
Average reincarnation

This is my first time writing so please give feedback. English is my first language so feel free to roast me in the comments if its bad. --------------- Your "average" guy is reincarnated into naruto with 2 interesting abilities. if you can't tell he is not average. I'm not going to directly tell you his backstory. I'm only going to give hints it's up to you to figure it out. Also I can't find the gamer tag so just so you know this has gamers mind and body. But it's definitely not your regular system. I didn't describe the mc looks. This is on purpose.

zero_tempest · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

I'm no monster

(fugaku pov)

I was moving to my home. When I see a particular jonin who caused quite the stir. when he came back from a battle with our clan's speciality. But that's neither here nor there. As he spots me he stops me.

"We need to have a talk." I switch to a more perfusion mindset upon hearing his tone.

/45 minutes later\

I arrived at my home to see the child. Whom we were having a serious conversation about. He shows no surprise as I enter the room. Hinting to his knowledge of our arrival.

He disregards me and questions Kakashi almost instantly. But strangely I felt no disrespect from the action. The child then looks at me and thanks me for allowing it over. The intelligence in its eyes almost scares me.

My curiosity wins my mind and I challenge the child to a spar. I swear I see the eyes of a God stare at me then the feeling is gone. Replaced by a child smiling at me happily agreeing with my request.

My brain tries to figure out where that feeling came from only to rebuke it as a fluke. But my instincts knew better and I trusted them more. This child was dangerous. Every cell in my body is screaming at me to run. But I keep my rational mind.

I moved to our backyard. It is big enough to be considered a training ground. The child stands about 10 feet from me. It assumes a battle stance and every instinct tells me I'm about to die. My mangekyou sharingan activating on its own.

Suddenly with a movement my eyes couldn't even track. It was in front of me a finger at my throat that's releasing so much heat I can feel the sweat-I didn't know I had-evaporating off my forehead.

Suddenly I hear a sound. It's talking my brain catches up.

"My name is Sora. You never asked for my name." it removes its finger from near my throat, the heat dissipating. My only thought was I could have died. To a kid I blatantly disrespected by not asking his name.

… No, that's not a kid. It's a monster in human skin.


(Mc pov)

*Well that went well.* I think as I walk away. (you traumatized him.) My other thought streams say. *Exactly it went well.* I thought back, approaching a slightly sweating Kakashi on the side. He is staring at a frozen fugaku. I tap him making sure to radiate happy emotions.

He almost jumps but he's out of his thoughts. "Let's go inside. I think mikoto would be better at getting fugaku inside." I say Kakashi just kinda nods a weird look on his face. "how did you say you got strong again?" I just smirk "physical training."

I walk into the house basically sicking mikoto on fugaku. As I walk into the living room I see itachi on the couch holding Sasuke. Kakashi has now pulled himself together, and opted to "ignore" the scene and read his book while leaning against a nearby wall.

I move toward itachi who is preoccupied playing with Sasuke in his arms. A smile on his face. "Itachi, who's this?" I ask bringing him back to reality. He just smiles "this is your other little brother Sasuke."

He turns Sasuke to look at me. "That's Sora, your other big brother. He's also my big brother."

Sasuke just lets out a few happy giggles and reaches towards me. I smile and start tickling him. He starts laughing loudly. And I stop after a bit not wanting the tickles to start hurting.

The rest of the day kinda continues like this. Fugaku seemed to have calmed down. Although he starts sweating as soon as someone does something even a little disrespectful towards me.

Probably in worry I'll lash out. But I suprise him every time when I just smile and start bantering. Also, Mikoto tried to tease me.

"So do you have a girlfriend or anyone you're interested in." she asks with a "kind" smile. "no not really, I haven't met anyone I would pursue." I say playing with Sasuke in my arms.

Mikoto just smiles "oh you must not be at the age to think about that sorta thing." she tries to pat me. "Nah, I am. All though looking at the age difference between itachi and Sasuke. You're not thinking about it much are you? Or maybe fugaku isn't giving you enough attention?"

Mikoto blushes brightly and Fugaku spits the tea he was drinking. Mikoto tries to say something but is stuttering too much. Making fugaku stare at her weirdly. I look between fugaku and mikoto. "Well based on your response I'd say it's the latter, and based on fugaku stare I'd say that's getting fixed tonight." Fugaku actually blushes and Mikoto just walks towards the couch with her hands on her face. I hear Kakashi trying his best to hold in his laughter. I then look at itachi who is just very confused.

"Sora-nii what's getting fixed tonight?" before I can respond Fugaku and Mikoto yell out "nothing!" I just sweat drop and shrug at itachi while thinking. He'll drag you to war but won't explain sex.

/2 hours later\

After eating dinner I say bye to a blushing mikoto and fugaku who keep glancing at each other. I quickly leave, not wanting to cock block. Once outside I start walking beside Kakashi. "I've never seen fugaku blush." was the first thing he said.

I just shrug with a smirk. "I just hope itachi has something to cover his ears with." Kakashi just looks at me weirdly. "they're ninjas, they won't be that loud." my smirk gets wider "wanna bet on it?" He just sighs and shakes his head no.

"They'll probably have another kid." I say as a final comment.

/2 days later\

She is pregnant I think while sensing the growing child. I look up at Mikoto and say "congratulations." Mikoto looks at me confused. I then specify "you're pregnant I can't tell if it's a boy or girl yet." I see a blush cover her face then the brightest smile. She looks down at her stomach and puts a hand on it.

(A/n lol mc got Mikoto and laid. Best wing man imaginable.)

Alternate title: local man thanks kid after he traumatized him.