
Average man in TDG

When given powers how long would it take for them to corrupt you would you even succumb to the power or would you remain the same person? Try to find out how our Average everyday person from Earth deals with his unmatched power in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods. -------- Feel like I have to add this as a lot of people get really turned off by the MC and his actions. The fic doesn't have a VIllain Tag for nothing some of the things you could expect in the fic. Mind Control, Slavery, Ego Death. The MC was made to be an average person, not a protagonist with Godlike willpower so when he was granted absolute power he abused it and abused it a lot. Those of you who still decide to read it, I hope you enjoy.

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Chapter 14.

HAHAHA, he has finally done it his biggest achievement yet.

When others saw the rise of the Store they were most excited about the power they can gain but he wasn't so stupid.

Unlike the meathead that he had to spend his time in Holy Orchid Institute with he was smarter.

When others spent all their day in the Training Ground to advance their cultivation he knew better and wasn't such a dumb meathead so he spent almost all his time in the library trying to learn all that he could about the hidden secrets of the world.

Although he hasn't learned all that there was to learn his time in the Holy Orchid Institute was spent quite well as he was able to learn some of the beginning of the new languages.

After that, he returned to the family to start working as the Families Librarian where he continued his education. He could actually have joined a different occupation as he was quite talented and was even able to reach the Bronze rank 2nd stage as a Demon Spiritualist. His family even encouraged him to drop his foolish dream and join the Military or go hunt Demons Beasts like a normal Cultivator.

But he knew that his cause was something greater and he would not waste his life by meaninglessly perusing power.

Over the next ten years his decision turned out to be the correct one as he was able to uncover some of the secrets hidden in the old books of the Library he was even given praise by the Family Head.

It was a few years later that the event that caused the course of Glory City to spiral out of control.

He initially wasn't that interested in the Store thinking that it was another Expert with too much power doing something that Meatheads liked to do.

It was a few days later that he was pleasantly surprised to hear that the Store had an extensive library.

After hearing such news he just couldn't stay still he had to do something and he did.

He went and bought as many books on interesting topics as he could.

He was only then able to discover the mystery of the Store. He had bought books that he was trying to translate for many months with no luck and even incomplete book that were now complete.

The Holy Orchid Library was one of Glory Cities greatest repositories of knowledge it included anything from ancient books in other languages to incomplete books to even just pieces of paper that were bought back from some ruin by some explorers.

But what the Store did is allows all the incomplete and scattered knowledge to be bought in a single book that was translated into the common language.

Over the next month he explored as far as he could and the discoveries that he made were astonishing from a more complete history of the world to even rumors of different surviving human tribes.

That is why he was so angry when his stupid family decided to attack the Store. Don't they know about the things that they can discover inside the Store or are they so blinded by greed that they have become even bigger meatheads than usual?

Even the Family Head who he has always thought to be a rational and smart leader was seemingly infected by their madness.

When he tried to persuade them to give up their foolish actions they actually disowned him from the family. Sure he might have called the Family Head and the Elders a bunch of brainless Demon monkeys that couldn't recognize a banana from monkey shit.

But it was no reason to kick him out of the Family he was only trying to help.


Nothing to it he will try to gain a new place to live and he might even find a job working for the Store if the families don't destroy it or anger the expert and cause him to leave.

He won't lie and say that he didn't laugh when all of his former family members were banned from the Store and weren't allowed entry what was even funnier was that they didn't even meet the Store Owner.

What wasn't funny was that his family joined the Restrict Faction and didn't allow anybody entry into the Store.

He was beyond angry, how could he now purchase the books he needs for his research? It didn't even take him a full week to leave the town behind and venture to the Free Use Faction.

He arrived at the Free Use Factions town and decided to find some employment.

He was able to gain employment from one of his Old classmates Family the Wu family.

Although the Job wasn't as glamorous as his job in the Family Library it was enough for him to earn enough to buy the books necessary to continue his research.

What he didn't expect is the absurd increase in size the Store underwent.

That wasn't the only thing that underwent a massive increase in size. Much like the Store itself, the Library increased in size massively some of the books that he saw in the library were as expensive as some of the Cultivation techniques.

He saved up some money and was able to buy one of the more expensive history books, not the ones that cost as much a cultivation technique but at least a hundred times the one that he bought previously.

After he bought the book he returned happily to his house and was prepared to unravel the mystery of why the book cost that goddam much. Seriously he could have bought ten times as many books with the same amount of money.

As soon as he opened the book, he knew the answer.

It was quite possibly the most detailed book about history he has ever seen. The history book went hundreds of thousand of years into the past. There was even a mention of a being that created the world itself and it was the furthest point in the book almost a million years into the past.

