
Awake in a Novel's Mirage (Hiatus)

Jun Xue only knows she woke up in a strange place. What's more, this princess that she's in now is also a doltish person! Who was she? The stupid princess that was also the Second Female lead's pet! And wasn't it that when the villainess became sane, she acted overbearing and extremely selfish and destructive? She was poisoned, used, fooled, healed, and became the most hated villainess in the novel then died a thousand times with her body being cut into different parts. A macabre masterpiece. Sonnovagun. They're all too OP! C'mon! She will be far away from them. Yes! As far as possible, not like those transmigrators that does the opposite. No matter what, as an ordinary civilian of earth she must do it.

LazyPariah · Geschichte
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54 Chs

Chapter 18

"Release her."

Huh? Why does he always come at the worst moment? Even before, he was there as if he knows what's about to happen to me. He is not stalking his Elder Sister, right? Now I'm getting weird imagination about this situation.

"Second, Second...Greetings to the Second Prince."

Look at how these dogs kowtow to him. Che. I'm a worm, I don't bow, I slither. Sheesh, my mind is floating again.

"It seems you really like to do something intriguing."

"No, it's not like that Your Highness."

The guard grinned, sweating profusely as he tries to hind the bulge between his loins. Such a big can...

"This prince understands. Stop it and get away before I'll have you killed."

"Thanking the Second Prince's benevolence!"

That's not even a warning if I say so myself.

"This Prince has been permitted by the Emperor to release her. Move her."


I internally sighed. It's always him. This, this incestuous guy! Crap. My plan won't work if it's this guy who just pops out like a mushroom every now and then. Son of a gun. I was dragged away from my cell pushing me down to kneel in front of my brother as I look up at him trying to scamper away avoiding the rats who were still hungry to care for their well-being. "Nghh ahh rats!"

Gahh. I slipped. My head hurts aiyo. I looked back seeing he walked up to me. Quickly, I stand up albeit wobbly.

Where should I escape?! Everything is a dead end. Eek! I tried to kick one of the rats that were coming at me. But this little one was a vengeful rat and kept coming back at me. Seriously, I just kicked your brother away it wasn't that much of a ferocious kick!

"Away! Get away from me! Shoo!"

Before I could stumble and fall, Li Jing snaked his arms on my waist. His other hand touched the nape of my neck trailing down to my collar bone before his finger stopped to my voice box. Goodness, those hands are like vipers. I didn't dare to gulp down my saliva. Too scary.

Li Jing helped me to stand up before he effortlessly stab the rat with a sword like it's nothing. That's... That's how my life would be in his hands. In my view, even though I'm pretending to be foolish it feels like a warning.

"My dear sister. These servants are rats, not worth your skin to be grazed."

And what about you?

Li Jing pulled my clothes covering my shoulder. As if he was still unsatisfied he covered me with his long robe. I can't help but notice how soft the fabric feels like, it's really different from my own ragged robe. This always makes me upset how Li Jia Ying was always treated and I, the shut-in citizen of the 21st century also couldn't do anything about it. I'm just truly an ordinary person that has this Fade In Fade Out kind of resolve.

"If you're feeling hot, this prince will let you out."

Yes, I really want to go out but not when I'm with you.

"Brother! Out! Thank you, brother! Eh?"

I smiled showing how happy I was but was stumped again by his peculiar moves unexpectedly carrying me in a bridal style. Did I show too much expression a while ago so you are acting like this? Calm.

Come on Jun Xue. Be calm.

"Where, where are we going brother?"

"To your courtyard."

Courtyard? Noice. I instantly brightened up like I wasn't terrified as before masking my tense state.

"Courtyard! Brother is really good to me!"

The last time I checked, our memory in my courtyard was... dark. I don't want that to happen again, maybe we'll really go down south.

"Li Jia Ying heavy!"

I try to remove myself from his grasp pouting at him looking cuter like a cat. "Trouble brother, sister heavy!"

He stopped for a second before he continued his steps again.

"You're still afraid of me?"

