
Avatar: The Lost Earthbender

After the death of Avatar Korra, The Whole world entered an Era of Peace and Balance established by Korra. It became a better place and nearly perfect. Over time, when the next Avatar did not show up, People from all over the came to a final conclusion: The Cycle of Avatar has ended. Avatar Korra became the last Avatar and as stated by her, The Avatar Cycle was broken when Rava, the spirit of Light was forced out of her body and was beaten badly by Vatu, the spirit of darkness on the day of Harmonic Convergence. Although Avatar Korra defeated Vatu at last and again re-bonded with Rava, her connection with the other Avatars broke apart and so was the Avatar Cycle. Peace and Balance lasted in the world for another fifteen years when a new threat appeared from the depths of darkness and the balance was once again disrupted. Nations tore apart in a newly waged war and chaos surrounded the whole world. It was then, The next Avatar revealed himself to the world. The new Avatar was an Earthbender named Aaron. He must retrieve what was lost by his past life and once again restore balance in the world while fixing the errors made by the last Avatar, Korra.

Kuzanagi_Minato · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Scrolls of Elements

Aaron and Lunatok were in the training fields of the Fire Island eagerly waiting for Sage Henlo to arrive with the things, he had mentioned earlier that morning. There was a group of seven big boulders behind them lined one upon the other.

"Hey Aaron, what do you thing Sage Henlo had in his mind when he told us to move the boulders like this?" asked Lunatok with curiosity.

"I don't know. But, I am thinking how would I be able to master the Fire element with this exercise," replied Aaron with the same curiosity as Lunatok.

"Sages, sure are mysterious people," commented Lunatok.

Suddenly, both of them stopped their conversation as their gaze fell on the appearing silhouette of someone. He wore the traditional outfit worn by the Fire sages of Fire Nation. His hands held onto a long black wooden box.

"Here comes the Sage, I don't know what is there in that black wooden box," said Lunatok sarcastically.

"Just wait and watch, I am also curious about that thing he is carrying," said Aaron calmly.

As Sage Henlo reached nearer, both Lunatok and Aaron bowed to him and signaled that the work given to them had been already done and showed the group of boulders behind them. Looking at the boulders, Henlo nodded and signaled them to follow him.

"Now, You both must be thinking about the contents this black box holds inside it. Let me tell you some important things before I reveal any details about this box." continued Henlo.

"After the demise of Avatar Korra, as we all know that the portal to the spirit world was left open against the will of many. While the supporters of Avatar still try to control the situation to maintain peace and order, the pink lotus discovered something that changed the way of bending forever." Henlo explained in a serious tone.

"What was that which changed the way of bending?" questioned Aaron.

"The contents of this box are the thing. The Elemental scrolls which first appeared a year ago. We have a strong belief that these scrolls either go here from the spirit world or opposers of Avatar created it. Each scroll contains a specific Elemental technique which when mastered can make a bender three times stronger." answered Henlo maintaining the seriousness in his voice.

"Elemental scrolls and Elemental techniques never heard of them before today. Have you, Lunatok?" asked Aaron looking at Lunatok.

"How would I? I have never gone out of Omashu until a week ago when we escaped," replied Lunatok.

"This Black Box contains one of the Elemental techniques and that too was made by the Earth Sage, Fein. He left this here and so, I brought it here."

"I see, This means this box contains an Earth scroll?" enquired Lunatok.

"Yes, this box contains an Earth elemental scroll. Here take a look, Avatar Aaron," answered Henlo as he passed the box to Aaron.

Aaron took the black box and opened the lid of the box with his right hand to find a green-colored scroll inside it. He gave the box to Lunatok while holding onto the scroll. Aaron slowly unfolded the scroll and took a deep breath before looking at the contents written on the scroll.

[Earth Elemental Technique: Stone Barrier]

[Description: Stone Barrier is an Earth elemental technique, when used can grant the power of Earth to the User. An invisible barrier  is created around the user for twenty seconds and when hit by anything can reflect the thing with twice its strength.]

"This technique seems pretty decent to me. When we are surrounded by enemies, this technique can save us." acknowledged Aaron.

"Same here, I want to learn this technique. So,  I can defeat the military who took our Omashu." agreed Lunatok.

"This is not as easy as you think. You both must unlock your Earth Chakra which would help you in mastering this technique. This technique would show opposite results if you try to master it now because both of your bodies are weak and do not have enough energy." warned Henlo.

"How do we unlock the Earth Chakra?" asked Aaron.

"This would be easy for Aaron as in his previous lives he had mastered all the elements but, the same cannot be said for you, Lunatok," replied Henlo.

"I am ready to do anything and everything to unlock my Earth Chakra and master the elemental technique, Guide me Master." said a determined Lunatok.

"Same goes for me. I would do anything and everything to unlock my Chakra and learn the Earth technique." agreed Aaron.

"I must warn you about one thing. If you start unlocking your Chakras, you cannot stop until you unlock all your Chakras. Also, You should first master the Fire before unlocking your chakras and learning the Earth technique." explained Henlo.

"I understand what you said, Sage Henlo. I would focus on training my fire element before doing anything else."

"What should I do till Aaron masters the Fire element?" questioned Lunatok while pointing a finger at himself.

"You and I would train the Avatar and I must warn you Aaron, that the training won't be as easy as you think," answered Henlo.

"I am ready for anything and would try to do everything in my power."

"Enough talking, Let's begin the training. Jump over the top of the last boulder," ordered Henlo.

Aaron without replying jumped over the first boulder and hopped to the second one. He continued to hop and jump until he reached the top. The sight was magnificent as Aaron saw the sun drowning over the horizon, his mind was calm and his soul was determined to begin the training.

"Shall we begin the training right now?" shouted Aaron while cupping his mouth with both his hands.

"It's time now, Young Avatar. You must begin your new life from now on and when the time comes, You will announce your Arrival to the Whole World and I am watching until that time comes. You would clear the name of Avatar Korra and correct the mistakes she did. I believe in you, Avatar Aaron." Henlo said softly as he gazed at the silhouette of Aaron.


This is the Author. The next chapter is up now and I hope you enjoyed reading it. More will be uploaded soon.

Also, two chapters of Naruto: The Tale of the Yellow Flash will be published later today. So, I ask you to check that as well.


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