There were many mentions of the Saint Spirit, Snow Wind, and Sacred Empires but there were even mentions of events and Empires further back.

About how ten thousand years ago there was a massive battle between the Demon Beasts and Human Cultivators, about Spiritual Gods.

And there was even more recent history that talked about other surviving human tribes and settlements. If that wasn't enough the history book gave the location of those places.

This was absolutely huge he knew he has to share it with someone or else he will go insane. He can't return to his Family as he was disowned but the Wu family has done him a favor and he can return it.

If sharing his knowledge means that his pay will increase then those are just the rewards for his generous contributions.


It has been a week since he provided the information to the Wu family but what could he expect from meatheads?

They weren't that interested in his history book even after they read the book themselves but what could he expect?

Sure they acted like it was a huge discovery and even gave him a slightly higher position and pay but he knew that those meatheads couldn't appreciate any of the things that he has found.

He was beyond mad but he knew that he wouldn't let his biggest achievement be in vain if they couldn't see the worth of his achievement then he would show them himself.

It was only a week later that he set off from Glory City.

He had prepared the food needed for the journey and various tools that would allow him to survive the dangerous journey as although he had advanced to the Silver Rank Realm over the years the outside of Glory City was always dangerous even if he was prepared.

The danger was even more pronounced after he read the history book.

He was lucky that he was able to buy a map from the Store that would show him a safe route to the Heavenly Fate Plateau that he selected as the closest tribe.

For a non-cultivator, it would take almost two months to arrive at the Heavenly Fate Plateau but he was a cultivator and so the journey that would have taken him two months only took him a month and two weeks.

Of course, there was another route that led straight through the Infinite Forest that would allow you to reach the Heavenly Fate Plateau in only a few days but he wasn't suicidal and only morons and meatheads would go straight through the forest filled with Demon Beasts.

Even with his preparations, he was still attacked by Demons Beasts along the way but they were relatively weak, and those that he couldn't beat he escaped from.

As he finally approached his destination he was beyond ecstatic for the last few hours he was able to see some Human activities in the surrounding forests.

Sure, enough after only a few more minutes he was able to see the village where the tribe should be located.

He wasted no time and ran into the village uninterrupted it was only a few minutes later that he saw something that shocked him.

There standing in the middle of the village was a building that he recognized with absolute certainty. If he wasn't mistaken that was the All-Heaven Store that was inside Glory City.

He could see various people walking inside the store with various beast corpses on their backs and leaving with stacks filled with if he was not mistaken, wheat.

He didn't want to believe that someone else has been here before him. He approached one of the people walking on the street curious about the appearance of the Store.

If there was a Store in this village it should have been connected to their city but he hasn't seen ever seen an exit to the Heavenly Fate Plateau in his time inside Glory City.

He approached a seemingly old lady that was carrying a sack over her back out of the Store.

"How long has that Store existed?"

The old lady looked at him like he was an idiot before replying in a slight dialect.

"Have you fallen on your head how could you not remember the kind boy Nie Li who visited our tribe and left the Store in our tribe by the will of his Master?"

After saying those words, she continued walking.

Damm he has been beaten by someone else. How could this have happened and especially to someone from the Heavenly Marks Family that might possibly be the weakest Aristocratic Family in Glory City?

Wait if he remembered it clearly enough this Nie Li was one of the people that disappeared after the Store Owners special deal.

He didn't remember it immediately as Nie Li was no one important and he only remember about his because the City Lord searched for him quite thoroughly before it was discovered that his daughter had actually participated in the special deal and possibly been bought by the Owner.

He would have disapproved of the City Lords daughter risking everything when she had access to massive amounts of resources in return for 10 points but he guesses that even the City Lords daughter was lured by the power offered.

But who was he to judge he also participated in the special deal just by remembering the number of history books he could buy with that number of points had him lament the fact that he didn't win.

Anyway, he walked toward the Store hoping that it had the same functions and he could rent an inn to sleep the night as he for the last month has been sleeping in the wild and he would appreciate it if he could enjoy the comfort of a bed.

As soon as he entered the Store he was met with a message.

[Congratulations you are the first person to reach another already active Store that has not been connected to your original network. From now on Heavenly Fate Plateau network will be joining the Glory City network. From now on travel between the two is allowed.]

[The Store Owner has given you Store Credit for your achievement]

[Store Credit can be used to buy anything in the Store if you have enough of it.]

He wasn't even focusing on the implications of the messages he was looking at the Store Credit and imagining all the history books that he could buy with it. Truly his decision of leaving Glory City was the correct one.


I quite enjoyed writing this Chapter. What are your thoughts on it, enjoyed it, hated it, thought it was meh?