Li Jing asked, his creepy smile resurfacing again. I want to cry but there were no tears streaming down my face. Also, why do I feel a tinge of yandere within him? Not good. Maybe I was just mistaken. In the story, he wasn't a yandere...

I tilted my head looking at him like a newborn babe not saying anything still acting cute. It was already nighttime and considering how desolate this courtyard is, it's always a cemetery at night and a desolate place in the morning. Li Jing shifted his route going to another pavement he walked for a couple of minutes and came into a closed door. This is quite familiar, I've passed this area before...

Li Jing put me down while holding my hand, "You want to play? Don't worry sister, you won't feel hot here."

He leaned closer, that smile of his was still plastered on his hideously handsome face. "No one will know what happened."

What do you mean by th— "Ah!"

I was suddenly pushed inside as he shut the door close. "Brother! Brother! Why!"

"It's weird here! Let me out!"

"Count one to twenty. Brother will hide, after twenty you can open this door and find brother."


Just damn. What tricks are you pulling again? Count one to twenty so that you can get away? Where am I specifically? I'm trapped in this, this... I turned to see nothing but darkness. The light coming out was just like a figment, I couldn't see anything in here. I feel so cold, not a regular cold. You know, that kind of cold where it makes your skin's hair stand like there is something ominous going on.

"Yes. Now count."

"Oh. Okay. Li Jia Ying will listen to brother."

For now, I have to bear with it.

"And Elder Sister, feel the end of the door to your right you'll find something useful. It'll be your light. Do it after it's twenty, yes?"

Li Jing, you bastard. "Yes, brother! I'll count now! One... Two..."


"Four... Five... Six... Seven... "

His steps were truly fading. Relaxed slowed steps fading until I can't hear anything anymore. Gone.


I don't understand him popping here and there. If he wants to kill me, he can directly send an assassin.


"Nineteen... Twenty!"

I blindly searched the end of the door to my right side. Tsk, I'm really acting like a blind man only seeing but darkness. But ugh. Why do I smell a faint amount, no, a strong amount of blood in this room? I've discovered how much I'm fascinated with blood and it became stronger a couple of years ago when my father died. I can see the stench of blood clearer this time around.

Seems unbelievable, doesn't it? I'm not even an awakened like those manhwas. Anyways, its not like that'll help me in my daily life unless I'll work in some forensic activities.

Feels like two stones... "What's the use of this?"

Oh, Li Jing said that it'll be my light.


No wonder I felt dried leaves on top of these flint stones when I took it. It was all in purpose.


Let's try.

I paused.

Wait a minute. If I do that, he would discover I'm not a retard. This might be a test, just like Gu Mei Xiang. But he already did. Aiyo, Jun Xue you're not good at fooling people, so flawed! Even if he did know I'm not a goop, why didn't he told me earlier, or reveal it with the Emperor? That's means he has a different motive, an inner motive and I'm one of those ploys that he added.


Maybe... Maybe I'll just wait until it's morning but the stench here makes me irritated. Such rotting smell. Too strong.

"Didn't the prince tell us she'll be here?"

Huh? Voices? Familiar voices. These are the voices of the maids! I could even see a flicker of light!

"Quick, open that door."

Hearing the door slide I scrambled on the corner holding the Flinstones in my hands and I was right, it was those maids that abused me in my courtyard. They're really here. Fvck you Li Jing! I'll definitely fvck you when I'll ever get the chance. I surely will.

"This whore this is all your fault!"

The victim was blamed yet again. I thank you. Bow.

"Quick! Hold that stinky girl!"

As soon as their lamps shined on me my body went cold. The knives in their hands didn't make me feel a shiver, it was the bodies of the maids that filled this dark room. It was the two dead carcasses of the maids who were with me a while ago along with the other maids who directly bullied me the time I entered the maid's quarter.

Why should they be killed? Somethings wrong here. This doesn't make sense.

Li Jing...

Why are you doing this? What play do you want me to act out? Yet, just by looking at their dead bodies, somehow... I kind of feel happy. Shvt. This is a bad thought. Not healthy at all.