
Aviara: A Supposed Magic School?

As a real witch, Alisa immediately knew there was something wrong with her new school. But not only her, it turns out that everyone already knows the reason. It's written in the guide book! Where almost all students who enter the school become able to use magic. But even though she's the real one, turns out there are many students who excel at magic more than her... Especially those crazy seniors!

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Council Recruitment (4)

Alisa kept reading the attachment to check more about her limited division options. But after seeing the explanation for all divisions too, she finally realize how literal the briefing was. The council does run everything in the school. Like, they even manage the school's money and stuff!

No wonder the school's rules that say all students must obey the council appeared over and over again. Because if they really want to… The council can even kick you out of school.

"I know, right. I even heard that the teachers can't say no to them." Said Mary. "I mean, they're even weaker than most students anyway, so… Going against the council may as well be impossible."

"That's kinda…" Alisa almost said it, but then she stopped.

This school is technically not a magic school. But if it really is, maybe it makes sense if the student's position is higher than the teachers. Because usually, skillset is what defines the hierarchy. And the students here definitely have the advantages.

Unlike them, somehow the adults don't get polluted a lot by this school's magic energy. So not many of them could use magic even though they live here too. Even some that do, could only use like 1 or 2 magic.

"I wonder why…" Alisa muttered by herself.

But Mary heard that. "Wonder what?"

"No, just… Why the teacher can't use as much magic as us students."

"Isn't it obvious? Because they're not young enough to handle the magic energy!"

"But that's a bit opposite…" Alisa muttered again. Because to her knowledge, adult's bodies are supposed to be more reliable to hold a stronger magic.

But Mary didn't hear her this time, so she just brushed it off. "Anyway, forget that! Don't you have more important thing to think about? Your division!" She said.

Back to pouting, Alisa replied with a sad tone. "Must be nice for you to get the division you wanted in the first place."

"I know, right?" Mary replied with a fascinated tone too. "After getting a lot of magic, I even get the council invitation and is put into the division I wanted. Wow, maybe 'luck' is actually one of my magic."

But since Alisa was still pouting her lips, Mary said again. "Oh, come on. It's not like you had any division in mind anyway. Just pick anything."

That's true, but that's not helping. So Alisa just sighed. "Well, I don't think I'm good with papers, so I'm leaning towards the magic control division. But I'm still not sure."

"Why? Isn't its job to help people and stuff?" Mary replied. "Sounds perfect for you."

"Hm… But the other job is a little ambiguous." Alisa said. "It also said that we have to take care of magic disturbances."

"Magic disturbances?"

"It doesn't say what kind of disturbances. But isn't that mostly related to troublesome students too?" Alisa said worryingly. "If I have to take care of them like a police or something, I don't think I want to do it."

"Really? But that kind of thing is supposed to be the security division's job though." Mary said while peeking the attachment too. And indeed, it doesn't really say the details of the disturbances. "Well, or maybe that just means you have to help them a little. Doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to combat them or anything, right?"

"You think so?"

"Sure! And since you're new, I'm pretty sure your seniors there will take care of it first."

"...You think so?"



Alisa was still contemplating, but then Mary brushed it off again. "Anyway! You know what? I actually heard something interesting again when I was chatting with the other kids. Guess what?"

Sighing, Alisa didn't actually have any reason to not let her friend change the topic again. "What?"

"As a reference, I was asking around what divisions the current VIP members used to be in. But then, I got some fun stories about it!" Mary continued spiritedly.

"What is it--Wait, but VIP members are the 4 seniors from the briefing earlier, right?"

"Actually, no." Mary quickly denied. "The only VIP members are Hana and Fio. And both of them are the vice president."

"Really? I thought Hana was the president…" Alisa muttered. "But wait, we have two vice presidents?"

"Yeah, well. I don't know either. Hana definitely does most of the work, so I'm not sure why he has that title too." She said bitterly as if she was the one that wronged. "There are 2 more VIP members. And one of them is definitely the council president! Some said he's quite handsome, you know. Although many said he's scary too."

"And the other one?"

"I don't know. I just heard she's a girl."

"I see."

"...Ah, right. Their divisions!" Mary exclaimed again as if she almost forgot about it. "For Hana, she used to be in the secretary division. But for Fio, weirdly, he never actually joined any division. So one day Rei just suddenly brought him to be Vip."

"Who's Rei?"

"The president! Didn't I say his name earlier?" Mary said, and Alisa just shook her head. "Really? Anyway! Not only that, even worse, I heard that Rei himself never even became Vip before that. He was like, 'whoosh'! Straight to the president."

"That's… Possible?"

"Of course not. So the previous president must have interfered."

"The previous president?" Alisa repeated.

"After all, it's only the president who can change the rules." Answered Mary who slightly laughed while shrugging her shoulders. "In this school, the council president is immune from any rules, you know. So despite all of those hundreds of rules, the president can always do the opposite."

Alisa went silent for a while, but then she said, "But if for example a lot of people were protesting, of course the president can't say no to all of them, right?"

Mary curved her lips because Alisa's words did make sense. But then she still shook her head. "Well, in theory, it should be." She said. "But the label 'council president' was usually accompanied by the title 'the most powerful person in school'. So I doubt it."