
Absolute Void

Chu quickly ran over to his mom and cry like a baby, mom doesn't what happened so she ask him

"What happen to my lovely son? Why are you crying" -said the mother

"Nothing.. I just got something in my eyes" -said Chu

After a long conversation, Chu was completely forget about the D-Days and live normal life. After he wake up the fire are spreading all over the house, he ran to his mom as fast as he can, but unfortunately he did not see the fire infront of him and die.

After he die he wake up at the absolute void again, the process are still the same stars are all faded away and the eye show up, but this time instead of the eye saying "you should not be here" it's

"You again? You are just a bug, how did you keep coming? I'm the greatest and you are just a bug!!!"

After the eye said everything is completely white and then Chu is completely pass out.

After Chu get up everything is still the same, but this time he is... Girl. But everything is exactly the same as before, this time when the D-Days happened, he run to his mom as fast as he can and save his mom. Suddenly everything is stop and become completely pitch black after, no stars like before it's completely nothing but the eye are still the same.

"Can you stop existing!? Who are you? Just a bug! A bug that is annoying to delete! Just stop existing you absolute bastard!"

Now this time, he is not in his house not a child not in the town, just somewhere in the forest, Chu is still didn't understand what is happening before, he did not pass out he did not even a gods. Just a human and he saw something that's not even the gods knowing. What is it?