
Avatar the last Airbender: 2nd Coming of the Avatar

CMan367 · TV
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71 Chs

Chapter 15: Problems

Seeing the group of grown men come into the inn not paying attention as I head back to the table.

As I sat a loud voice could be heard all throughout the inn.

"Show your self boy!" as all the people turn their heads to the group of men.

Wondering what could they want soon the leader of the group of boys that I beat came in.

He then began to point his hand at me as everybody looked at me wondering what I did.

Not knowing that the boy that I beat was the son of the leader of the guards protecting the village.

"How dare you beat my son and his friends in the public I will break your arms and legs as I make you crawl out of this village tonight".

Hearing the threat the man gave me I rushed at him surprising everybody.

As I jumped from table to table kneeing the man in the face and knocking him down as blood as I rushed from his nose

I then kicked the boy in the neck once again as he began to cry and roll on the ground.

Seeing that his son was attacked and knocked down by a boy the same boy that attacked him.

The man's pride was hurt as vain could be seen on his red face.

Pulling out his blade and the rest of the men pulling their blades as well.

Knowing that I could not leave without hurting the people in front of me.

Getting in my stance I let the men rush at me as they did.

Two of the men came swinging at me one at my neck and the other at my body.

As I spun in mid-air right in between their attack going behind them and hitting their pressure points making them fall to the ground immobilized.

Seeing their friends fall to the ground by the young man they rushed at him trying to land a hit.

As Jack dodges every attack not letting them get scratched on him he began to grab one of the weapons from the men on the ground and held it.

Tried of the fight knowing that the rest of his stay in the village was ruined he decided to finish it quickly before more men come.

Holding the back side of the sword he swung it at one of the men's back neck knocking them out.

Leaving the leader last as he got closer to the man he began to tremble as threats left his mouth.

"I will remember your face and report you to the Earth Nation's law enforcement as you become a wanted man"

"But if you surrender now I'll try to make it a light punishment".

Seeing how bold the man was I told him: " For threats to work you must either have incredible backing or great power to back up your statements seeing that you don't have either it won't work on me".

Getting closer to the man I was right in front of his face as I swung the back of the sword with full force breaking the man's bone that was holding the blade.

As he began to hold his arm as he let out one loud scream not wanting to hear his voice anymore I kicked his face hard enough to knock him out.

As everybody saw me defeat four of their village gourds they began to step away from me getting closer to one another.

Seeing that my time here was done I went to the clerk to see if I could get my money back.

Seeing that she was scared of me and most likely viewed me as a villain I left for my room.

James leaving from the crowd fallowing me knowing that he would get arrested because of entering with Jack.

Asking what to do I told James to pack your things we leaving tonight before any more problems come.

As we rushed into our rooms and packed our stuff I whistle for Dhara as she pops her head.

Jumping from the window the three of us left in the dark to the edge of the village.

Seeing torches enter the inn I knew it was the other guards coming for me.

I grabbed James and picked putting him on my back I told Dhara to speed up as we ran through the night.

Not stopping till I believe we left their searching range of the village getting further away.

Believing that we were safe I put James down as we walked through the night.

Stopping by a cave and entering as I shut the cave just in case.

We soon began to sleep the rest of the night.

Waking up first I opened the cave as the sunlight came shining in waking up James and Dhara.

Telling them to let's move as we followed the trail on the map for the next few days.

Coming upon a forest as we got deeper in we realized it was a swap.

Walking on the large roots of the trees Dhara warped around me not trying to get wet.

As we walked I felt something wrong as if someone or something was watching us.

Looking at James to see if he felt something but the only thing I could tell was him trying to avoid the swap water.

Looking around I saw something red but as I looked at it again it despaired every time.

Not letting James know so he won't get scared I told him to stay put as I left him with Dhara telling her to protect James.

Chasing the red figure not being able to catch up to it I went back to James and Dhara.

Seeing no end of this forest I created a high rise of the earth underneath the swap as we went past the trees.

I saw the edge of the forest a few miles north returning back to the ground we went north.

Seeing the end of the frost as we walked out I had the urge to turn around.

As I did I saw the red figures I was chasing but this time it was much clear it was a red spirit with red markings throughout its body.

Looking back at James to see if he saw the same his eyes began to water asking if he was ok.

He said no I saw a bald young man with blue arrows destroying my cabbage cart.

Hearing blue arrows I knew he saw an Avatar.

Confirming if he saw blue arrows he said yes I'll never forget a face if they destroyed my cabbages as rage began to show on him.

I asked for a description he said a young man around his late teens with air nomad clothing with a baby face.

Hearing air nomad clothing I remember that all air nomads were killed at the beginning of the war by the fire nation from the book.

Wondering if what we saw was an illusion or something spiritual I began to think.

Soon my head started to hurt not being able to process what I was thinking I put it at the back of my head.

Flowing the trail for the next week we saw a large town almost five times bigger than Bi village.

Seeing a sign saying Welcome to Gaoling.