we should let you rest now, okay everyone time to leave".

As they went outside, Dr Mayumi called Osamu to a corner and told him what she noticed but Osamu just said, "Yeah I noticed it too, but here's the thing everyone's stats isn't exactly the same and don't forget he didn't say anything about an element but instead an ability which means he doesn't exactly need magic percent since he won't be able to use one".

Dr Mayumi thought of what Osamu said and replied, "Your right but there's still something off".

"Don't think too much about it, or you might end up in trouble", Osamu said while taking his leave.

Dr Mayumi took Osamu's advice and shrugged it off.

A few days past after the fight betwewn Natsu and Osamu, Natsu said his goodbyes and left the place they kept him and went into the city.

When he arrived at the city he realized that it was impossible to get something unless you have money which he didn't so he began to look for a job.

After a long while of searching and being rejected, he later found a small old looking building very late at night which was almost empty and decided to go in.

As he entered he saw an old man and then said "Good day sir, please I'm currently looking for a job and if you don't mind I'll love to work here".


The man laughed, "Are you sure you want to work here", the old man said.

"Yes please, I don't have anywhere else to go and most of the places have high quality workers in other words they need someone who doesn't look like me or who is valuable or very very classy which I'm not sadly", Natsu said.

"What makes you think I don't need a classy worker", the man said.

"No no no no no! that's not what I mean, I didn't say you didn't need a high quality worker or classy one either.

I just see you as a nice old man and I believe you're going to help me out.

I don't really care much about the payment or the salary, I just want a place to rest my head for a while before I figure out what to do", Natsu said.


What should I say to you right now.


I don't mean to trouble you or to sound like I'm a bad guy or something but here's the thing.

I'm sorry but I won't hire you, I don't need an assistant, go find a job somewhere else", the old man said.

"Wait! you're my last hope, I've been searching since morning and I found nothing, at least can you just let me rest here for the night, I'll leave immediately it becomes bright", Natsu said.

The old man looked at Natsu and sighed.

"Fine you can stay here if you want but that means you'll work the whole of this night", the old man said.

"Thank you sir, I promise you won't regret it, I really appreciate what you're doing for me", Natsu said while bowing his head.

Natsu was so happy that he asked the man to show him around, the man looked at him with a strange face and said "I didn't hire you, I just said you will work all through the night serving guests that's all".

Natsu didn't want to upset the man so he took a white rag he saw on a table and started cleaning, he served as a waiter through the night and when it became very dark the man closed the store.

"I'm off to bed kid try and have a good night sleep", he said while climbing the stairs.

The old man left a mat for Natsu to sleep on and went to sleep.

Natsu saw that the place was so dirty and untidy that he began to clean the place up, when he was done the sun had almost started rising, he took the mat and went close to the window and slept.

The Sun rose and entered into Natsu eyes which woke him up.

"It's morning already", Natsu said, "I guess it's time to go".

He immediately opened the door and left the building while stretching, "I guess it's time to find my way home", he said as he started going.