
Return To Ago

In the years when human having war against the heaven, found the way to go outside the universe and having the weapon that can wipe out every living-being. Human promote themselves to next God and made their own religions, most people like to wipes out every God, some people don't but can show any opinions because they will get slaughter entire family like this case, Chu's family that protest to stop fighting holy-being because it doesn't feel rights and then get wipe out entire family except Chu. He working in South zone (the world has no contry and are completely split in 2 zone called South and North)and tells his mom that he's going to get back home 1 day before the incident, when he's back home hecs crying in angry and swear to himself that he will kill everyone that on the West Zone (if he can). While he's crying his eyes faded away like a void. When he got his consciousness back, he realised that he isn't at his home anymore, it's just a endlessly blank void with a few stars, suddenly all the stars are faded off and the big eye shows up, it looking straight at Chu

"You shouldn't be here" -said the big eye

Chu can't talk and had a big headache after the big eye said and then he pass out. After he wake up, he's in someone house... But everythings look familiar? Whose house is this? Chu walk to the mirror and freak out, because he's now become a 6 years old kid, after he realised it he run to the calender and it's 30 January 2309. One day before the war against the gods.